I Will Answer You Question Back-what Can I Write A Book On

First time asking a question in Yahoo. I'm writing a book and I want to know if you guys like the opening. Thanks so much! -Angel Dawn?

There's a lot of nothing going on. It's a beautiful day and a woman is sitting on bed of a trunk and...
It's just not that gripping. There is nothing that immediately draws me in and nothing interesting about this character. I like what you do with language, but, if nothing interesting is happening it's going to be wasted. Some might call this "scene setting" but there are more interesting ways to do it. Maybe start with what is good about this moment.

Home. Finally home. It had felt like this day would never come.
Something like that. This would raise an immediate question Where has this person been? it's obviously been a long while. Why did she feel this day would never come? Obviously it's hard for me to make suggestions when I don't know your plot. But hopefully you see my point. Open with a hook that is also plot related.

I hope this helped and welcome.

In a book report like interview, what kind of questions should we ask?

As a former newspaper reporter, we wrote lead sentences consisiting of 31 words, no more, no less, which answered the usual Who, When, What, Where, How, and if space, Why. These will get all the salient facts out of the way. However, most people who are being interviewed by many media outlets have pat answers for these mundane, boring inquiries. So why don't you hit the areas where your subject will have to think on their feet?

for instance, is the charatcer XXXX based on an actual person or a compilation of people you've encountered?

what were your intentions when you began the piece?

What has been the general concensus to your work?

Are there any societal groups who have been offended by your work?

What do you plan to do next?

The charatcer of XXXX seems to have an overly complex, or maybe, simplistic view of the world. Was this intentional?

Sitting back, what would you change to convey your point stronger?

How long did this effort take? Are you a daytime or nighttime writer?

How did you develop the discipline to work every day?

things such as this will get some asnwers that haven't been spoke and read 1000 times before. dare to be different and you might be pleasantly surprised by the answers your efforts reveal.

What is your favourite type of question to answer?

Questions on Structural engineering (with reference to Steel structures), answers for which are not already available on Google or Wikipedia or in any standard text book or engineering handbook or manual.These are answers that are based on three decades of experience in the design office and also varied field experience all over the country and also in one place abroad.I enjoy them most because this is my niche area and I will be among the chosen few who can best answer the question.Unfortunately I get very few of them to answer. Most of the questions that are asked have the answers in text books already which the OP seems to be unwilling to look up.I love answering questions on translations between English and Hindi phrases and idioms, not standard words that can be looked up in a dictionary.I love answering questions that allow me to share freely and frankly my personal life experiences (without giving any information about my family members, particularly my son and daughter).I love answering questions about the past when I was a child or youth and life during the fifties, sixties and seventies and eighties of the last century before the computer, internet and the communication revolution had turned all our lives upside down!And if none of these topics are available, I love to answer any question about any topic where one does not need any knowledge to answer and those are questions about Bollywood, politics and cricket, dating, boyfriend-girlfriend problems, love marriage and parental disapproval problems, unemployment problems etc. These are topics in which I have absolutely no knowledge and no experience!And finally I love to answer trolls by giving back what they deserve but unfortunately BNBR policy here prevents me. So I compose the answer in my mind and sometimes begin typing it but then abort the answer half way and sigh to myself at life’s unfairness. The few times I gave in to temptation, resulted in my being reported and receiving warnings from Quora and one Edit Ban that lasted a week.I will not risk that again.GV

><)));> Harry Potter fans, some questions about Gilderoy Lockhart<;(((>

1) can Gilderoy even make a Patronus? He seemed to have difficulty with some other prety simple spells, so one would wonder.

2) I personally would be revulsed by G.L's books, but I'm a male, and that seemed to be H.P. and R.W.'s reaction as well (the girls were the smitten ones)

3) He talked a good game. His books talked of all of his wonderful exploits and deeds, none of which were true. His reputaion (undeserved as it might be) probably got him the job.

4) If he ever revovered his memory he'd probably write a book explaining his absence as a secret mission which was instrumental in bringin down V. He'd be back to his old self.

I just got my senior pictures back and some people want me to write long notes on the back. What do I write?

For my good friends, I am not having a hard time, but the people that I don't talk to that often and I have to write on like two or three pictures. I don't know what to write..I really need ideas...

How can i make my computer read back what you wrote?

I want to be able to write a essay or whatever and have the computer read back to me what i wrote to see how good it is and to find the mistakes i made. I have a windows Vista computer and i don't feel like copying a sentence into the Microsoft Sam preview voice book to hear it so that won't work. But if you could make it so he reads the whole page then ill use it.

I was told i have dry writing?

I can see what the person meant by you having "dry writing." You're not a bad writer & you can get better with practice. You almost have the right amount of emotion set in, but you need to give it some "juice." Your phrasing is what is making it the most dry.

This is what you wrote:

"look up and see the look on her face. Terrified, her eyes looking deep into mine, her pupil twitching from the pain I’ve inflicted onto her. I slowly look down and see my torch in her stomach.
“you,” I look up quickly, “for the love of Shane. Why?” blood stats pouring from her mouth as she drops to her knees. She lays in the grass, the dark skies around us on the training field acts as blanket over her body."

This is what I would write:

I Looked up, noticing her face was struck with terror. Her eyes, looking wildly into the depths of mine, in what I would imagine was disbelief. I could feel them cut into me like a knife. (Character's name, don't use her again)'s eye spasmed from the pain I inflicted upon her. Slowly, I looked down. My torch had punctured her stomach. "You." I said (insert emotion). "For the love of Shane why?" (Insert character's name) replied back to me in a whispered retort. The life inside her growing weaker with every passing breath.(Insert description of girl) harshly sank to her knees as her mouth overflowed with crimson red. She collapsed onto the grass, leaving my now empty hand tainted with her blood. The dark skies dome over us as like a seal......

This is what would be my writing style (more or less) you are finding your own but notice in mine the emotion is there? The timing of the descriptions of the specific things happening are there? It makes the characters & the setting more real. Like any write will tell you just keep practicing! But you're doing good!