I Think My Ex Blocked Me On Snap Chat

My crush blocked me on snapchat now what do I do?

What have you been sending her? If it's a lot of selfie I see why she blocked you. If it was pointless, that's why. Why don't u just ask her why she blocked u. You never know, it could've been a mistake

Should I block my ex from Snapchat or should I let him see how much happier I am without him in my life?

Just block him. Just straight up block him because if you don’t, he wil think that you still like him. That will just boost his ego. If you block him it shows that you want nothing to do him and you will also not be reminded of him through any of his stories

My ex bf blocked me on snapchat, should I say something?

When you broke up, it was likely that you were both holding on to some form of friendship. The thing is that when people break up, they usually try to remain friends for a period of time, and then they move on. It’s likely that he doesn’t want to have that connection anymore, so that he can heal. Seeing your snapchats, and you seeing his, is just another way of staying connected after the relationship has ended. The best thing to do is to wish him love and light, and to move onto the next phase of your life. Letting go, will open up so much more of your life and attract other people who are meant to be there. BlessingsCaterina Barregar - North America's Relationship and Worthiness Coach

My ex custom blocked me on snapchat from seeing his stories?

We brokeup two weeks ago and we are on good terms we are both confused about feelings and giving eachother some space to se how we feel later on I told him I mainly needed some space away from him but on snapchat he "custom" blocked me because my friend has stories from him on her feed yet they aren't on mine but he's still my friend I can see his score and when I put stuff up he's always looking at my stuff

Why did he custom block me? Is he mad at me?

If someone blocked my number can I still snapchat them?

So me and my friend got in a big argument and she blocked my number on her iPhone but I need to get a hold of her it's an emergency. Can I chat her on snapchat even if she blocked my number? It still says she's on my sbapchat and I'm on hers, would she get my snapchats?

My ex blocked me on everything why?

He blocked me on snapchat, but i never had him as a friend on snapchat he would view my stories but i would never view his and he blocked me on instagram n Facebook why... i ended it because of what he did, i did nothing wrong. Im pretty sure im on his black.list on messaging if he went to block me off everything possible.

My ex and I are cool but he blocks me on some of his Snapchats and my friend says those snaps are showing his new gf off. We are both over each other, but why would he do that?

Sounds like what I was doing to my ex when I got with my now husband. Some context: We were together on and off for about 3 years. I broke up with him, but we were always best friends. He didn't want to break up but I wanted to move out of the country and I was pretty sure that he wouldn't have been able to move with me anyway, he lived too comfortably at his parents house to take on the responsibility of living alone and taking care of his own expenses and I really wanted to leave. Anyway, I decided to break it off sooner than later to spare us the pain when I did move out.I met my husband at work and we really hit it off. I didn't want to get into a relationship, but we both had very similar goals and ambitions for the future, so I decided to give it a shot and we made it work.During the time that I was still living in my hometown I kept it very low key and only told a handful of people that we were together because my ex and I were still very good friends and I didn't want to hurt his feelings or make him feel betrayed because I ended up with someone else before I moved out. I don't know under what terms you guys broke up, but I guess he's doing it because he kinda feels the same way as I did.

My Ex boyfriend blocked me from Facebook, snapchat, texting, ect...?

Basically he broke up with me because the relationship was "stressful" and he needed a break. He knew that he tore me to shreds considering I liked him for 4 years an dated for 2. He was also my bestfriend, the one who knew everything about me and always managed to put a smile on my face. We agreed to stay friends but after a week he said that wasn't working for him. Then about a month later, I got into a casual relationship with another guy who seemed to put all my pieces back together after the break up and as soon as it was "Facebook official" my ex deleted me. I don't understand why he has to be so harsh about the whole situation considering he's always been a fun, loving guy towards me. Other than moving on, what did I do wrong? Why does he have to do this to me? I don't miss the relationship, I just miss my bestfriend..

Should I add my ex on Snapchat?

I think this really depends on the type of relationship you two had, how long its’ been since you two have broken things off, and what stage you're both at in your lives at the present moment.Did you live with them? Did things end with you trashing their belongings? Did they cheat on you when you were both exclusive? Did they, in any way, showed general distrust and lacking of caring for your persona? Did your relationship revolve around sex, attention, money, materialism, or attachments as opposed to love and connecting at a more human thinking and emotional level? Are you trying to get over your ex, but find yourself emotionally devestated and unable to acknowledge your feelings to help yourself get over them? Did you invest so much time, or money, or thoughts/feelings toward them that it feels almost abnormal to truly move on from them, as opposed to using another person as a replacement?Do they care about you? Are you and them friends? Has enough time passed since the breakup that they would be okay with you adding them back, or would they consider it awkward and as an advancement to try to get back in touch? Have you two done so much as talk since the break up, or have just acted as though the other one no longer exists?If you were to add them, would they allow you to see what's going on in their lives, or would they continuously lack communication with you and block you from viewing their story? Would they be willing to catch up? Does your ex have enough power over you that you would take it personally if they didn't add you back, blocked you, or found a new significant other? Do you honestly see any good from adding your ex on snapchat, or do you just hope for good?And, (almost) most importantly, did they add you first?