I Really Want To Lose Some Weight Fast Any Tips

Tips for a 14 year old boy to lose weight fast?

my dads on the atkins diet and he is loosing weight mega fast! but at 14 i think you should just carry on dancing no matter what people say and running and swimming are also great ways :) also drinking water and a balanced diet is really important.
i can see why you want to lose weight because of what other people think and your parents taking the mick is just horrible so you should deffo talk to them about it and ask them to stop.
as for your ideal weight, when your happy with yourself then your at your ideal weight, you dont want to be to thin just enough to be happy with yourself :) good luck

How can a 17 year old male lose weight fast?

well, i d say, workout the better version of what u really like. I like cereal with milk. When tryin 2 lose weight, I tried sugar free, low carb cereal with fat free milk/skim milk. Also switched bread from white to wheat. Cereal bars to rice cakes or protein bars. Sodas to water/no cal-no sugar juices, and also included atleast 8-10oz water intake with every meal/snack. I wud suggest healthy eatin all thru the day, not juz with snacks. If u r already doin it, gr8, keep at it. U ll c results in 2-3months. Do indulge urself with ice-cream, hamburger, etc. But try the smaller versions, like if u were upto eating a gigantic banana split, make it a single scoop instead, triple burger to double and then single. Skip the extra cheese on pizza and go with thin or pan crust. If u like milk shakes, go for the low fat yogurt, instead of icecream. If u go out for a big meal, promise urself u ll eat juz salad 4 ur next meal and stick to it. Dont starve urself, u ll lose the battle and eat more. Instead make healthy choices and you ll see results. Boy, once u c, u ll stick to losing weight. Well, thats what I did and it worked out great for me. I liked this sign, which I printed out and kept everywhere - NOTHING FEELS BETTER THAN BEING THIN FEELS. and that is sooo... true.
Edit- Also workout, If doesnt sound good, then spend more time outdoors, now with summer and all, well, skip the car and go 4 a walk to the diner, if possible with friends... Make everythin seem fun, juz do adjustments... Put on Rambo movie and start workin out, well, Sylvester Stalone, sure wil help u get motivated... lol. Good luck

Dont care if its unhealthy fast way to lose weight?

i really want to lose wight fast if u r gonna tell me to do a healthy thing then dont answer i dont care if it is unhealthy i can do exercise starve myself just tell me how to lose weight fast

I want/need to lose weight, but I can't stop eating?

I'm fat. I know I am because I'm about 40-50 pounds overweight. I want to lose weight so bad and I try to eat well and exercise, but it's so difficult. The exercising part isn't too hard since I've found things I really like to do. But it's the eating that makes me so frustrated with myself.
For example, tonight at 10:30 I decided to eat a huge thing of nachos for no effing reason. I knew it wouldn't be a good idea, but the evil side of myself kept saying "don't worry, this will be the last time and you'll start eating good tomorrow". The moment I put the last chip in my mouth I absolutely regretted eating the nachos...
What can I do to stop this reoccurring cycle of bad eating habits?? This has been happening for the past 5 years and summer is approaching and I'm tired of seeing my downright ugly cottage cheese legs. Please, do you have any tips and suggestions? I really appreciate anything! And please don't just say "uh, just stop eating fatty". Trust me, I say that to myself everyday but it's obviously and sadly not working...

Im 15 and need to lose weight!!!FAST?

I am with you here- trying to lose weight by the time school starts, it's what everyone wants, right?

Listen, the water weight means NOTHING. It won't make you ANY thinner. The water is not fat itself, so sleeping with bags and sweaters is just going to dehydrate you but you won't get in any shape or look any better.

If your portions are a little high, cut them all in half, or slowly start eating less.

Lay off the junk, eat smaller, more frequent meals. Nothing fried. But most importantly EXERCISE. Jog jog jog, jogging is your best friend, but u can really do any cardio u want. If you're a weak runner, jogger, etc, start with intervals. Run for 30 seconds or however long you can run for, then walk for 30, then run, walk, etc. until you can keep things at a steadier pace.

Also, change something to more healthy alternatives: Make all buns and bread whole wheat. Instead of frying, try baking or use olive oil. Drink fat free or organic lowfat milk. Instead of pigging out on something like a piece of cake, grab a nutrition bar- they make ones that taste great, trust me, it will feed your junk craving without actually feeding yourself JUNK!

It's really not that hard, just make small changes to your lifestyle and before you know it those pounds will shed. I'm 5'10 and weight 240 last year now i'm down to 196 with just small changes like that. Don't have to do anything drastic just keep moving and don't overeat. You have to get yourself into a rythm, esp with the exercise, so start slow.

One secret to being thin is, DON'T DEPRIVE YOURSELF COMPLETELY! Because then one day you will pig out on that chocolate or that pan of fries and you will be right back where you started. Just cut things smaller and only indulge, not gobble it all up! Maybe once a week, allow yourself a piece of chocolate or something that you normally can't have when trying to lose weight, so then you're not constantly thinking about having it. It's all about lifestyle changes, and you can't just not have your favorite burger your entire life!

Remember: the key is moderation..

Any tips and tricks on how to lose weight super fast?!?

First, what kind of bone structure do you have? And your height. For a 5'3" woman with a sturdy bone structure, 130 is a healthy weight to aim for. For a petite bone structure at that height, 115 could be better.

As long as you're overweight and trying to lose a few pounds, here you go: 1, build muscle. Put emphasis on protein and weight training, eat healthy foods, but don't increase your calorie intake with the extra activity, unless you feel light headed or dizzy, then ease up. Excercise should not be painful. Uncomfortable, yes, but not painful. Muscles use a lot of calories even when you're resting. That's why you want to build these first. 2, at an appropriate time, stop the weight training: you're not trying to bulk up. Now, focus on a healthy diet with lots of veggies, but still balanced, and keep your calorie count a little lower than what you want. Nothing extreme. The muscle should have eaten up the calories and the fat before this. Muscle is more active than fat, so if strictly dieting, the muscle will be lost first. That's why you have to exercise along with it. Summary: to lose fat, muscle building. To lose weight, dieting. In that order.

What are some ways for a 15 year old to lose weight?

Hello,The absolutely best and easiest way to shred pounds without working out is doing the following 3 steps and staying consistent:1) Delay your breakefast to late afternoon. This will engage you in something called Intermittent Fasting (IF) and is absolutely the best way to lower insulin and increase Human Growth Hormone. The first few days mght be a bit hard but after you'll get used to this and make it a lifestyile, you will be so thankful and it will be so easy. To blunt your morning apetite, drink a bit black coffee or tea. So fast for about 16-20 hours per day and only eat within the 4-8 hour window.2) Avoid all starches, sugars and processed foods, try to eat natural whole foods. Minimize carbon hydrates and only eat them in the form of vegetables and, occasionally, fruits. Carbonhydrates affect your insuline quite a lot, especially fiberless sugars. Insuline is a fat storing hormone and you can not oxidize fat in elevated insulin levels.3) Increase the consumption of healthy fats, such as coconut oil, grassfed butter, cheese, whip cream, avocados, eggs and olive oil etc. Contrary to popular belief, fat does not make you fat because it has a non-existin impact on the insuline. It's great for giving you a satiety feeling during the fast and you will feel much better.If you have the time, go out for 1 hour walks every day and if you have a boyfriend, engage in regular coitus, in order to easier set yourself in a calorie deficit. Do this for 16 weeks and if you don't see results, come and kill me for bullshitting you (I'll give you my address I promise). But, don't stray from this 3-step plan, you have to form it into a habit, a lifestyle. Often, the hard part is not that people don't know what to do, it is the part of actually doing it. The pshycological part is usally what gets the majority. Eating more fat will make this much easier! The key word is consistency.Good luck!