I Will Go To New York For 4-5 Days But I Dont Know Anyone 2 Hang Out With

How many days would you spend at Walt Disney World in Orlando?

7 days

- One day each for Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom
- One day for water park
- One day hanging out at hotel (if you're on-site)
- One day to hit one of the parks up one more time

My husband wont let me hang out with my friend...?

He cares about you and doesn't want you around any trouble she might attract or possibly draw you into.

I've known people like this. They're users. You want to "be there" for her. She sees you as cheap therapy - someone to unload her problems on and someone who will give her the sympathy she needs. Don't fall for it. As soon as you she wears you out, she'll look for another friend (read free therapist / enabler).

Try this and see if I'm right. Confront her and tell her she needs to be in therapy and that you won't hang around with her unless she gets some help. She'll drop you like a bad habbit.

I really hope the best for you.

A few questions about my new Beta Fish?

I just bought a Beta Fish the other day, and I have a few questions. I asked these questions to people at the pet shop, but I would like to get other peoples' opinions.

1) How often do I have to feed them?

2) Do they need a lot of room to swim around in?

3) What is their life span?

4) If I use drinking water, should I still put the drops in to make the water more cleaner/clearer?

5) There's this plant that they gave me at the pet shop to put into the water. They said that the Beta could nibble the roots off of it. Is that okay?

6) I just put the Beta into his new home last night. It says on the back of the food package it may take about five days before your new fish may actually start eating. I put in the amount of food I was suppose to this morning and it's towards the evening now and he still hasn't eaten anything. Is that bad?

Please help!

P.s: Any other information or tips would be appreciated!

Can you go to the beach when pregnant? (1st Trimester 4-5 wks)?

My 14 yr old neice is visiting me in Florida this summer, I'm not vain and could care less about a tan or the sun. I'll even have her carry a big umbrella for me, I'm only 4-5 weeks and we just found out AFTER booking her flight to come visit! (lol)

Is it safe to go for just a few hours to take my neice to see the Gulf and have some fun? I'm OBVIOUSLY more concerned about the baby than fun, but... I'd feel bad not taking my neice since she's here from Maryland... I'm already letting her down by not taking her on the rides at Busch Gardens... her Uncle will be doing that with her, but I know it's just not the same for the neice. Please help!

I'm a first time mommy-to-be and dont want to pester my poor doctor with a million questions... PLEASE serious answers only.

Thank you!!

How true is it that ur menstrual cycle changes when u change sexual partners? & how drastic can that change be

My partner & I had intercourse 4 times but only one time unprotected on 9th april when he says he didnt ejaculate in me but i dont know if maybe he did a little bit - he's sure he didnt. its usually about 25 days between each period. my last ended on 29th march. my period for april month hasnt come yet. according to my calculations it should've come last week. took a pregnancy test and the results were negative. i have no symptoms of pregnancy. off and on i have slight cramps as if my period wants to come but im not sure. i also have the discharge that u get with the onset of menstruation. no changes in appetite or anything. How likely is it that i could be pregnant? this happened before when i changed partners my period was late and i thought i was pregnant at that time too but i wasnt but i dont recall it being so late. im worried. i dont want to take drastic measures to remove something thats not there and damage myself. I would appreciate any advice given on this subject please!