I Saw White And Yellow Light Appears And Fade. Is This Supernatural Light.

What were the glowing birds I saw tonight?

My boyfriend and I were walking the dogs at about midnight tonight. I looked up and saw about 5 to 7 glowing large creatures that looked undeniably like birds. I instantly pointed them out to my boyfriend and we both just stared in awe. They were flying in a pack like birds normally do. there were 3 flying in a triangle formation and 2-4 more flying in a less geometrical pattern. As soon as they started flying out of our sight we ran a very short distance to get a better and longer view but they had disappeared without any trace. They were not that high up, had large wings that flapped very slowly and gracefully, and most importantly, were without doubt glowing and emanating a light gold or yellow/white light. It seemed as if their bodies were light orbs with glowing wings. also, they had no distinctive features or detail other than the large wings and glowing. We live in a suburb of (plantation) Fort Lauderdale, Florida which is densely populated which i am mentioning in case anybody in our area has seen this phenomenon on 3/13/13. Oh and just to clarify we were not drunk or high. Both my boyfriend and I have spent the last couple of hours trying to research on the internet finding many similar occurrences such as ours but no clear-cut explanation. We are open to the possibility that we saw a UFO or mystical/corporeal creature but have nothing similar documented to base that off of. One other story I read on the internet said something about witches but very little explanation so I am wondering if there is anything behind that? When my boyfriend tried to google "ufo bird" two links appear for "ufo/lightning bird" but the caption underneath just says military and scrambled letters and when you clicked on them the page had been taken down so we found that strange. Anything from folklore to truth that might lead me into more research will help please.

What is the spiritual significance of seeing flashes of white light when our eyes are closed, specifically on our way to sleep?

Flashes of light happening when falling asleep are called hypnopompic experiences. When awakening, it is hypnagogic experiendes. In extreme cases we have sleep paralysis (the so called «alien abduction»).(flashes of light happening by day must be considered ophtalmologic emergency, especially if they are on the increase)These things have no intrinsic spiritual significance. However these states are conducive of dream yoga or «astral voyage». The later can feature genuine ESP (it happened once to me).If you are interested, you can meditate this:visualise that you are falling asleep. But consciousness does not disappear, it just sees things as in a moviethings are as in a dream, they happen without your will. But they will follow your visualisation:visualise that you detach from your body, and flee away. You see the surrounding, and when you have enough you just think you are back in your body without trouble (things can be scary the first time it actually happens. Just visualise there is no danger, and you get back in your body simply by thinking you do, withou asking how)visualise that the experience is beautiful. Even the (usually scary) darkness is finally something pleasant to sneak in.Sleep paralysis often shows characters. Theses characters are dreams, but they can be very scary. Just visualise They are nice, friendly, angels, etc. They often entertain us sexually. Just don’t fight, it will change the experience to a rape, but not stop it.Dream yoga is an advanced meditation, which needs years of preliminaries. It is taught in Tibetan Buddhism, as one of the six yogas of Naropa. You can find them mostly in Dhakpo Kagyu and Shangpa Kagyu lineages, or in Vajra Yogini practices.

What happens when you stare into the mirror for too long?

You’d see your face distorting within a minute and after a few minutes you will be able to see strange faces with enigmatic expressions.Hold for 10 minutes and you’d see these strange faces turn demonic. After this the monstrous figures will force you to leave the room as fast as you can.But if you push yourself more than 30 minutes you’d feel that if you turn your face away the reflection would stay there forever staring at you. Go ahead further and I’m sure you’ll go insane and develop extreme spectrophobia.All these are hallucinations and eye illusions which fucks up with your brain which can be harmful for your mental health after more than 30 minutes. I think this shows how creative is our brain and we can take it beyond imaginations by doing this activity. Some psycologists believe by staring like this for a few minutes can improve your concentration and is a way to explore the brain. Some other people who believe in myths say this can unleash a demonic spirit in your house which may posses you making you insane and can also unlock doors to different dimensions. Some superstitious folks also believe that eyes are gateway to incarnations, staring at them can help see your soul and strange faces are of you in your past lives or maybe future.So unless you believe in superstitions or stare for too long it is fine and harmless.

What does a floating eye mean?

Either this dream meant something and or it was your spirit that took a astra travel back to where you use to live.....usually this is one of the many excursions our spirit takes when it travels.....The eye you saw could of been your spirit guide guiding you back into your body, or it's was a reflection of yourself as you were just out of body........or if it was a dream, spirits do come within our dreams to leave messages or in a form of vision.....perhaps it means your spirit guide has been with you, and eye on you since you were a child why your guide would give this message in dream form. They use pictures and visions to communicate in dream form.

What is this strange beam of light in a photo I took of the sky today in Coventry, England?

Well, you took that photo probably at around 11am or 1 pm local time. It may be that standard time deviates from that, though, depending on how exactly local and standard time at that place deviate.How do I know? Very easy: There is a strong light coming down almost vertically from a clouded sky. Using Ockham's razor, the most probable light source from this direction is the sun (somewhat differing from vertical, thus less than one hour before or after local noon). Said light is blocked above almost everywhere but in a small fraction of the sky by clouds. Through said small fraction, light falls on air including much dust or water drops, which scatter said sunlight into your camera.However, explaining the phenomenon does not make the picture less beautiful…

Earth and sun.?

Neither. They both move around the center of gravity of the Sun-Earth System.( The Earth exerts a gravitational attraction on the Sun, just as the Sun does on Earth.)