I Think My Cats A Bit

What happens if your cat eats cheese because I think my cat is puking because of cheese?

Normally a bit of cheese here and there should have little effect, just remember cats are generally “allergic” (struggle to digest it) to cow’s milk so even if they dont puke, it can give them diarrhoea. Cat’s cannot taste salt like we do, and they can often overeat on cheese and then simply vomit it all out from all the salt. cheese in small amounts every blue moon should not do them much harm, but generally speaking, it has little to no legitimate place in their diets and is best avoided. Cats are often attracted to a variety of arb crap that they should not eat simply because they can smell the fat in it (chocolates, potato ships, cheese, milk, yoghurt, butter, icecream made from vegetable fat, some LOVE coconut oil - but cats are obligate carnivores, we know they cant really digest carbs and cow’s milk gives them the runs, on top of that they cant taste salt or sugar very well so can stuff themselves on beef jerkey just to end up vomiting all over the place). Their instincts tell them anything fatty or oily should be “good” for them but the soy bean oil in a tin of sardines is in fact pretty badd ass for them.

My cat got bit by a mouse?

Haha, how ironic!
You really don't have to do much. Animals heal a lot faster than humans do, because we have pampered ourselves and made ourselves weak because of so many medications and things like that, while animals recover without any of that. The bite will definitely go away.
The mouse might of had parasites or diseases in it, NOT rabies. Rodents don't get rabies. If you see that the bite stays there, or gets swollen or red or starts bothering your cat, then take her to the vet. Wait 1-3 days for these results. If nothing happens then just ignore it, your cat will get better by herself.
Good luck!

I think my cat can't smell good :(?

What a wonderful person you are to rescue this kitten and you care! You took her to the vet and you are researching information for her. You are a good person.

Personally, I would let the vet know what she is doing and see if they can suggest anything. As long as she is eating and you are able to get all of the other medical issues under control. I would not worry about this if she is an indoor cat. Cats fair much better on a wet cat food diet and wet cat food is usually strong smelling. The main thing you would want to watch for is any further medical issues with her asthma, anemia, gingivitis, fungus, etc. If she is eating, drinking, playing and seems content, seriously no worries.

I would be concerned if she is outdoors because an outdoor cat is not as protected unless in an enclosure. She would need all of her senses to ensure some form of ability to be on alert for dangers.

Hope this helps.

Why do I want to bite my cat?

Oh my god! Finally! Someone besides me and my little sister does this too! I have always wondered why I want to bite them, especially when they “chicken” ( tuck their front paws under their chest and lay on their bellies). They look like little roasted chickens! Mine has never minded me lightly biting them.I’m glad I’m not the only odd one!

I think my cat ate a little chocolate, please help!?

The reason chocolate is harmful to cats and dogs is the ingredient theobromine. Dark chocolate or baking chocolate contains the most, where milk chocolate and "white chocolate" contains less. Theobromine is harmful because cats and dogs cannot digest this as quickly as humans, and theobromine can stay within the bloodstream for as long as 30 hours. Because of this, cats and dogs get theobromine poisoning due to chocolate. How harmful it is depends on the type of chocolate and the size of the pet. as little as 4 oz. of milk chocolate can be deadly to small dogs like chihuahuas and "toy" poodles. The smaller the cat, the more harmful. Because your cat ate very little; moreover, just licked it, she should be fine. KEEP THE CHOCOLATE AWAY AND MAKE SURE THE WHOLE FAMILY KNOWS TO DO THIS. She might feel a little sick and signs of theobromine poisoning are urination, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Good luck, I hope she's okay...

My cat bit a mouse, will he get sick?

I’ve had a similar concern lately, as the rental I’m living in attracts mice during the colder months. Could be because there’s no insulation anywhere close to the house. So my male cat Jack is the official mouser. And he’s good, too. He caught 3 last year, 2 were dead when I saw them, and one we chased through the house. Well, he and the 2 girl cats did, I just sort of followed along behind trying to keep sight of it! It finally got away. One morning about 3 a.m. he brought me one INTO THE BED! Well, it was on top of the covers, but I woke up when he jumped up there and tried to grab the thing when he put it down, but it got away before I could. I found it in the morning, dehydrated and gasping, and I picked it up (hands protected) and took it outside, where it perished.Now, all that to say this: Mice and rats carry all sorts of pests, viruses, bacteria, and it is not good for cats to eat them - or I would say, have any contact with them, but I’ve not seen any problems with Jack since then, and he still crouches at the stove in the kitchen watching for one. He must’ve seen one in the small space between the cabinet and the side of the stove before, or that’s where he was catching them. I just hope there aren’t any more around and that I can move out of this house before another winter comes. But then I say that every year! Here’s the mouser in his y ounger years. He’s 14 now.

What to do if your cat eats aluminum foil?

I think my cat may have eaten a little bit of aluminum foil that had some cheese stuck to it. She was picking at the foil so there were holes in it, but I'm not sure if she may have swallowed a small section. I flattened out the piece to see how much was missing and she couldn't have taken off more than 1/4 inch square total (if any, it was hard to tell). I gave her a bit of roast beef and cheese, hoping either it would cause her to vomit up any foil she may have eaten (her stomach doesn't always agree with processed human food) or that having some more food in her would help pass any foil that might be in her stomach.She's acting normally now, cleaning herself, not really showing any obvious signs of discomfort. I'm still not sure if she actually ate any or not, but I'm still a concerned. I'm not really sure how I should proceed or what to watch out for. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.