If A Diabetic Person Eats Too Much Sugar Does Their Blood Turn Into Maple Syrup

What happens if a diabetic eats a lot of sugar?

Nothing happens in the short term. Having raised blood sugar from eating lots of sugar is no different in diabetics or healthy individuals.What does the damage for diabetics is the permanently raised blood sugar- they can’t get the sugar out of their blood, so it stays there.Insulin’s job is to get sugar out of the blood, and all type 2 diabetes is, is insulin resistance. Your cells no longer respond to insulin, so the sugar never leaves the blood like it does in everyone else.When the sugar stays in your blood it rots everything. Your body cells are bathed in sugar non-stop. You tend to get nerve damage in the feet as well as other cellular damage, which is why diabetics often have to have their feet chopped off since their feet literally rot off them. The tiny cells in your eyes are also very sensitive to damage, so your eyesight fails and you may develop cataracts. The liver is never flushed, so cirrhosis and liver scarring is common.As for your question details, if you try to take insulin to counter the high sugar, but keep eating lots of glycaemic foods, you will not be able to take enough. This is because your cells are insulin resistant- they don’t respond to insulin very well. If you just keep pumping more and more insulin into the blood you will get more of a response, but then you will become increasingly insulin resistant.I know this isn’t part of the question per se, but the best things to do diet-wise to avoid high sugar would be to go on a low carb/ zero carb diet. This is because fat is digested differently and has low impact on blood sugars compared to eating carbohydrates or sugars, so you never have significantly raised blood sugar in the same way you do if you eat lots of carbs. The best thing to do exercise-wise is HIIT training- this flushes the sugar out of your muscle and liver and sugar will be stored here instead of the blood- you have 1500+ calories of storage to use up. Interestingly enough flushing the liver seems to drastically increase insulin sensitivity, meaning you will reduce your blood sugar levels extremely effectively in the short term, AND you will decrease your insulin resistance rapidly leading to long term cure of diabetes. Each HIIT session contains a total of 60 seconds of exercise, and is suitable for very unfit people who cannot perform traditional exercise such as a 10 minute cycle.

Why does my cat like maple syrup,...?

Sugar is not good for cats, they can easily develop diabetes and that's a condition for life and you'd have to learn to give her insulin injections, test her blood and the like. While one lick won't cause it, it's certainly not a habit to encourage...

"Avocado Ingestion Dangerous to Cats
The fruit’s leaves, seeds and bark contain a toxin unhealthy for pets.

While there are a few foods that both humans and pets can enjoy, some foods that are healthy for us can be dangerous to cats and other animal companions. One example is the avocado.

“Avocado leaves, fruit, seeds and bark contain a toxic principle known as persin. The Guatemalan variety, which is the most common variety found in stores, appears to be the most problematic,” according to Dana Farbman, CVT, of the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center.

The primary concern is with gastrointestinal irritation, such as vomiting and diarrhea. Typically, these effects are seen in animals that have ingested significant quantities of fruit or branches.

If you suspect that your cat has eaten avocado — or any other potentially dangerous substance — call your veterinarian or the Poison Control Center’s emergency hotline at (888) 426-4435 for 24-hour telephone assistance."

" Avocado:contains a toxin known as persin. It is found in all parts of the avocado & is toxic to most domestic animals.

The symptoms include gastrointestinal irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory distress, congestion, fluid accumulation around the tissues of the heart and even death. "-

What happens if a diabetic stops eating sugar?

The central problem in diabetes is that the patients do not have enough insulin to get the circulation glucose to get out of the blood and into the cells. S/he cannot handle the glucose that is there.A slice of bread may have not got a gram of sugar in it. But the gastric enzymes can turn the starch in the bread into sugar really, really well. That's true for all starch. Potatoes and pasta would do the same thing. You couldn't drop just sugar, you would have to drop all carbohydrates. If you pulled all of the carbohydrates from the diet, you would reduce you need for insulin or other medication dramatically, and might even bring the diabetes into control. Or maybe not.The body is quite capable of manufacturing carbohydrates in the liver by breaking down proteins. So the body can manufacture plenty of sugar even without carbohydrate intake. If there is not enough insulin to handle the stuff that is being manufactured, the patient would still need insulin or other medication.SoStopping sugar will have little or no effect on control.Stopping all carbohydrates will have a dramatic effect on controlInsulin or other medication may or not be needed on a very low carbohydrate diet. If the medication is still needed on a low carbohydrate diet, it will be needed in much smaller amounts and control might be a lot easier.

What happens long term if you eat sugar while having diabetes?

Eating sugary foods on occasion is fine for healthy individuals but even occasional consumption of sugar for someone with diabetes, especially uncontrolled diabetes, can be damaging to the body. When someone with diabetes eats sugar their blood sugar increases and remains elevated for a long time unless they take insulin or a medication to help lower it.If someone has extended elevations in blood sugar for many years they may start to experience problems with their eyes, kidneys, nerves, skin, heart and blood vessels. Uncontrolled diabetes is no joke; it can lead to eyesight problems, limb amputations, heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, etc.I have a video series on how foods affect blood sugar here: are dietary changes you can make that will help control blood sugar, including decreasing your carbohydrate intake and increasing your fat intake. Learn more about the science of reversing diabetes here.

Can diabetes patients eat naturally occurring sugar products like sugarcane, bananas (with high sugar content), etc.?

Hello.  It's advisable to eat those fruits occasionally and in small portions.  Like half a banana,  a slice of mango. Fruits like Apple, watermelon, pear, papaya, pineapple, etc are best suited for diabetics as it has low glycemic index. I recommend you to go through the glycemic index table for foods. It's much essential for diabetics. Any fruit should be taken in moderate amounts only. Hope this helps. Thanks.

Is Maple Syrup Dangerous For Cats?

Sugar is not good for cats, they can easily develop diabetes and that's a condition for life and you'd have to learn to give her insulin injections, test her blood and the like. While one lick won't cause it, it's certainly not a habit to encourage...

What is the best cereal for a diabetic?

I know that any cereal can be eaten in moderation and cereals that are concentrated with sugar are bad, but I'm wondering if there is a cereal that tastes good (in terms of texture and flavor) and has relatively minimal affects on blood sugar ( as opposed to sky rocketing your Blood sugar). Also i heard cinnamon is good for maintaining a good blood sugar. Does that mean that cereals with cinnamon won't affect your blood sugar drastically. (yes i do look for the whole wheat variety when i shop)

Can a type 1 diabetic die from too much sugar given in short time-frame, without other food?

Yes. Assuming there is no insulin.In fact, any food at all will do this eventually. The people on thrice boiled cabbage three times a day diets in the early 1900s still died of their diabetes, it just took 30 years instead of a few weeks or months.The faster blood glucose rises, the faster you achieve ketoacidosis and so the faster you get to Diabetic coma. Once there, unless urgent treatment is given, they will die.Pure sugar will accelerate the blood glucose rise massively.I know it took about a week for me to go from ‘fine’ to very high blood glucose (20 - 30 mmol/L) and it would not have been long from there to coma if I hadn’t been diagnosed. In fact, a nurse commented that she was surprised I had been able to walk in to the ward - most Diabetics arrive already unconscious from it and on an insulin drip.This was with a normal diet (well, a 14 year old diet which had a lot of sweets, chocolate and sugary drinks).This is the thing about type I that makes it symptomatically different to type II. It is an acute onset condition that gets very bad very quickly. Type II is slower to develop - so much so that you may not even notice the blood glucose creeping up over time as your body adapts to the symptoms to make them ‘normal’. Type I hits like a truck full of maple syrup in the face.