I Was Reading This Book And Don

How can I just stop reading a book that I don't like?

There are way too many good books out there to read to waste time on one I don't like. Sometimes I end up reading to the end waiting for it to get good because someone I like recommended it, and it never does. I hate it when that happens. But more and more, I try to give it 100 pages just in case it's a slow starter (sometimes I don't make it that far if I just hate it). If it doesn't redeem itself in 100 pages. I simply close it, and pick up a new book to read.If the one I didn't finish is a physical book I bought, I drop it in a box I keep to donate books to the local library's annual book sale. If it's an ebook, I delete it from my Kindle or Nook (whichever it's on). If I borrowed it from the library or a friend, I return it. If the friend asks me how I liked it, I simply say "Thank you for lending it to me, but it's just not for me." Sometimes I do reviews on Goodreads but I try to couch the bad ones as it wasn't good for me, it may fit someone else's tastes just fine.

Is it bad that I don't like reading the same book twice?

I don't like reading the same book twice (with a few exceptions: non-fiction/course related material etc. - just to be able to grasp a concept or in case of fiction - some books that I absolutely love, for example: 'The Kite Runner'). I don't think it's bad at all. My biggest reasons for not reading a book again:Opportunity cost - there are so many (many many) books that I have not read yet and would rather be reading!Loss of interest once I already know how the story unfolds.Sometimes, magically, the opposite happens - I fall in love with a book for its intricate character development and mesmerizing sentence structures. The only way to find such a book for yourself is to read more! :)

If I'm reading a book and I don't like it, what should I do?

First, you can take a minute to think about why you don’t like it :Is it because it is difficult for you to understand?Or because you have no interested in that topic?Or you don’t agree with the author’s opinion?Or you think this book is useless to you?To some extent, we all have to read some books which is far beyond our knowledge because it can improve our cognition. So you can just try to read it first and skip the part that is difficult for you .But if you find yourself really uninterested in it or the book is useless, , just quit reading it !Remember, there is no book that you must read. Whether it is worth reading totally depends on you.

Is it bad if you don't read books?

If you don't read at all when younger then studies have always shown when adult the person has a much poorer vocabulary, less grammatical skill and poorer earning potential.

But that's only if you don't read at all. You're doing the reading and so long as you're not reading stuff that is designed for seven year olds then that's fine.

I'm like you in that I'm not really a novel person (other than finding it easy to devour Terry Prachett books, but they're a special case) and mostly I read non-fiction works. The rest of the time I just read news and articles.

Looking at some of the posts here there's perhaps an interesting correlation between the advice given, and how well written the answers are!

Why don't I enjoy reading books (so much) anymore? Did the internet ruin reading for me, or do books become less useful/insightful/enjoyable at a certain age?

I can definitely empathize with you. Not for the same reasons maybe, but I've experienced that same slow waning interest in reading books.When I was younger, I used to read a shit load of books. Any book I could get my hands on that seemed remotely interesting, I would find myself a nice spot to sit in and read without distractions. Time would pass by in a haze and was of little concern within this new exciting world that the author had magically conjured up from thin air.However as I got older, reading which was like second nature to me before became absurdly hard. I got distracted more easily. I couldn't focus for long periods of time when I read. I would fidget and find excuses to put the book down and do something else until all interest in that book completely dwindled. I completely stopped reading books a little time after that.A couple of months back, I decided to try once more. I was dejected when the same cycle started repeating again. I was almost ready to give up on books.This was when I came upon a new sci-fi series that was highly praised and acclaimed by many. I decided to give it a try. And to my wonder, I did not lose interest. Pages and time flowed and I hardly noticed either. Now this was in no small part due to the book and the plot itself. But I had discovered it again. That spark. That ability to lose myself within the pages and the plot and forget about everything else.It was incredible.And so my friend, I would suggest that you try again. You will lose interest in most of the books you read. Do not let that get you down. It's only going to take one amazingly well written book for you to rediscover that sense of wonder. And, trust me, it's the best feeling ever.

Why don't I like reading books anymore?

I'm 16 and for most of my life i have loved reading books. I used to spend whole days reading my books and sometimes if i particularly loved a book i would literally finish it and then just turn to the first page and read it again. Now, i don't ever read any books unless i have to for school. I have several unread ones that i know will be good just sitting waiting to be read but i just don't want to read them. I suppose it just seems boring compared to other things i enjoy doing like surfing the internet, going on my phone and watching tv. I find it hard to concentrate when i try to read a book and i just get bored. I feel sad when i remember how much i used to enjoy it and i feel guilty about the fact i basically can't stand it anymore. My mum, who has always been a book lover, keeps getting on at me to start reading again as if it's as simple as flicking a switch and thinks all i have to do is pick up a book and read. I just want to want to read if that makes sense. How can i enjoy it again? Thanks :)

Can you read a book in a sauna?

it would get a moist after a while
but you could read a people magazine or something you dont care about getting wrecked easily

Why don't people read books?

Some people find reading difficult, tedious, or boring. They’d rather do other more physical activities or explore other media. I have found a number of these people are visually oriented and prefer getting the story through the action and visuals of a movie/video to reading the book itself.Some people who don’t read books may actually be reading quite a bit. I have one friend who hasn’t read a novel since his first year in college, but he reads at least five newspapers every day; subscribes and reads a number of business magazines, reads short stories online—as long as they’re mysteries, about robots run awry, or about athletes—and is an avid reader of biographies on Wikipedia.Some people are resistant to reading because through their life reading has seemed to be a punishment rather than a pleasure. In middle school we received a list of books and were told to pick 2 from the list to read and to pick 3 other books on our own—nothing about how to select the 3 books. I remember this guy’s list had “To Kill a Mockingbird” and another classic from the teacher’s list. He had also selected a contemporary horror novel (it’s now assigned in some classes), Black Like Me, and a science fiction book (it had won the Hugo). The day came when we turned in our lists with brief summaries.The teacher spent the class criticizing our lists. When she got to “Mike” she told him he was getting a “D” on the assignment because his selections were trash only suitable for lining the bottom of a bird cage, and he was too stupid to read real literature. After that he never read a book in public and used Cliff notes whenever possible in high school to complete assignments. I once came across him reading a paperback (what we’d now classify as fantasy) which he quickly hid. While we were chatting, he suddenly asked me not to tell what he was reading because he didn’t want anyone to know he read trash. At least he was reading, but I’ve always wondered how many of my classmates don’t read books because they were told they were morons for not reading Great Literature.

Does not reading make me dumb?

I have an associates in English composition, and a Bachelors in English literature. Here is what I think: Intelligence is just another form of vanity. Just like good looks, some people are born with it, and some people work hard to acquire it. Being intelligent shouldn't be any more or less important than being beautiful. Of course you can make yourself smarter (or more attractive) but you should only do so if it is something that you value. Acquiring knowledge, especially too much knowledge, is a common theme in literature and is mostly represented as a bad thing (like the Bible and Dr. Faustus). A lot of people who are really smart look down on those who have less intelligence as if it is a choice, and as if it has any relevance to anything that matters. All that should matter to you is if you are happy, and doing things that make you happy. All that should matter to others is if you are a good and kind person, and how you make them feel. We all should appreciate the smart ones for being smart, and the pretty ones for being pretty, and the funny ones for being funny, and not get so down on each other for every single shortcoming we may have.
That being said, you can learn the same vocabulary and lessons from watching a movie or TV as you could from reading a book, probably more. You can learn a lot by simply talking to people and listening to music, and doing things that you enjoy. If you don't like reading, you should say it proudly, and focus on the things you do enjoy.
PS- I just double checked your question for grammar and spelling errors, and you really did a wonderful job. I wouldn't be surprised if you found errors in my response, as it is VERY common to be unable to catch mistakes in your own writing ESPECIALLY the same day you wrote it (which is why pier proof reading and drafts are forced in English classes). Good job. U alright. :)