I Wanna Live Longer Where Do I Go

What state would u wanna live?

I love sugar white beaches or mountains full of green trees. I would pick the Alabama Gulf Coast, Florida Panhandle coastal area, or the mountains of North Carolina.

I don't wanna live no more?

man check it out listen to me just let it out
i kno how u feel ive been there befor its not fun you feel like everyday you struggle to open the next door when your stuck on the first feel like you got it the worse feel like you dont deserve but trust me you got look at it in another way life is the best way just stand tall you got all of us to help you just gotta trust youself you gonna be ok just tell us when you fell that way we will help you out we will all be bye you side....................well im not very good at rapping but ive been there befor im serious ive fout drugs i was gang related i felt terrible everyday but what you can do is talk to people your friends if you dont got none get some we are your friends all of us we wanna help you i hope you fell better im sorry about my horrible rap but still anytime you wanna talk we are here to help people care about you

Do humans live too long?

People in the past who lived to be old still lived into their 70s or even 80s - it was just that not many people got to be old because even a slight injury could be fatal if it got infected, and there were many untreated diseases, and so many things were done on horseback. Horses are wonderful, they were the main engine of civilisation before the invention of steam - but they’re nearly as dangerous as motorbikes, especially if you don’t have a hard hat on.Also if you’re talking about the mean age at death, infant deaths were common and they skew the figures.So, to go back to having a high proportion of adults dead by fifty you’d have to get rid of antibiotics (we may be losing them anyway) and treatments for cancer and heart disease, give up any safety precautions at work, eat out-of-date unrefrigerated food and go roaring around on a Honda without a helmet. Do you want to?

Do you want to live long? Why?

It is natural sometimes to feel so bad we feel we don t want to be in this world, but its just a feeling. its natural to want to live, and fight to live. This world is such a mess. A good reason to live and live long is to have more time to help people in need, for with each person helped, some of the darkness in this world is lightened.Like a candle in the dark, you are a source of help, inspiration to some one whose heart is hurting. Another reason to live long is for more spiritual growth. I know I am here on earth to help people at this time, and that we are all on earth to help people.

Why do people want to live long?

Because they're afraid of dying!?

Is it normal to not want to live too long?

I guess it's because I keep seeing in my head and analyzing my life that I really won't have anything to look forward to. I don't ever plan on having a family or wife, since I'm a natural loner, despite how much I try to change that. I know many will eventually accuse me of being gay but screw them, they're not in my shoes. They say those who remain single don't live as long, so there, that seems to support my views.

Right now I'm sitting in a classroom alone in the dark in front of a computer screen with my headphones blasting, enjoying my own company.

Why do we want to live long lives?

I am not embarrassed to say that I want to live a really long life but the average life expectancy of a human is 79 years!! That’s a short time if you really think about it. There is a lot of stuff that we are capable of doing.I mean, for a person who really likes learning (me), thats a REALLY short amount of time.I want to learn about space and I have no idea where to start. Its a really vast topic and would take me years to actually have a complete understand and I still would have many questions unanswered.I want to start an NGO with my best friend next year and WE have no idea where to start!I want to pursue Envirnomental engineering.I want to learn guitarI want to start my own blog and a youtube channelI want to lay out all the plans to build a house that is completely eco friendly.I want to start exercising.I want to be a director and make short films and I already made a ton of scripts.I want to be an author and I already wrote some stuff on wattpadI want to get a semi colon ( ;) tattoo on my wrist.I need to find my happiness in my currently depressed and anxious life.Did you notice how all the points included all the things I wanted to do in the future? We only work for ourselves and just want to leave a mark on this world.And did you notice how the last point had a ‘I need’ rather than ‘I want’?? There are some things in life where you don’t know if you will get the things you want or not but there are things in life where you need to do them and happiness is something that I need to find. This post is about how beautifully selfish we are on the things we need and want.I sure as hell don’t think I could cover all these in 79 fucking years.and with the amount of shit that I have done, I don’t see myself being reincarnated as a human either ( jk, I am an atheist)

How long would you like to live for?

Presently I am 17years old.My god I have lived 17years of life.Zindagi lambhi nahi Badi honi chahiye babumushai _NEERJA( life should not be long it should be big_NEERJA )Life needs time to get stable .Especially the life of today's youth.I don't know how long I want to live , it can be a long life but with struggles .Or,it can be a short life with struggles .or, it can be a long life with every colour .Or , a short life with every colour .But we forget we can make our life beautiful .This is the question no body knows the answer.if god had given us the choice of how long would we want to live nobody would have wanted to die and first generation would have been still living .If everyone set's his own death date ,no one would have lived a happy long fe as they knew when are they going to die .Everyone knows that we are going to die but no one knows when.Let there be suspence ,thrill ,fun ,love ,adventure in everybody's life .Stay blessed .

What age do you want to live to?

You know they say we are living longer, but what age do you want see yourself getting to and how long do you want to live to. I honestly don't see myself living past the age of 90.

Does Green Tea make you live longer?

Green tea doesn't promise or guarantee you a longer life.

However, it does contain all sorts of healthy components like antioxidants and flavonoids that may serve as your shield from various diseases and ailments.

So looking at it from that angle, green tea may at least help give you a shot at a longer life.

But its really a confluence of many, many factors that may enable you to live longer, not just green tea.