I Want To Drop Out Of High School

I want to drop out of high school?

hey guys im 16 years old and yes im a junior..i currently live in utah right now but for my 9th grade year i went to california and there credits are different i passed all my classes and i only got 2 credits. so for my 10th and 11th grade i came back to utah and my 10th grade i didn't go to class at all i felt like school was a waste of my time and stuff i had a 0.1 gpa and then for my 11th grade year i was like no i need to wake up i have to graduate so currently i have a 3.6 gpa but i only have 6 credits and im a junior for a junior your spo to have 16-17 and to graduate u need 27 and i only have 6 and im a do you guys think i should drop out? im so sick of this im trying and trying but it's to hard to get credits i just want to get this over with and drop out ugh!:[ pleasee help what should i do?

I'm 15... I want to drop out of school?

Your first step should be to talk to your guidance counselor. If dropping out is the best option for you, they will even help you do that (I know from personal experience). My guess is, you need some alternative choices in school. Many schools offer alternative programs for kids who just can't thrive in the general population. Another alternative might be night school. Check your local Adult Education facility and see if you can enroll in a self-paced GED course to attain your GED instead. Finally, there are some self-study type homeschool programs that might work for you. School and Education are not always synonymous, but Education is very, not so much sometimes...

I want to drop out of high school?

I dropped out freshmen year and started teaching myself, I'm twenty-one now and haven't really gotten anywhere since then. My situation might have more setbacks though. Lately (past year), I've been studying to hopefully pass the ged though which I haven't taken yet. And then I was hoping to maybe get a grant and go through college until I come up with a life plan, whatever that is.

I still don't even have my drivers license though (another setback). So, whether you want to attribute all of this to dropping out of high school, I can't say. But if I could go back, I probably would've stuck it out a little longer. I just didn't have good direction as to the importance of a diploma or how to handle criticism from ostentatious teenagers.

I want to drop out of high school, any help?

I just hate school, I want to drop out and go to Louisiana, get a job and live. School sucks, I cant take going everyday and wasting my time. Im smart enough, I know I could make it somewhere with what I know now.

I want to drop out of High School, How do I go about doing this?

I'm 16 and want to know if it is possible for me to drop out of high school, I currently live in Fayetteville, North Carolina, can anyone inform me on how to go about doing this and what is required like age/parent consent, and what is legal as of 2018.

*I'm looking for help and information, not anyone's opinion. That being said whether I choose to drop out or not is my decision. Obviously if I am able to do it legally.

Why did you drop out of high school?

Dropping out of high school is a cumulative effect of a cascade of system failures that happen to far too many of our students, especially boys.There is a lot of research out there that addresses why students drop out. Disconnection from the learning process is one key factor. Kids don’t feel valued in school, and don’t feel that the education they are receiving is going to be helpful to them.Ironically, it’s both ends of the bell curve of student performance who often drop out. Students on the low end struggle through classes from year to year. Every year, the learning gap for these students gets slightly larger until they arrive in high school deficient of the reading, writing, and math skills they need to pass the rigorous high school curriculum often mandated by state standards. The 9th grade year becomes a holding tank, where students sit, year after year vainly trying to pass Algebra 1 or English I until they finally reach an age where they can drop out.The surprising thing is that a lot of students who drop out are absolutely brilliant, and bored senseless by the curriculum aimed strictly at the middle levels of student abilities. The new Common Core standards have reduced many teachers to mindless robots, reciting scripted lessons as students march from one mandated state assessment to another. The brilliant science teacher who used to ignite students with a passion for STEM lost that ability when he had to dump his/her favorite labs in order to meet curriculum goalposts.There is a movement in education that believes that every student needs to be prepared for college. This is despite the fact that many students have no interest in a four year degree, and would instead like to learn a trade. The dirty little secret that most school districts will never admit is that vocational education is expensive, and it’s cheaper and easier to stuff kids in an Algebra class than let them lose in a wood shop or auto shop.Oh, hey,…I guess I jumped up on my soapbox. Sorry. But thanks for the A2A!

How do you tell your parents that you want to drop out of high school?

Are you dropping out because you have a plan to do something better with your time? Or because you hate high school?If you have a plan, present it confidently. Let them in on your goals. Tell them how you plan to self evaluate and what you’ll do if something isn’t working. Give them your back up plan.If you’re in the US plan on getting a GED as soon as your state allows.If you’re dropping out because you hate school, that’s a poor solution to a bad situation. You’ve let it all build up to the point where you can’t stand it any more because you’ve felt powerless to make changes. Rather than shaking off the straw that was was being loaded onto your back, you let it build up until it broke you.That’s understandable. School is designed to make kids feel powerless so they’ll just keep plugging along until they graduate. If your grades are failing, the school is there to help but you need to be proactive.It’s understandable if you’ve concluded that you’re wasting your time in school. But you need a plan, a way forward otherwise your parents will dump all their worry on you in the form of anger and ultimatums.Do you know that in most states you can dual enroll in high school starting in your junior year? (You may need good grades to be allowed to do that. It depends on the state.) If you’re still enrolled, tuition will be paid by the state since it’s part of your public education. You could also take college classes as a homeschooler (though your parents would need to pay for them.)You could explore UnCollege. Look into alternate pathways. Without a pathway forward, your parents will be a giant roadblock. School is the only thing most parents trust to provide a foundation for a secure future. The trust may be misplaced, but it’s better than having no idea what you want to do.

HELP! I want to drop out of High School (I'm 17 and in 11th grade)?

*I'm 17 years old and currently in 11th grade

I wanted to drop out of high school because I'm not able to focus on what the teacher is explaining. I write down as many notes as I can and I read over them, but I don't understand them. I've seeked help from a tutor a couple of times, but it still doesn't seem to help.

I'm so far behind on my schoolwork because I moved before Christmas break, because of my mom and her boyfriend split up, so we were changing stuff around, I didn't go back to school until the end of January, so I missed a lot of school. Plus, I missed another 9 days since that. 6 of the 9 days I missed was because I just didn't want to go to school.

When I moved, I moved away from all my friends in my old school and haven't made any in my new school. I've been in the school for about 2 months, and still haven't made any friends. I'm just too shy of a person to talk to someone, I like when people come up to me and talk, but I'm still shy to speak.

* = I failed 10th grade in my old school, and I when I moved I was automatically put into 11th grade, but I wont be able to graduate until January 2013 (instead of my original grad date of June 2012.)

What should I do? I just don't have the motivation to get up in the morning to go to school and to know I won't learn anything that day..