I Want To Fix My Teeth Im 17 And I Think Its Getting In The Way Of My Confidence

How do I fix my crooked teeth without doing braces? And I'm only 17 can I fix them with implants?

This is difficult to answer without more information, or at least a picture, but here goes. No, you can't fix your teeth at 17 with implants - at least, you shouldn't. Implants are screw retained crowns or bridges (fake teeth on screws that have gone into your jaw), so you would need to remove your teeth first, and that is not only terribly expensive but gross mistreatment and no dentist would do that to a 17yo. Plus there's issues with the fact your still growing(and so is your jaw bone) and so the implants would seem to shrink over time because they are fused to the bone.There are other options instead of braces, but none are conservative. They would be things like getting veneers (like facings) that cover the natural look and crookedness of your teeth with porcelain to produce a fake straight smile. It's expensive and you would need to check with a dentist if it could be done. But you have to look after them like they are glass, no biting into apples, or breaking plastic bags etc. and if you are a grinder/clencher you could break them.Really if you're unhappy with your crooked teeth, the best option is braces, or maybe invisalign which is a set of clear plastic trays that move your teeth bit by bit, like braces. Again, an assessment by your dentist to see if you're suitable is important.Ps. Braces might be two years of your life, for a lifetime of straight teeth. I've had braces twice (be cause I was dumb enough not to wear my retainer the first time around and my teeth moved) and I don't regret it at all :)Good luck!

I hate my gapped teeth, should i fix them? *pictures?

I'm 17 and entering my senior year of high school. For as long as I can remember I have been embarrassed of my gapped teeth. I begged my parents to let me fix them, I even offer to help pay at least half, and my father always bluntly refuses. He says that my teeth make me unique and beautiful and if I fixed them then I would look like everybody else and be "ugly". My mother is more supportive, and is trying to help me fix my teeth without my dad.
Monday I have a consultation for dental bonding to fix my gaps. I'm debating weather I should do it or not. Would I be less attractive in my quest to be more attractive, and then regret an expensive decision? Tell me what you think. Here's a couple pictures--

Is It Worth Getting Braces?

you should get braces anyway. you would not want those minor problems to go uncorrected and become worse and more pronounced.

It would not be weird to have braces at 17 or 25. yes It might be slightly awkward.

If you want to be more confident get invisalign. If your insurance doesn't cover them see if you can get metal braces that only have one metal band in the front, or the braces that are put behind your teeth so that they are not visible

Should a 20-something-year-old get braces or should she just save herself from embarrassment?

I also asked why my parents didn't get me braces when I was younger. Cost wasn't an issue. I think it was because most people told me and my parents that my teeth looked pretty "straight." But what did they know... they're not a dentist, an orthodontist, nor me.I was really against getting braces in my 20's because c''s embarrassing for people in their 20's to get braces. I really wanted invisalign instead so that i could hide the fact.Long story short, I had crowding of my lower front teeth and my lower jaw was causing me to have a cross bite, so after getting the opinion of a couple dentists and orthodontists, invisalign was highly discouraged due to the inability to do what needs to be done to my teeth and the extra cost (almost twice as much as braces) I got braces 3 months prior to turning 24 with the help of dental insurance.I was self conscious of it at first and eating is a bitch at times... but you just have to keep your eyes on the prize (straight teeth) and rock those braces proudly. I consider this period the "growing pains" period. No pain no gain right?So to answer your question, it's definitely not too late to get braces.P.S. I've had the braces on for over a year now, I don't even notice them anymore. They should be coming off in another 6-12 months (supposedly).The straight teeth along with the extra boost of confidence was worth it for me. You need to decide if the cost, inconvenience, and self consciousness worth the gains to you.

Do girls find crooked teeth unnatractive?

Hi, i'm 18 and i have really bad crooked teeth and its destroying my confidence so i just wated to know what girls thought about crooked teeth, and whether or not it puts them off. I keep my teeth really clean but i have about 5 teeth at the front which dont line up. Am i really unnatractive because of this. Oh and by the way i cant afford braces so i'm not getting them, i just want to know what girls think of crooked teeth.

I feel like I wasted money on braces......?

Im 22 yrs old and my parents got me braces when i was 17...i had buck teeth and 3 small gap on the top row but my bottom row were straight but my ortho made me get braces on the top and bottom row to eliminate my bucky teeth at the top. My gap reopened but know I love my GAP! I often wish i didnt ask for braces and waste all the money my parent spent. But Im still glad that my braces kept my teeth from being bucky tho.
Before I had braces at 13yrs of age throughout high school I would NEVER show my teeth in pics and if I did it would be a half smile. Im glad my parents got me braces but know I feel bad after of these yrs I wish I would of not been so self concience. I know that it was all worth it b/c I fixed my buck teeth but I love my gap now!!
Should I feel bad for feeling this way???

Could braces fix this overbite (pictures)?

I am 17 and have an overbite and an overjet of about 6mm. It has a detrimental effect on the way I look - I look like a duck from the side and when I talk or laugh my top teeth are quite prominent. Obviously I want to get rid of this (should have sooner, I know) and I'm thinking of braces. My orthadontist said I would get a tooth out at either side near the front and then traintracks. Would this actually work? I have doubts... my teeth aren't crooked, its my bite thats the problem.