I Went To The Microsoft Site It Gave Reregistry Cleaner And Uit Said I Cant Downlioad Because The

Are Windows XP process/registry cleaners worth the money?

I can't answer about the Process cleaners because I control the processes that are running by the programs that start at boot up. You can do this as follows.

A major cause of a slow PC is programs that are running in the background. Here's another really good Microsoft tool. Go to Start > Run > type in msconfig in the box and click OK.
This will bring up a window with several tabs at the top. Click on the “Startup” tab. It will list the programs that are running on your PC and eating up resources. Look them over carefully and turn off any that don’t absolutely have to be running. Simply click on the “check mark” in the little box beside the program name. Clicking on it will remove the check mark. Once you have edited the Startup list, click on Apply and then on OK. Once you have exited the window, reboot your PC for the settings to take effect.
WARNING: Don’t go into the other tabs and start deleting things. You will probably give yourself major headaches if you do that. Stay focused on the Startup List only.

Regarding the Registry Cleaners, yes they work and it is necessary to maintain your registry. Lot's of people don't realize that a PC requires maintainence to keep it running efficiently. The hard drive gets badly fragmented and the registry gets poluted with partial and obsolete entries simply from everyday activity on your PC. I'd recommend a reg cleaner very strongly and you should run it at least once or twice a week. There are several available for free at or I bought Registry Mechanic and use it religiously.

Hope this helps.

I have Windows XP Home Ed. I tried to download MSIW.exe (registry cleaner) from Microsoft. Wouldn't install

first do a update check for your pc...make sure its xp home editon sp2 (service pack 2) then look at the download and make sure that is for windwos xp sp2

Does a registry repair work? if so why can i run it once&run it again and still have errors?

You figured it out. It's a ripoff. If you really want a safe and quick registry cleaner, and to clean up the mess made by the stompsoft registry repair, then uninstall that mess and go to Microsoft's Live OneCare Cleanup Scan. It's free, fast and safe.

Windows 7 Blue Screen Error?

I bought a new computer some time ago that came with Windows 7. It didn't come with the Windows 7 disk so I can't format my computer at all. Now, for about 3 weeks now, I have gotten a blue screen error. I have looked wildly on the internet to get more information about this blue screen issue and it seems there isn't a solution on the internet.

I have tried just about everything, some say placing your RAM to 4GM exactly would fix this problem, it didn't for me. Others say to update all your system drivers to the newest drivers, didn't work for me. While most claim to restore your computer to another time, this didn't work for me either. I found on the internet a so called "HotFix" that one should download and install directly from Microsoft.

They go on talking about the problem is because of the system not directing the power supply like it should and this is the reason why the system shuts down to a blue screen error and restarts itself so the computer won't get anymore damage. I install the HotFix and after 2 minutes, again with the blue screen error. It's seriously becoming annoying because I can't work. I'm in the middle of something and the blue screen strikes and I lose everything I was working on.

Sometimes, when a blue screen strikes and the system restarts, on the "WELCOME" logging in part of windows boot up, the entire systems fails again and slams me with the blue screen. My system drivers and programs are the same as my old computer that ran on Windows XP. Never have I had any problem like this on my old computer with Windows XP. However, on this system that is running Windows 7, it seems to be natural.

My computer cost me a lot of money only to find I can't use it. And quite frankly, it seems Microsoft is the one to blame because they are selling a product (Windows 7) that isn't working. I'm not going to buy a freaking Windows 7 disc so I can format my system whenever this problem comes to be. And I'm not going to spend my money on buying a freaking Windows XP/Vista disk either. I am planing on maybe issuing a lawsuit against Microsoft for selling damage/unfinished/defective products.

However, I would like someone out there to stop me from doing so by simply telling me how to solve this bloody problem because it is just super annoying and it makes my new bought super expensive computer isolate and makes me feel I just wasted my money. SO, how can this blue screen error be solved?!