If A Woman Is Allowed To Go In Any Direction But A Man Get

Why do girls/woman go out all dressed up looking sexy, then complain when boys/men pay them attention?

okay.. so we admit... we dress up not only to feel good about ourselves, but also to get noticed by the opposite sex. really, it's not so much the attention but the manner the appreciation is expressed.

you can look briefly, steal glances, but don't leer. and yeah.. we can see you when you make obscene gestures when you think we aren't looking.

when saying something, give a friendly smile and say, "that dress is very flattering on you" or "that color enhances your eyes/hair." NOT "man, just look at those ****!" nor "I'd like to ride THAT!"

we like to look nice but not treated like meat on a rack. sincere compliments after a little small talk is fine... lewd comments when we've barely exchanged words are not welcome.

also, be sensitive. if the first line wasn't welcome, it just means "not interested". the right comment from the right guy is welcome. if you're not the right type of guy, persistence isn't always the key.

EDIT: As for why you might get a negative reaction just by looking (even if you haven't approached the woman yet)... That's our visual signal to the person looking, "not interested". I mean, it's great and all that you think we're nice to look at. But if the person looking isn't someone we want to engage in conversation with, we give a "do not even think about it" look so that he is not encouraged to come near and try to make conversation. However, if we think the other person is interesting as well, we smile back.

Y cant women understand maps or take directions if u want them to reach someplace?

Women tend to remember the way from one place to another in a different way than men. Women have no trouble giving directions to other women, just as men have no trouble giving directions to other men.
Men tend to remember paths based on the pattern - Turn left 2 miles after the 3rd light, etc. Women remember based on visual cues - Turn left by the yellow house close to where Blahblah used to live. Either way works, but doesn`t really make sense to someone who uses the other way.

Why don't men like asking for directions?

The general male trait you are seeing is self-sufficiency, which in this particular case might show up as a flaw, but the general tendency to want to figure things out for oneself, rather than ask for help, is a good thing in many, if not most, contexts.  One side effect of figuring it out for yourself is that it will be more likely to help you next've now gained more of an understanding of the terrain, rather than just specific directions from one point to another.Another thing is that, based on my experience, men do better with map-type directions, while women do better with turn-by-turn...the latter kind which you tend to get by asking.  I usually get confused when I get directions, and end up have to ask someone again -- I'd rather get a map, or if I already have some understanding of the geography, follow my instincts.Finally, I think people, in general, tend to be more happy to go out of their way to help women.  It's not just men trying to get in said woman's pants, but a general tendency to want to help women that is built into almost all men.  And if it is a man asking a woman for directions, it is very common for strange men approaching women in public to be met with a certain suspicion or standoffishness.  The point is that on average, women are likely met with a more positive vibe when they approach strangers to ask for help.  (and that's true for other things as well, such as fixing a flat tire, asking for help on the internet etc)

Why do men and women argue about directions?

I think it may have something to do with the differential ways in which men and women are taught to view asking for help.While women are given more leeway when it comes to reaching out to others for assistance or guidance, men are not taught to ask for help. More specifically, men are taught not to ask for help. We’re raised to be problem-solvers, which usually means figuring things out on our own even when we don’t fully know the right answer. Because of sexist tropes like “the poor, helpless damsel in distress” juxtaposed with “the valiant, fearless, brave herculean hero,” women have become seen as more defenseless and therefore more allowed to ask for help or assistance when needed, whereas men have been seen as more independent and therefore expected to rely on their own instincts and knowledge (even if they really do need help). It’s the reason men are less likely to go to the doctors, even when they know something is wrong with their health. It’s also the reason men are less likely to seek therapy or help for mental illnesses, and instead tend to struggle in silence.It’s a bit of a pride thing, and men particularly are taught to be proud. Men are not taught to ask for help unless as a very last resort. So even when we don’t entirely know where we’re going, but we have a general idea, we are less likely to stop and ask someone for reassurance that we’re on the correct route. Men will really only stop to ask someone for directions when they are completely lost and have no clue where they are. Women, on the other hand, have always (again, because of sexism) been given much more leeway when it comes to not knowing where they’re going, or having to ask others for help or directions.Because men are taught not to ask for help, but women are allowed to ask for help; men get annoyed when women tell them to stop and ask for help or directions, and women get frustrated when men refuse to stop and ask for help or directions. And usually an argument will ensue.

Abortion Analogy?

Arguements against abortion state that it is wrong for the mother to end the pregnancy because there is a living person that needs her support in order to live. What if woke up in the morning after a night of partying and saw that someone against your will connected you to themself for around the clock kidney dialysis? In this situation you are connected around the clock and if you become unnconected the other person will die. Also you will have to be connected for nine months, and being connected for this period of time will almost certainly kill you at the end. Do you have the right in this situation to end the connection? And if you do does that right translate into a women's right to end her pregnancy in cases of rape or danger to herself?

What is the most obvious body language indicating that a woman is attracted to a man?

A woman is probably not going to look at a man like a James Bond girl, with a seductive look in her eyes. Maybe if she’s drunk. Usually women are more subtle than this, and men tend to not notice body language that shows a woman’s interest, unless it’s extremely obvious.Leaning in close to you, even from across a table.Having relaxed body language, like she feels comfortable by you. I think men underestimate how important it is for a woman to feel comfortable by a man, so if she is showing relaxed body language, that is a strong sign that she likes you.Eye contact. When she looks at your eyes when you’re talking or when she’s speaking.Smiling with said eye contact. Open mouth smiles especially.Many women change the tone of their voice when they are attracted to a man. Their voice will get more high pitched and sing songy, almost like they’re about to start singing him a lullaby.Touching your hand, arm or leg when she talks to you.Sitting close to you.This one is trickier— some women are shy and can get flustered by men they like, but she can also just be uncomfortable. If she is smiling, giving you eye contact, but looks a bit nervous, like she keeps fidgeting, that’s also a sign that she likes you.

What side of the road should a man walk on beside a woman?

It is actually an interesting question because of the evalution of male chilvalry, the man always stands closest to the road and allows the woman to near the buildings that way the man can push her out of the way of oncoming danger, but in ealier times the reason for this was because people would throw their trash and waste out of windows, so the man would stand near the road to avoid getting covered in trash and waste allowing the woman to get hit.

Should I allow my husband to go to a strip club for his birthday?

My husband will be turning 21 soon and 4 years before we got married he had made plans to go the strip club for his bday. Well now that were are married I dont think that he should go. He wants me to go with him but I dont want to. But if I did go he wouldnt have fun anyways beacause I wouldnt allow any woman to be flapping her saggy boobs and dusty vagina all on him.

All of his friends are not married so I know they will get him into a lot of trouble.

Should I let him go to the strip club or what????

Can sex enhance a friendship between a man and woman?

t can enhance it... But there has to be bondaries...Once you cross that line... You are not just friends anymore...Your something more...and you cant go back... SO if you decide to do it make sure it is just about sex... No sleepovers...limit kisses, etc. anything that is intimate like a relationship watch doing too much of... Good Luck