I Want To Move In With My Friend I

My friend wants to move school :( ?

o how sweet my name's tara too! well, look, you can't really change the path of her life honey, talking her out of it is no use. look, my friends changed schools and i ended up with no one this year. you can always ALWAYS kep in touch with them. going out, calling, txting, chatting, you know? changin schools wont end a deep friendship. me and my friends are doing better than ever. and if you're sad that she's glad she's leaving, don't be. you said you were going through rough times at home. well, maybe a fresh start is what she needs! it doesn't mean she will forget you. she's just having a hard time at home and starting fresh somewhere else is a calming thought for her. all i can say is: it's going to be fine. but you can tell her how it makes you feel. but don't make her feel guilty or anything. nothing good ever comes from that.

My best guy friend wants me move in with him?

Perhaps you should talk to him about the reason why he is asking you to move in? If he's not sure he's gay (or maybe swings both ways) and wants to test things out on you before making up his mind about that part of him then I'd suggest thinking twice before taking him up on this offer.
On the other hand if it's convenient, affordable, and you both can have some privacy to entertain friends once in a while then it may be worth considering this option.

I don't want to move away from all of my friends!!!?

I know exactly how you feel! I had to move (recently!) about 50 miles from my friends. At first, I didn't know I had so many friends...but then when it was my last day and I was giving my actual friends (because within my last month of leaving, I kind of began to realize who was my friend and who was just a faker) hugs and "I miss you" goodbyes, a bunch of people crowded me and hugged me. I was like, " many people are actually going to miss me?" I kind of cried. But then when I went to my new school, I made a lot of new friends, despite I was scared as crap to go. I know this sounds cheesy, but right now, there is nothing you can really do. You're lucky, because you have friends to start out with. I knew no one and was starting out as "the new girl". But a lot of people know how I feel and stuff, so they came up to me and were like, "Hey, I'm so and so," and yeah. You can still text & call your friends, or IM them online. You'll make a ton of new friends at your school, so relax. And about the sucks that you think he might actually like you, but he really should have pursued you when he had a chance. You'll find someone at your new school, trust me.

Good luck!

How do I move out of my friends house?

I am 19 years old and live with my friend. I go to college full time and work an 8.50 dollar an hour job full time. I moved here to get away from my sheltered life with my parents and i am now finding that my friend's family life isn't very stable.
The Bad: There is constant verbal fighting between everyone (excluding myself) and i'm getting sick of listening to it all the time.
The Good: They only charge me 100 dollars a month to live here.
The situation: The head of the household (the mother) acts bipolar all the time. she can be the nicest person in the world and randomly do things like just give me 100 dollars for no reason. but then go on a 2 hour "little baby" screaming fit when she is mad. which is turning out to be extremely annoying to listen to all the time. I have never (yet) been a victim to her crazy tantrums and i don't know what to do.
My Proposed solution: I want to get an apartment or trailer with a different friend but don't know how bring up this subject with the family that i live with right now. I'm afraid that if i tell them i want to leave they will think that i just used them and get mad at me. And worst case scenario they can do something crazy like throw away all my stuff or just not let me back in the house to get my stuff. i really don't know how to approach this problem. Besides, it IS financially wiser to stay here with the ridiculously cheap rent. i don't know what to do.
Another problem is the fact that they unofficially adopted me as their son. they treat me like a family member and i don't want to create hard feelings.
In Summary: I want to move out of my friends house because i hate listening to all the loud 3 hour screaming fits. but i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings for moving out. what do i do?

I'm in one-sided love with my best friend. I want to move on and also don't want to ruin the friendship. What is some help?

Not sure if this thread is still open, or if this is still an issue for you, but I feel like I may have a somewhat helpful answer to your question.As someone who has recently been through something like this, all I can say is you should probably just keep it to yourself if it really does seem like it’s way too late to go down that route… My ex confessed his feelings for me, dated me for a few weeks and then broke up with me because he didn’t want to ruin our friendship, then more or less forced me to stay friends with him after the breakup (and then of course ended up ruining the friendship by breaking up with me and through the forced friendship). It will ruin your friendship if she only sees you as a friend, or if she’s expressing that sort of interest in other guys, etc. Once you go there, there really is no going back, because then it becomes way too personal and people can get very seriously hurt.I would honestly recommend keeping it a secret for now, unless she does or says something to imply that she has those feelings for you. I honestly wish I had just kept quiet so I could have kept my friend. Now I don’t even talk to him anymore, and we both go out of our way to make sure that we don’t see each other, that’s how bad it is. If you do decide to tell her, just be aware that if things go wrong, they will go really, really wrong, and it can affect your mental health very seriously (especially if you’re the person who gets rejected).

Can you move on from someone, but still be friends with them?

This is coming from first hand experience -It’s not easy. You really want to want it.Sort out your stuff in your head. BE HONEST, that YOU REALLY JUST WANT TO BE FRIENDS. - I went to my friend’s (ex) wedding. I was genuinely happy for her and her husband. If you even have a hint of “maybe you will get back together”, it WILL NOT WORK.Find out boundary. - Though unspoken, myself and my ex never talk about our prior relationship. We talk about our current one’s and about our life openly, but we have an unwritten rule about our past. By doing this, we are building our friendship, not dwelling on our past.Give it/yourself time. If you just broke up, you need time for above to be settled in your head. Give yourself a chance to have some space and distance to be able to see you, and your ex.And if not, it won’t work, it just won’t.

I moved away and i miss all my friends?

Moving is tough on everyone in different ways. If you opened up to your mom or other family members, you might find out that they might be missing people or other aspects of their old home as well. You might not be the only one with a fake smile. They might also be focusing on the positive aspects of the move, which you have not discovered yet. With regard to making new friends, it can be pretty tough sometimes. Try to think about things that you either like to do or would like to know more about; hobbies like martial arts, soccer, dance, art, photography; join a class or several and meet people that have your same interests; it's a great way to make new friends because you already have something you care about with someone else. Churches also have youth groups that can help to make new friends and also that can help with problems. With regard to your old friends: if you really want to apologize to the girl who blocked you, write her an old fashioned apology letter and mail it to her; if she still doesn't want to be your friend, then let her go because it wasn't meant to be. With regard to the friend that moved, try writing her a letter through the mail; if she moved within the past 6 months, it should be forwarded to her, if she left a forwarding address. Also, maybe a friend knows where she moved to. You really need to get off of facebook and out into the world and meet some people with similar interests. I know it's really hard. We've all been there at one time or another. But if you focus on what you like to do, and not the past, you will be much happier in time and make some really nice new friends.

My best friend might move to another state?

I lived in a little town from kindergarden, to 6th grade. It was all i could remember, basically, and all i ever knew. I had a lot of notice, and it looks like you have somewhat long-term notice, so i recommend a couple things.

1) spend all the time you can with your friend.
even if she's moving close, she's moving, and you won't have the same connection you always have. really spare that time you have with her, and do things that you can only do when you're with each other. those are the times you'll look back on in a friendship - your last months together.

2) not only is she leaving you, she's leaving all of her other friends too.
She's going to have things to do, and people to see. moving is super stressful for everyone in her family, including her, and she is going to want to make time for other things in her life. She'll want to visit other friends, and do things in your town/city that she can't wherever she's moving to.

3) you're going to have to stay strong, and be ready for a big change.
it's not like she's dying - you can still contact her, see her, etc. BUT - even after moving in, there's lots to do. it's very busy, and there's not tons of free time for heart-to-hearts and gossiping. that's why you need to spend the real time you have now, very well.

IF she does move, i'm sure she knows people love her, but this is what my friends did for me. they threw me a party, they made me feel loved, made me a music video, and took LOTS of pictures:) so hopefully that will help the both of you, and good luck. i hope she doesn't have to move, but if so - God will be looking over your shoulder. (: