I Think I Fractured A Knuckle Help

Did I fracture my knuckle for my ring finger?

It sounds like you've fractured the head of your 4th metacarpal. You need a doctor and an X-ray at the very least. Perhaps more.You may well escape without needing much treatment but that depends on an examination of your hand, the X-ray and the degree of angulation and rotation of the fracture. If the bone heals with any significant deviation it can affect the movement of that finger for the rest of your life. We tend not to muck around with hand injuries.

Sprained or Fractured Knuckle?

Hi Emily,

Sorry to hear the grim news. That grainy feeling you have described is called grating. In any event you have fractured your joint [ based on your comparison ]. If it was sprained, your knuckle would not be
abnormal. Hope you did not attempt to move it manually or actively. To reduce the swelling we need to apply an ice pack for 15 minutes with hand resting on a surface. Remove ice for 13 minutes & re apply ice. Repeat on and off until ice melts. This will be an excellent reason to visit your general physician for proper care & treatment [ probably a cast ]. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

How long will my fractured knuckle hurt?

If you badly broke it you would be in a lot more pain and would have had a lot of swelling. If you did break your knuckle it would likely only be a hairline fracture. Usually, bones heal themselves if they are not badly broken. The problem is you move your knuckles around a lot so it might not be healing as quickly as possible. Assuming you don't have a job that requires you to work a lot with your hands I would try splinting the area for a week and see if it feels better. I doubt it will hurt forever though.

How can i tell if my knuckle is broken or fractured ?

why did you punch a brick wall? and i think its broken

I think I broke or ruptured my knuckle, do I need to see my doctor?

if it's a small pain, it's not likely broken, so that's the good news. quite likely that you bruised the joint quite a bit or even shifted it a little. putting ice on it can help with the swelling (which in turn will help the pain). once the swelling goes down, you'll be able to find out more of what the joint's condition is. being swollen will also give it that rubbery feeling. when it feels a bit better, try some range of motion movements to test it out & keep it flexible. if you have major pain, of course, you should see your doctor. from your description, i'm guessing it's not broken. i've had a few & they usually hurt bad enough to take out the guesswork. broken knuckles are kind of weird to treat...they're not like straight bones which can be straightened & put in a cast. when my husband broke one of his knuckles, his whole hand swelled up & he was in a cast for several weeks. if it's not noticeably better in the next couple days or if the swelling doesn't go away, then call the doc & have it checked. while the bones might not be broken, you don't want to leave other possible injuries on their own for long either.

Can cracking your knuckles cause you to dislocate/fracture your fingers?

No, but it can become an addicting habit.

Cracking your knuckles is neither harmless nor desirable. The arthritis connection may be an old wives' tale, but cracking your knuckles can hurt your hand in other ways, and there's no benefit to it. Some students crack their knuckles after writing a great deal, but cracking knuckles isn't a solution for writer's cramp. Instead, take a break, and bend and stretch out your fingers a few times.

Kids may develop a habit of cracking their knuckles because they like the sound. The "crack" comes because of a change in the synovial fluid, the lubricant that bathes the joints. When finger bones are suddenly stretched apart, the space between the joints widens, and an air bubble forms in the synovial fluid. The bubble quickly bursts and makes a sharp sound.

Nature did not intend us to repeatedly stretch the ligaments of the finger joints. I found two medical articles that talked about patients who had injured their hands from knuckle cracking. One over-stretched his ligaments and dislocated his fingers. Another partially tore the ligament in her thumb

What does cause arthritis? There are many kinds of arthritis, but the most common, osteoarthritis, is a function of age and genetic predisposition. If you X-ray hands of people age 65, 70 percent will have arthritis. Osteoarthritis tends to be a bit worse in the dominant hand.

The bottom line: While cracking knuckles may not get you arthritis faster, it won't win you many fans and might injure those fingers in other ways. So it's best not done

Do I have a busted, fractured or broken knuckle?

About a couple of years ago I tried to beat up a wall. Unfortunately I did not win this fight. Anyways, the next several days my pinkie knuckle was bruised and a bit swollen, but nothing that really concerned me much. I just expected it to heal perfectly in time. Unfortunately, it did not completely heal. When I open my hand now as wide as I can, my pinkie knuckle will still hurt a little bit, not much, but there is some discomfort that I do not feel with my other pinkie knuckle when I do this. Also, when I open up my hand, right above the messed up pinkie knuckle I'll see these thick folds on the skin, This is not the case with my good pinkie knuckle. I never thought of going to the doctor as I've always expected it to heal completely and I don't have insurance right now so going to the doctor for this isn't really on my immediate to do list. Could anyone please let me know what's wrong with my pinkie knuckle and is there anything that I can do on my own to make it better?

How can you tell if you broke your knuckle?

my brother and i were messing around and he told me to punch him so i did and he blocked it with the hardest part of his palm and i couldnt move my hand for a while. that was a couple of months ago. i just punched a door a couple of times yesterday with the same hand and today i was trying to paint and after a while it hurt so bad. i couldnt bend my fingers back as far as im supposed to be able to and i could hardly hold onto the roller. could i have broken my knuckle? should i go to the hospital?

What do i need to do if i broke a knuckle? Could it just be sprained?

Because there are many different types of injury that can occur to the knuckle, determining whether or not it’s broken is the first step to getting better. Below are some of the most common symptoms for this kind of damage. As a note, although these are typical indicators, there are times when a knuckle may be fractured or broken and no signs exist.

Immediate and intense pain in and around the knuckle
Deformity in the appendage, whether toes or fingers
Minor to major degrees of swelling in and around the joint
Over time, bruising may appear
Numbness or dull pain in the finger

If a broken joint is suspected, it is important to seek the aid of a health professional quickly. In most cases, he or she will be able to reset the broken knuckle and repair the damaged caused by breakage with little effort. In minor instances, all that is usually required for treatment is that of a splint and low dose pain medication.

If you experience knuckle breakage and cannot get to a doctor right away, there are some first aid techniques to use until you get help.

Immediately splint the break with a firm, small board and whatever roping material you may have. Be sure not to tie the restraint too tight as this may cut off circulation and remember that swelling will occur quickly.

Apply a cold compress, ice, or bag of frozen vegetables to the finger that is broken.

Try to keep the finger above heart level until you can get help.

How to wrap a broken knuckle?

Only an xray can reveal the fracture. Ice it for 20-minute periods during the first 24 hours + total rest. Elevate the hand above the heart level will reduce swelling. Switch to hot packs or soaks for 20 minutes three times a day thereafter. NO exercise for the hand. Fractures take 8-10 weeks recovery.

Wrap by winding elastic bandage comfortably tight (not over-tight) completely around all 4 knuckles to prevent using the fingers/knuckles. If not eased in 7 days, see a Walk-in Doc.