I Seriously Need Some Help

I seriously need some HELP with this!?

1) I do not see any pronoun problems here.
2) The possessive adjective or pronoun (both terms are used by different grammar books) "their" toward the end of the sentence is incorrect. It must be changed to "its" because it refers back to family. Family is a collective noun. We use it in the singular, even though we know it refers to more than one person just like the word committee. Notice that the verb "has", a singular form, has been used correctly here with family.
3) The word "their" in this sentence must be changed to "his" or "his or her" because "Each member" is singular. If the subject had been "All members", the usage of "their" would have agreed in number. This is one of the most common error made in English, even by highly educated native speakers.
4) Again there is an agreement problem with "child's", which means belonging to or pertaining to ONE child. The reflexive pronoun which refers back to child's must be "himself", "herself" or both.
5) This is a different type of error, a faulty pronoun reference. Because the pronoun "it" appears closest to the word "child", the reader wonders if the writer meant that the child may never be fully understood or if the field of genetics may never be fully understood. To avoide this confusion, this sentence should be rewritten to read, " The working of genetics also strongly influence the child, but this field may never be fully understood."
6) This is an error in the use of the wrong type of "its/it's". The form with the appostrophe is the contraction for it is, not the possessive form of it. Replace it's with its.
7) Again, we must replace their with his, her, or his or her.
8) Two errors: Put a y in everyone and change "their" to "his". It made seem strange to you to think of everyone in the singular, but it does end in one, and we do say "Is everyone going to the party?"
I hope this has helped. I think the reason that so many people struggle with pronouns is that selecting the correct one is based on having a firm foundation in other grammatical principles.

Seriously need help writing my ghost story?

changed it:
hows this:

Still the figure drifted after me, her wheezing moans penetrating my ears. Her slow floating movements becoming more ominous as the minutes ticked by. I stopped, and turned to face her, perhaps I had lost the slow spectre, but no, she was still following me, approaching with her opaque arms outstretched.
How could she have found me, I knew she was dead and yet here she was, rasping breaths drawn out and shuddering, looming behind me, taunting me.
Things from the beyond the grave where unquestionably folk tales, never an ounce of truth between them.
But still, she was here, and she was following me.

Ok I am way behind in physics and seriously need some help. Can you help me?

well working on this answer is very difficult to show and time taking.
dog walking sideways - it waalks in 2 dimensions if it moves from origin to any other pt if taken in plane or in one dimension if it moves along on axis.

Acrobat walikng along a high wire I guess is in 3 dimension since he moves in space. ( accordingly he is in certain hgt from ground)
Submari ne submerging 30 dec with horizondal is a two dimensional.

4k² + 4k - 29 = 0 (I seriously need some help?)?

There will be equal roots when the discriminant = 0.

D = b² - 4ac
(-2(k + 1))² - 4(2k² - 7) = 0

4(k² + 2k + 1) - 8k² + 28 = 0

4k² + 8k + 4 - 8k² + 28 = 0

4k² - 8k - 32 = 0

k² - 2k - 8 = 0
(k + 2)(k - 4) = 0
k = -2 or 4

I SERIOUSLY need help with installing some game files I have on my PC. PLEASE HELP! NOT THAT HARD!?

I have recently acquired a version of the game Rome: Total War. Additionally, these files included: RTW CD1.ISO, RTW CD2.ISO, RTW CD3.ISO, RTW Barbarian Invasion CD1.ISO, RTW Alexander CD1.ISO. Ok, I did as instructed. I installed the RTW CD1, fine... Then CD2, ok...Finally, I installed CD3, still perfect. However, when I did as the instructions told me (they said, open the .exe file given by me, and replace the old one by it), a message appeared saying that I needed to instert CD1 to play, but it was there! The CD was in, but I couldn't play. So I tried installing Barbarian Invasion and Alexander to see if it helped, but I couldn't get to install Alexander because in the installation program a message appeared saying: "Error=-1". What the hell!? Please help... My MSN is, if anyone can help me through it...

Okay I seriously need some help in C++ Extreme dire help!?

I am trying to make a bow tie using "for loops" and yes it has to be using for loops

but I can't get past the stupid triangle I am seriously stressing out over it I would be extremely grateful to anyone that could help me, this is my code for the triangle part:


using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

int a, b, c, e, i, j, k, m, n;

cout << "Type a number: ";
cin >> n;
for (a=e=m=1; n>=a; e++, m++, n--) {

for (b=1; n cout << " ";
for (c=1; 2*e-1>=c; c++)
cout << "*";
cout << endl;

for (i=2; e>i; i++, m--) {
for (j=2; i cout << " ";
for (k=1; (2*(m-2)-1)>=k; k++)

cout << "*";
cout << endl;


SERIOUSLY need some help!! PLease I am desperate!?

This is for Poisonwood Bible discussion question that I am having some trouble with.

What is the significance of the Kikongo word nommo and its attendant concepts of being and naming? Are there Christian parallels to the constellation of meanings and beliefs attached to nommo? How do the Price daughters' Christian names and their acquired Kikongo names reflect their personalities and behavior?

Pretty much I have the first part of the question about the signifiicance of nommo, but I can't think of any Christian parallels to the constellation of meanings and beliefs attached to nommo. Also any help with the names would be greatly appreciated.

I'm 18 and lost. I need serious help or I might commit suicide under this pressure. What can I do?

You should immediately seek counseling.  Now. But if you take the time to read a few thoughts...What would you tell someone who told you this exact story?I always find it interesting when working with career counseling clients who call themselves losers.  When I pose the hypothetical question - "what would you tell your friend/younger sibling... even a stranger in the exact same situation?" the same people who just described themselves as losers provide words of comfort and wisdom.  I then ask: "would you consider yourself lying in this situation?" In other words, when they tell their hypothetical friend: "this too shall pass", "life has meaning through struggles", "have gratitude for what you do have," and so forth, are they lying?  "No. I would be telling the truth."It often takes them a moment to understand the import of what they just said to me.   The truth of your situation lies with what you would tell your friend.  With hope, you would be far kinder to him that you are to yourself.Nonetheless, at the moment, your rational mind might be spinning out of control.  In such times, speaking with an outsider is critical.  Do so now - your friend/relative/teacher.  Anyone.  Please seek help.My best to you.

I need some help. I seriously don't get this. I normally get Chemistry but for some reason, I don't know.?

Hi there,
A few things about chemistry... all the elements in a column tend to have the same/similar properties. This is because they have the SAME NUMBER of VALENCE ELECTRONS (this is important).

1) Answer = Calcium. Because Calcium falls in the same column as Berylium, therefore it has same number of valence electrons (and similar properties as Berilium. Please see "link 1" below.

2) Answer = Sulfur. (For the same reason... It falls in the same column as Oxygen... same # of Valence Electrons)

3) Top to Bottom, Size Increases. Remember Francium is the biggest element, helium the smallest. The bigger atoms have electrons orbiting further away from them (that's what makes them big). Please see "link 2," and "link 3" listed below.

4) Si, P, S because ionization energy (the amount of energy required to remove an electron) increases up and to the right. Please see "link 4." Francium, the biggest element, has electrons that are very easy to remove since they are far away from the center. The smaller elements require more energy to strip the electron away, since the electron is much closer to the atomic center

5) Please see "link 3." If you add an extra electron to an element (denoted by the negative sign), the atomic radius gets bigger. So then, between the elements F and Cl, the Cl with the extra electron is bigger than the others.