I Stress Myself Way Too Much

Why do I put myself under so much stress?

There is no way for us to know specifically why you do something. I wish I could answer this better question - what steps can I take to reduce the amount of stress I cause myself.To know why you do something is going to take some time with a counselor to talk through the situations that you have experiences, the pressures people are putting on you as well as those pressures you are putting on yourself, etc.But think about this - assume that today, you were miraculously able to determine the exact reasons why you put yourself under so much stress. Without a life style change - a change in the way you think, etc. - that stress continues.So the subsequent question - and the heart of the unasked question of “what can I do so I am not under so much stress” will need to be answered next.Hopefully a counsellor will be able to walk you through the process of answering that question as well.

I keep stressing myself out way too much...?

There are many ways to try to handle stress.

Here are a few:

1) Stop everything you are doing and go do some exercise. Swimming, jogging, running... anything to exert yourself so you stop thinking about what stresses you.

2) Stop what you are doing. Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Maybe put some meditation music on the PC. Now think about what stresses you and why it does.

3) Stop what you are doing and give yourself a little break. Do something you enjoy.

4) Speak to someone about how you feel and ask him if he ever felt the same way. How did he get over it?

Good luck.

I am so stressed, that i want to kill myself!!!!?

okay so I am 19 years old, and i have been going through alot of problems. First of all my dad has been giving me so much stress we live in a 3 bedroom house, and now one of his friend started living here with us even though we do not have enough space. Now I'm hearing that my dads friends family is going to come live with us too.. I mean i go to college I'm already having so much stress from school i need myspace and time to study, and if his family starts living at my house where am i going to sleep? I try talking to my dad but nothing works. I just dont know what to do, i have no privacy in my own house, and already having too much problem in college, plus my brother messed up my car. someone plz give me some good advice or else the only thing i see is killing myself, because im tired of so much drama.

I'm under a lot of stress, and I find that I've been talking to myself too much lately, is there anything wrong with me?

Not at all.The only time you need to worry is if you're having full-on conversations with yourself. If it's just a few words here and there, you're fine.Albert Einstein used to talk to himself. People who talk to themselves tend to not actually be crazy as people claim but in fact are more likely to be geniuses. There's an article on it here: People Who Talk To Themselves Aren't Crazy, They're ... - Elite DailyDaniel Swigley and Gary Lupyan actually did some studies into it. For example an experiment where they asked subjects to search for objects in a supermarket. The ones who repeated the objects out loud to themselves were much more likely to find the objects later on. Details on the study are here: Self-directed speech affects visual search performance - PsychologyBabies and children mimic adults by repeating what they say before they know what the words mean. It is all part of learning and re-affirming to yourself certain how the world works. Later on, kids will talk to themselves when they're playing alone etc. Psychologists call it ‘private speech’. There's some info on Brighthub: Language Development: Why Do Young Children Talk to Themselves ... :As I mentioned before, Albert Einstein amongst many others have used ‘private speech’ themselves. It works in the same way as with children, although obviously what you are saying and talking about are on more complex issues and situations than children. For example, something bad happens and you say softly to yourself something like “I’m not letting that happen again.” you're re-affirming it to yourself. It helps.Since you are stressed, your brain is helping you through these times you're going through, helping you deal with stressful situations. Hence the talking to yourself. Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with you at all.If on the other hand, you are talking to yourself for prolonged periods of time, then consult a doctor. They are the only ones that can tell you for 100% sure if you have a problem.

I have way too much stress for my age...?

A lot of things are going wrong, and when I'm alone by my self at home, I freak out. I can't stop thinking about all the bad things going on. I feel like punching a wall, I have way too much stress for a 14 year old. My parents are expecting me to but my own ticket for my trip, I can't get a job because I'm too young for anything where I live. There is no yeard work to do for other people in the middle of summer, considering I don't own a lawn mower or a weed wacker. Most of my issues right now, I can't stop thinking about and I seriously feel like tearing down a house. Everyone's voice makes me super mad. I won't get a counselor, and I really don't think answers like "Just give up." or "just stop thinking about it" will help right now. I have a hobby but I can't get out of bed in the morning and I can't sleep no matter how long I hold my eyes shut. I'm seeking some really good answers please!

How do I deal with putting too much pressure on myself?

Your definition of “Too much pressure” probably won’t match mine. Only you will know when you are under too much pressure and only you can change it. Everybody has a set point for stress and pressure. If you think yours has been reached you can: change companies, ask to be relieved of a stressful task or position, move to a less expensive home, stop seeing a stressful person ( friend or family or lover) who makes you feel that way. Lessen your perfectionism and your desire to be the best. Yes, you won’t find that easy but the stakes are high— your health and well-being.And do consider counseling if you can’t ease up on your own.

How is the way to reduce stress?

You can do yoga, aroma theraphy, sit in a tub full of warm water, lis-
ten to some music, meditate, read, cross-stitch, etc.

How do I calm myself without unnecessary tension and stress?

Hello :) I've dealt with chronic anxiety and the best solution to it is a quote which goes - The best cure for paranoia is to be in the now. This is what I do to stay calm. Very cliché, but clichés are so for a reason. Start with meditation. Download an app like Calm, Headspace and start with something as small as five minutes. It only gets better, I promise. But you've to do it atleast thrice a week for starters and you'll be hooked on. Workout. Get some endorphins running. Enough said. Deal with your thoughts head on, one thought at a time. See what about it scares or worries you. Don't dwell too deep, just enough to get you an attitude of 'So what?' I find it easy and empowering when I think, 'Okay, so what's the worst that can happen?' You'll see that most things are not really worth the worry we take. Choose to be happy. When you wake  up in the morning, or in any moment infact, tell yourself that you can ~choose~ to feel better. Know that you've a choice not to feel better. It works very well for me. When I've had bouts of anxiety and I'm exhausted, I tell myself "I don't have to be happy right now. I can stay sad". This by far makes me feel calmer the fastest way. Reverse psychology, I believe?! Have a day off just to yourself often. I take them every 15 days. Do anything that makes you feel good. Netflix and chill? Hell yes. Sleep all day? Yes. Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. But be smart about procrastination. ;) Distract yourself, like,  answer on Quora. Give yourself long term goals and figure out short term ones to get to them. Narrow it down to everyday things you can do to get nearer to your dream every day. Then you'll see there's more to life than  being nerves. Have a collection of quotes that make you feel better. Have an affirmation. Say, "This too shall pass" and it will.  Seek clinical help if it's overwhelming you. Therapy, even a few sessions can make you feel a lot better :) Just do your research and go to a good one :) Hope this helps, good luck to you!

My parents stress me out way too much?

I just got my drivers license recently and my parents are already stressing me out about paying for everything like insurance. When my sister got her license she was never told to even help pay. She even crashed one of our cars which is the one i drive now and she never even got asked to pay or even help with the repairs which was around 3 grand. And driver lessons which was also expensive. Im the kind of kid who never ask my parents to buy me ****. They think that im a lazy **** around the house, but honestly im not they just never see me do **** at home cuz they dont come home until like 8. They always compare me to my sister who they think is the complete opposite of me. They think that im a useless piece of ****. For example they always think that my sister is helpful by just refilling water for my grandparents who is too old too do it by themselves. What my parents dont know is that i use to do that by myself and carry all the 5 gallon container to the water filling station by walking and carry them back one by one. My sister drives and she still asks for help when my grandparents ask her to do it. She even ******* tells my parents and makes me sound worthless. My parents nags about it to often. This stresses me out so much cuz im just trying my best to help around and after all i do i get called lazy. I usually cant take stress that good cuz in turn violent and take all my anger out in school and i would always start fights. Now i try to keep all the anger and stress to myself. By doing this sometimes i would really feel depressed. I started smoking weed the end of my junior year. Now i just do it to forget about everything that's bothering me. Also my mom always nags at me for always sleeping. I only sleep alot because i go to the gym to body build 1 and a half hour six tomes a week. Its my priority for now and i do it because its my summer break and my mom thinks that im just being lazy im about to be a senior and i hope the stress does not bother me at school. I just dont really know a way to handle this the right way