I Want To Watch A Horror Movie. Any Suggestions

How can I get over my inability to watch horror movies?

First of all, there are many sub-genres of horror films, find out if all of them scare you sleepless or just a small subset.Horror films are scary because they create an atmosphere and drags you into it. Music and sound effects play a major role since they help building up the tension. That is why they are less scary when:Seen during the day.Seen without sound.Seen on small monitors.Unfortunately, there is no way to do this when you are the movies. However, the principle remains the same: horror films can't scare you if you take yourself out of the atmosphere they try to build.A good way to accomplish that is through critical analyze: Does the plot make sense? Do characters behave logically? Are there any plot devices? The more you deconstruct the film, the more you will be irritated and the less you will be scared. Another way is to identify the common tricks of horror films. For instance, it's not hard to predict when a jump scare will take place. The camera usually zooms in as an attempt to make the viewers more focused, the music intensifies until it stops abruptly and something comes out. Predicts moments like this, and just look away and cover your ears if you must.The key is to remove yourself out of the film, because that's what the film is depending on in order to scare you.

Ideas for Horror Movies to watch?

I am trying to make myself watch horror movies, so I am going to try to watch a kinda scary horror movie, a little bit more scarier one, and so on. Any ideas? I sometimes read creepypastas (Online horror stories) but I dont read ones that are too scary, like the rake or jeff the killer.

Why does my bf always want to watch horror movies?

There are a couple reasons. 1) Some guys like the thrill and suspense horror movies can provide (2) Some guys watch them because it allows them to escape from feelings they don't want to face (3) It's been led to believe that true men are supposed to watch them without any problems (4) He wants to feel like he's protecting you as you hold onto him and then he changes the movie. This is a tactic that is commonly used to get the girl in the relationship nice and close to the guy and the two can hold each other.

After watching this horror movie, i get angry..?

I agree with one of the other posters- there's nothing wrong with you, you're just a nice person who doesn't want to see people get hurt. Actually, I think the world would be a better place if more people were like you. Too many people are desensitized to violence and it doesn't bother them. You are still sensitive to violence, which is a good thing. It's important for us to be repulsed by cruelty. If we're repulsed by it, we're less likely to commit cruel acts, and also more likely to stand up for others who are harmed by violence. There's not a thing wrong with you. In fact, I think it's great that you care so much about innocent people.

My advice is, simply avoid any horror movies that feature torture, rape, or anything else that really disturbs you. There are some things in certain horror movies that make me angry, as well. I know what my triggers are, and I try to avoid them. If I know the horror movie is going to include something like that, I don't watch it. If I start to watch it and that stuff comes on, if I feel myself getting upset, I fast forward or turn it off. Also, you can ask someone else (perhaps a friend) that has seen the movie if it has anything like that in it. If it does, don't watch it.

You know what I think you should do? Since you are so passionately against violence like rape and torture, then perhaps you should volunteer with an organization that helps rape victims, or an organization that tries to combat violence in the world. You could help battle the real life versions of what upsets you on the movies, and you could help support the victims/survivors of such horrible acts. That may help you feel better, and it can help the world. I think you sound like a very caring person, and that's not a fault. :)

How can I stop getting scared after watching a horror movie?

Yes. I use these two techniques personally. I'm so shit scared that when I need to pee in middle of the night I probably need someone outside the bathroom door keeping a watch for me (just in case those fictional characters were real and would come to kill me at night while peeing. Haha yes, mind doesn't work by logic at night.)Technique No. 1 -So the technique number 1 is to watch it in mute. Unmute when dialogues are being said.But keeping it on mute will allow you to be not that scared when something or someone suddenly appears.Sound effects of these movies make it more scary.Another psychological hack with this is that watching it on mute won't let you completely submerge in the scary atmosphere, you'd be able to differentiate between what's a real world and fiction.Hence, you'd be way more less scared.Technique No. 2 —So this may sound stupid but it works. So be with me here. I use it. It does help.Step 1 - Make your friends or family watch it with you.Step 2 - When you start feeling scared, make jokes on the movie, make fun of it.The psychology behind this is to ridicule it that your brain knows it's not supposed to take the scary movie seriously. And hence, to not get scared.I hope this helped you. Happy Scary-loween!

I like to watch horror movies, but after watching them I feel scared, even though I don't believe in ghosts. Is there any solution?

I guess the whole point of watching a scary movie is to get scared :)but If you really want to stop feeling scared afterwards, the best way is to watch something funny afterwards.By watching something funny, so start to laugh and laughing signals your brain that all is well. It eases your brain by diverting your attention from the horror towards something funny.Another good way is to understand that nothing shown is real, for doing that, you can think about the effects/props/CGI that the movie makers might have used to create the horror effect. When you break down the ghosts and scary noises, It all comes down to effects and sounds.. Which make you realize that it is all fake and there is really nothing to be afraid of.  Or, yet another way is to use the Riddikulus spell from Harry Potter ;)i.e. think about the thing that scares you and make it into something funny... like if you are scared of Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street (franchise) then you can imagine that he had candy sticking out of his fingers instead of blades.. that would be pretty funny right? :)

I want to start watching horror movies since Halloween is coming up. I more like the idea of psychological terror over violence and blood. What would be some good movies I can start with on either DVD/Bluray or Netflix?

I like this time of year because I'm a horror movie fan.  Here's a few oldies but goodies.I love the Universal monster movies.  They're just fun.The Wolf Man (1941) holds up fairly well.  It's of its time but does create a nice atmosphere with a palpable sense of dread.  The makeup for the beastie is justifiably famous.Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) is a ton of fun.  The lovable comedy pair square off with all the classic Universal monsters with hilarious results.Two great ghost stories made a nice transition from page to screen.The Innocents (1961) directed by Jack Clayton.  The story is taken from the Henry James' novella The Turn of the Screw.  Debra Kerr gives us a fine performance as a governess in an old English mansion which may or may not be haunted.  Is she really seeing ghosts or is she just crazy?The Haunting (1963) directed by the great Robert Wise.  It's based on a Shirley Jackson novel.  Takes the premise that what you don't see is scarier than what you do see and just runs with it.  Avoid the 1999 remake.You can find these films on movie channels, like Turner Classics, around Halloween.Netflix has a few little gems that are currently under the radar.Pontypool (2008) directed by Bruce McDonald.  This is a neat take on the 'Zombie Apocalypse'.  It's low budget without being cheap.  I know you might be pretty tired of zombies right now, but this little gem delivers the goods in a very clever way.Grabbers (2013) directed by Jon Wright.  The invasion is on and nothing can protect you from being devoured by aliens.  Unless you're drunk.  The aliens can't deal with alcohol.  This is a fun one.  The filmmakers take a goofy premise and use it very cleverly. Honeymoon (2014) directed by Leigh Janiak.  This film takes the mythology surrounding alien abductions and applies it to the horror film genre.  Refreshingly there is no attempt to assert that the story is even close to true.  There is one rather uncomfortable scene that while not exactly gory, is disturbing.  But for the most part there is very little violence.  It's just creepy, really creepy.

How can I convince my mom to let me watch horror movies?

How can I convince my mom to let me watch horror movies?
I'm 12 years old. I can handle horror movies just fine. I've seen Seed of Chucky and Jason X. They didn't bother me at all. My mom is so weird. She says that horror doesn't bother her, but she doesn't let me watch horror movies because they have sex in them. This is not even fair. How can I convince her to let me watch horror movies. She also says that they can "Disturb" you if you watch them and that I'll be scared if I watch them. How can I convince her to let me watch them.
Part of the reason she doesn't let me watch them is so stupid, she said it was because she saw Halloween and Michael Myers gouged someone's eyes out with his bare hands.

What's an extreme horror movie to watch?

I really want to watch an EXTREMELY scary movie, yet I don't know what movie to watch. It doesn't matter if it's somewhat old but most of the new ones aren't frightening enough. ANY suggestions are appreciated. Thanks in advance.