I Went To The Local High School How Am I Supposed To Follow All The Hooded Kids

Is there anyway i could hide the hood on my hoodie?

I go to a strict high school and they don't want the students to have or wear hoodies on their jackets/sweaters because they need to 'identify" us and i got a detention for having one. I live in Florida and it's already starting to get cold and when i went to school today and their was a bunch of kids wearing hoodie jackets and i am going to bring mine tomorrow because none of the kids wearing hoodie jackets got in trouble. But is there a way to hide the hoodie just in case? :)

Why are schools freezing?? the AC is so cold!!! why???

Are you kidding, most of the classrooms in my school don't have air conditioning at all (on a count of our school can't afford them), some are actually hot in fall and still have fans running. And try being there in the beginning (and end) of the school year; 95 degree weather, 98% humidity, no ventilation, 1,500 bodies crowded into hot/stale classrooms. I wouldn't complain if I were you.

What would your Quora followers not be surprised to learn about you?

I was born and raised in the Commonwealth of Virginia.There are two “Virginia’s” today: The first is Northern Virginia. This is the Starbucks-Drinking-Frappamocha-Ordering-Trendy-Electro-Auto-Driving-Club-Hopping-One-Night-Standing-American-Psycho-Living Virginia.I didn’t grow up there. I was in the other one.Where I grew up the schools didn’t celebrate “Martin Luther King Day”; they had “Robert E. Lee/Stonewall Jackson Day”.You went to the high school football game on Friday, then the bonfire in the backyard of Old Man Silver’s Farm afterwards and got drunk with your principal, your priest and the cheerleading coach.Cow-tipping was overrated. We got it out of our system by 10 years old. Four-wheel ATV’s and mopeds were the preferred method of transportation before the age of 16. Then you got to upgrade to a ridiculous truck that single-handedly left a permanent carbon footprint on the Earth, one that has never gone away.I ate creatures that I killed. They looked at me with big, doe eyes and innocence and I snuffed the life out of them and cooked them on a spit two hours later.I built rafts with my friends for the annual 4th of July downtown festival. We would typically ransack a local junkyard, steal some barrels (usually the big plastic ones that the local pool company threw away that carried their chemicals) then we would bolt pallets from the local hardware store to them. One year we covered it with cheap astroturf and drilled a hole in the middle and stuck a flag in it. We had a makeshift putting green. Did you know kegs don’t float, by the way? Found that out the hard way…. We would buy a keg (from “Amigo” the local liquor store guy who would sell underage) and hook it on the back with a rope and lazily go down the river….. after we stuck it in the 35 gallon plastic trash can that we “borrowed”.You can throw your nose up at these things, but I can tell you that growing up in Fredericksburg, Virginia made for some of the best times in my life. I absolutely LOVED my teenage years. It was a never-ending roller coaster ride of hell-raising, trouble-finding and red-necking. I learned about character, humility, friendship and God. I never would have traded that life for anything and I am so very proud of my heritage.So there you go.Chief of Medicine at the local hospital.

What clothes do you usually like to wear?

I usually wear the clothes which is Casual and comfortable. As comfortable as possible.!Comfortable for me is that wearing something I don't have to be worried about all the time (for example: not wearing a skirt that I'm constantly worried is being blown up by the wind or a t-shirt that's a little too fitted and have to worry about how my stomach looks when I sit down etc etc) and that comfort kind allows for confidence...I dress for myself so I'm always proud of my choices. Just stop caring too much about the masses and their opinions.

Who was the idiot who invented homework?

Thomas Edison. One of his lesser known inventions was homework, so that he could weaken children's minds in order to use with it, his super secret mind control ray.

Thankfully however, he died before he could test the ray, and it was destroyed forever. Sadly, the tradition of homework continued on, funded by the secret "Brotherhood of the Hooded Brothers" in hopes that they can once again recreate the mind control ray and have complete control of the world / Tri-State area.

Keep having really bad dreams about my children, what do they mean?

From your dream I feel that you are ALONE.... either your husband/partner?( if you have either..I don't know) not handling the children and being responsible... YOU SEEM TO BE TAKING ALL THE LOAD YOURSELF. I would guess ( *guess*) that you don't have a partner...

To;'Aubry Ann' and 'L' ....IT IS NOT A PREMONITION...A premonition usually is a deep deep feeling, a very strong feeling to avert or avoid something...and usually it comes when you are awake. Dreams don't come to make us paranoid and suspicious, they come to highlight a situation in our life. I use to dream of being chased by black, hooded women.... that was when I was 16 - 18 years old... I became paranoid...thinking that Muslims were going to chase me and kill me...I found out much later that it stemmed from a timidity and inability within me... a distrust of people. I never dreamed that again and NO.... I was never chased by black, hooded women!. I do believe in prophetic dreams though, dreams of things to come.... but that's another subject!