I Think I Broke My Pinkie Toe

I think my pinky toe is broke?

if you can move it it isnt broke you might of perhaps carked the bone or sprained it badly eat ice cream it will make you feel better and rest the foot untill its better

I think I Broke my Pinkie Toe, And In lots of Pain and 33 weeks Pregnant...?

The broken toe should not effect the pregnancy expect make you more uncomfortable then you already are. Plus your balance is already off so you need to be extra careful walking around.

Soak it in ice to keep the swelling down and if you have ace bandages you can wrap your foot (which is pretty much all they would do in the ER anyway, just for a lot more money.)

I hit my pinkie toe on the door frame I think it's broken but my entire foot is purple. should i go to the dr?

The same happened to the ring finger my left hand once. I sandwiched it when the door was closing. It was red and turned purple in the morning. I left it as it was. Day - by - day that nail was getting very shaky. One fine day when I was playing cricket without gloves (my mistake), the ball hit that finger and when I looked at it (Gross sight!), the whole nail was gone exposing the skin beneath! It grew back in the normal color and has been fine since.

I took a very big risk not going to the doc, but I suggest you don't do the same (breaking the nail, then growing it back). Just take a small trip for safety.

My boyfriend thinks he broke his pinky toe...what can he do to stop it from hurting?

fyi:it happened on the corner of the bed..he was walking and his foot went around the corner but his pinky toe got stuck on the corner.
ALSO: is there a way to tell if it is really broken or just sprained?

How do you still work out with a broken pinky toe?

I’ve broken my pinky toe before, and for at least a week after the injury, I found it extremely uncomfortable just to walk, and I had to wear flip flops during that time because wearing any type of closed-toe shoes was extremely painful.I don’t recall how long it took before I was able to start exercising again, but I think it was at least two or three weeks, and even then I had to be very careful for a while not to do anything to reinjure it before it was fully healed.My advice is not to do any lower body training until you can walk comfortably on the injured foot. Taking a break and letting the injury heal properly is much better than trying to train through it and possibly making the injury worse.

How can I tell if my pinky toe is broken?

On the outset, it’s impossible to tell if you’ve got a broken baby toe (pinky toe) just by assessing your case with the help you find online. Go to the nearest hospital/ clinic and meet a doctor. Explain your symptoms and have your foot x-rayed. That’s the only procedure to be sure if it’s a broken toe or not.Take my case: I had accidentally stubbed my toe to the wall the other night while going to the bathroom. There was mind boggling pain when it happened. But afterward (nearly 10 hrs later) - I only experienced mild, nearly non-existent pain and swelling, with absolutely no difficulty walking (except for a slight shift) or bearing weight upon the damaged toe. I was able to bend and buck my toe just fine. I was not entirely OK with the discomfort experienced but it wasn’t severe, or anything. I could walk, dance and go about my routine. It wasn’t until I paid a visit to an Orthopaedician/ had my foot x-rayed that an underlying fracture was discovered. The Doc traced the fracture line in the toe (on the x-ray) for me to see for myself. My experience is a testimony that you won’t always have the symptoms indicated online for a broken toe: throbbing, pain, swelling, broken nail shaft, discolored nail or bruised skin etc.I agree with Maya Deva Kniese. There is no better way to get this right than to visit an Orthopaedician. The sooner, the better. Good luck.

How do you treat a broken pinky toe?

There is no real treatment for a broken toe. The best thing to do is (using medical tape that can be purchased at any pharmacy) tape the broken toe to the toe next to it. This will offer stability to the broken toe. Keeping your foot elevated and using ice will also help with discomfort. Take ibuprofen if you're able.

I think i broke my toe.. what kind of doctor should i go to?

fell down as i was walkind down the steps in my house.. lol (wearing flip flops.. i flopped and then i flipped) anyway my toe now looks like a ripe mango and i am i PAIN. the emergency room was useless.. they said i fractured it but i needed to see my primary doctor asap (great).. they wrapped it.. and gave me some anti-inflammatory meds. what kind of doctor do i go to to have surgery to repair the damage? podiatrists.. or an orthopedic surgeon? thanks in advance for your answers. =)