I Started My Period Two Days Ago And Its Been Two And Half Days Of Pain And I Want To Get Rid Of It

I had sex last month and got my periods after 2 days of it but this month I am 6 days late, is it possible to be pregnant?

Okay so honey you need to go to the doctor. Period. Do not waste time to go get a stupid at home test. They aren't always right. I've been pregnant 7 times and all of the home tests were negative. It wasn't until I began to miscarry that I would go to the doctor and end up in more pain than I thought possible so the 7th time I was finally smart enough to go to the doctor even though the home test said negative. I now have a 14 month old daughter because I finally figured out home tests don't work worth crap. If you have even a small feeling you might be pregnant go to the doctor their tests are going to be far more accurate than a stupid home test. 9/10 when a woman thinks something is wrong with her body she's right.

Can I be pregnant if I got my period two days after I had sex?

More on problem- I had sex for the first time and we used a condom which didn't break visibly, and I got my period two days later. It was slightly lighter than normal, however uterus pieces were definitely coming out and it was still heavy. It has been a month as I have gone on birth control because of my stress and anxiety over getting pregnant, yet now I am experiencing abdominal pain, bloating, gassiness, and a sore throat. Is there a chance I'm pregnant?

What helps period cramps go away faster?

For me, personally, it hasn't been medication, it's been water. Since I first got my period when I was 10, I've always had horrible horrible cramps. Like, In bed for the first two days of every period because I can't even stand up because of the pain. Spending hours daily crying from my cramps. And when I had to be put on hormone meds because of some health problems, my Cramps just got worse.But because of my hormone meds, it's given me really dry mouth so I started drinking a lot of water, like A LOT of water. And about a year ago, I had been drinking almost 100 oz of water a day. One month last year, a few days before my period was supposed to start, I was drinking even more water than that. When I got my period, I didn't have any cramps. Usually the first two days are the worst and I spend all day In bed for cramps. But for the first time since In 11 years, I hadn't had any cramps at all the whole duration of my period. It was crazy.So I drank that much water the following month before and during my period, and I had no cramps again.So I decided to test my theory, and I didn't drink that much water the following month and I had really bad cramps again. Like In bed and couldn't move, type of cramps.So now I drink like a ton of water before I start my period. More water than I normally drink during the day. And when I stay on top of drinking water, I get very little to no cramps. When I don't drink as much water, I get cramps.I barely have to take midol anymore when I'm on my period. I just drink water non stop during the day.

How painful can periods be?

They can be worst, just worst!!The period pain has all different shades…..>The physical pain:Imagine someone stabbing you in the stomach and twisting the knife.To get out of the bed when your lower abdomen hurts like….. * drinking a two-liter bottle of Mountain Dew and then running a 10 km, and then being kicked in the lower abdomen.*Yeah! That’s cramps.No, trust me I’m not exaggerating .I seriously take painkillers like oxygen on those days , and by mistake if you forget the packet then be ready to spend the whole day either in washroom crying or in the infirmary listening to the lectures of the teacher in charge there on being responsible.(well, i prefer the washroom :P )The pre-mentrual pain lasts for about 2 days before the actual period time and then arrives those first 4 big biiiiiig days of periods where you really wanna kill just anyone out there with a knife :P :P .>The psychological and emotional pain:After sitting down when you get up and it feels like freaking Niagara falls.When you want to hit everyone…… in face……with a shovel.You cry just for small reasons like your brother got you water 2 minutes late.When you get those mind roller-coasters, no not mind swings but roller coasters :PWhen someone corrects you and you feel like shoving a wii remote in their throat.You feel like you wanna stab “there” for like 600 times.Everybody is annoying no matter what they do .When the teacher doesn’t allow you to go to the washroom , and you wanna scream like really hard “I’M ON MY PERIODS OKAY!! “When that stupid pad/ tampon ads arrive and girls in them are happy:/ like really!!When you feel okay i’m finally done and you take out your pad/ tampon and 5 min later you realize no , not at all.So hell yeah we undergo war in ourselves in these 5 days!!

Period Cramping but no period, Brown/Pink/Dark red watery spotting, 1 week late, pregnant? Please answer?

Possibly. But you've really got to test again. Those home pregnancy test accuracies are under ideal circumstances. Concentrated urine, and you're absolutely sure when you ovulated. Most women I know didn't get an accurate reading until a few days after they were late. Good luck.

My boyfriend came in me 8 days after my period....?

so my boyfriend came in me 8 days after my period, but i have been having lower back pains really badly and this happened like a week and a half ago. I just dont know what the pains from.. could i be pregnant?

o and please if you dont have anything nice to say dont give me an answer, because i really just need an answer not for someone to be rude to me i kow it was a stupid mistake i just need an answer to my qestion though.

Why am i cramping if i had my period 2 weeks ago?

You're ovulating. Ovulation will cause you to have cramps and make your boobs hurt. An egg just burst out of your ovary and realeased a ton of hormones. You'll be fine. Its normal. You may also sometimes get a short sharp pain in your back or pelvis on one side of your abdomen. That is the egg coming out of your ovary. You ovulate from a different ovary every month. They switch back and forth. (people who have fraternal twins ovulate from 2 ovaries at the same time)