I Throw Up Bile Its Really Bitter

Sudden nausea & throwing up yellow bitter tasting yuck!?

When we eat the food moves from our esophagus into the
stomach. To keep the contents in the stomach, there is a
muscle there that closes up after the food goes pass.
The food contents then moves from the stomach into the
first part of the small intestines, known as the duodenum.

The liver makes bile, it flow through tube like structures,
known as ducts, to the gallbladder to be stored and
concentrated. When our food reaches the duodenum,
hormones signal the gallbladder to contract and it
releases the bile into tubes like structures (known
as the common bile ducts) to flow down to the
intestines to help emusify and digest any fats we

When a person throws is usually just the contents
of the stomach...but if the force is hard enough, they
will also throw up bile; which comes from the first part
of the intestines. (bile in the olden days was
called gall)

There is a great gastroenterology site on the web
that explains conditions. Below are links that you can
go to, to read more about it (just click on it)

When a person throws up for long periods, the
muscles of the esophagus seem to reverse themselves.
Chewing gum and keep swallowing will help this.
It relaxes the muscles and causes them to go back
to the former positions. The acid and contents of
the stomach can also damage the esophagus tissue
because of the throwing up. It can weaken the
muscle that usually prevents the contents from
going up into that area. Gastritis is inflammation
inside the stomach. This inflammation can also
develop in the intestines. If the contents of
the food doesn't move well through the small
intestines and the colon, patients can develop
irritable bowel disease (IBS)...they may be
constipated, then have diarrhea. Inflammation
in the intestines causes colitis...too much
Diverticulitis is an outpouching in the intestines.
Certain areas of the intestinal wall have spaces where
weak spots have developed and ballooned outward.

Here are two links:

Hope this information has been of some help to you.

Can you throw up bile?

You definitely can 'throw up' bile - you just have to be regurgitating something from at least the first part of your small intestine. Most of the time when you throw up you are only vomiting stomach contents, and there is not normally a large amount of bile in the stomach. Bile is excreted from the liver/gallbladder through the bile ducts into the duodenum (i.e. the first part of the small intestine). When we see bile in the operating room it typically has a beautiful golden color, however, once it enters the gastrointestinal tract it becomes oxidized and turns a dark greenish color.

Throwing up bile is it dangerous?

Im 13 and im on my p I didnt eat anything because it hurts too much and I felt uneasy so I drank water but then I vomit when I did it was yellowish green and it tasted bitter :'( I usually eat at like 3 pm because I started forcing myself to 2 months ago so now I cant eat in the morning. Is it bad to throw up bile?

Throwing up clear bitter liquid?

Hey ladies. I'm 10.5 weeks pregnant and have been sick the past few weeks. But I have noticed that when I throw up it's usually clear liquid and has a very bitter sour taste to it. And i eat meals it's not like there's nothing else in my stomach to throw up. I was just wondering if anyone else had this or had any advice. Thanks!

Yellow vomit- very bitter and on empty stomach?

I drank incredibly too much last night and I've been throwing up all day. I tried drinking gatorade and I tried drinking water but I throw up right afterwards. I ate 2 ice cubes and even threw those up. Well I went about an hour after the last one and I just threw up again but I didn't drink anything and it was bright yellow and very bitter. Should I be worried?

What does it mean when you throw up yellow when you have a migraine?

I woke up with a migraine and i only ate breakfast which was a waffle then didn't eat anything else,then i started throwing up kinda clear stuff that had something white and stringy which i think it was the waffle then i started throwing up completely clear stuff then i started throwing up bright yellow stuff that tasted really nasty

Why am I throwing up clear liquid?

Clear liquid is usually what you vomit when all the food and colored liquid is gone. It's quite common. Now when THAT’S done you may start throwing up a yellow, extremely foul tasting liquid. This is bile. If you continue to be sick for more than a day or 2 I would try your doctor. For now try to keep yourself hydrated with water or pedialite. But take small sips, like a teaspoon every 15 minutes. If you can keep that down, slowly increase the dose. Ginger ale and white grape juice have a chemical in them that helps with nausea. Try those as well. Hope you feel better soon!

What are the main causes for throwing up dark brown bile?

You should see a doctor. Color coded vomit:Green or yellow - bile - vomiting on an empty stomach or suffering from bile reflux.Orange - the first few hours of vomiting are typically orange in color, the result of food not making it through the digestive system.Red - Hematemesis - blood from your mouth, throat and gums may be found in your vomit. Once you notice a significant amount that is bright red or resembles coffee grounds you should contact your doctor at once.Brown vomit smelling of fecal matter will be an indication of bowels being backed up. Reach out to your doctor immediately.Source:When to Call the Doctor: Vomiting

Why am I vomiting dark brown bile?

Dark brown vomit may be indicative of blood from the stomach which has been denatured by stomach acid. We call this “coffee-ground emesis” and it often does appear brown in color. Of course, the color of vomit may be influenced by anything you had to eat or drink beforehand. For instance, if you eat a piece of chocolate cake and then vomit, your vomit will be dark brown — but it is almost certainly not blood. However, if you have a relatively empty stomach and you notice brown color in your vomit, then there is a strong likelihood that it is blood. This may indicate a bleeding ulcer. Therefore, I would recommend seeing a physician immediately.Hope this helps.Paul