If Bush Could Not Think Of Atheists

If you were a god, would you care about what atheists think?

Yes (presuming I cared what any humans thought).Here is also a list of things that I would NOT do:“Play games” with people. Or with groups of people.Communicate with only specific individuals or groups. A strict all or nothing policy.// Unless I was not their god, whereas multiple gods existed. In that case, I would not be the first god to communicate with people. I prefer people maintain free will, individual liberty. I would communicate the same precise message to all “my people,” or to zero people (preferred).I would never communicate through appointed people. Maybe talking donkeys. But I’m sure I could figure out social media… if not burning bushes, or whatever medium. I’m sure my signal strength would be higher than any human radio transmitters… people would hear me, if I wanted them to.Ask people to worship me; unless it gave me powers that I did not otherwise have (and I needed them, or just really, really wanted them).Give people any instruction, unless I maintained an open dialogue to answer their questions. (And especially the next generations questions, let alone 80 generations later, etc.) Or did so by gold tablets.Allow people act on my behalf.Allow people make rules in my name.2) Let any children get cancer.To answer the question in another way:IF I cared what theists thought, then I would care what atheists thought too. I would care what all people thought.// All people should care what “others” think, as an ideology. Especially collectively… people should try to understand populations at large, and more so when large groups of people share common beliefs that are in conflict with yours.

Why aren’t any of the Christians and atheists asking “what would agnostics do,” or “what do agnostics think?”

Because both theists (including Christians) and atheists are agnostic.Agnosticism is about knowledge - what can be known or observed through investigation.Theism/atheism is about belief (or lack thereof).Theists don’t know for sure if their God of Choice exists. That’s why they have FAITH (belief despite an absence of proof). If they had knowledge that proved their God of Choice existed, they wouldn’t require faith.Therefore, theists are agnostic because they cannot directly observe or interact with the god they believe in. They can only have faith that their God of Choice exists.Atheists can’t say they have indisputable evidence god’s don’t exist, but in the absence of any evidence to show they do, atheist are unable to believe otherwise. They can’t prove 100% invisible unicorns don’t exist either, but without a shred of evidence to the contrary, it’s pretty hard to believe otherwise.Therefore atheists are agnostic because they have no direct knowledge about the non-existence of gods because most of them are intellectually honest enough to accept that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. However, given how long people have been trying to find any evidence of gods, atheists consider it’s pretty unlikely they exist. Especially when things that were originally attributed to gods have since had alternate explanations.So technically, we’re ALL agnostic.We just have different opinions on what we believe (or don’t believe) based on our lack of knowledge/evidence one way or the other.

Why do atheists say we shove Christianity down their throats?

Atheists shove Atheism down our throats! When you go to public school teachers can't talk about their beliefs they have to teach evolution. They suspended a girl for praying with her friends and a boy for wearing a Christian shirt. They don't do that to any other religions, except they persecute Jews too. Atheists say they are persecuted but they aren’t; people don’t shove them around. So why do they get to shove us around. I thought we were America one nation where everyone is treated equal. Ha! That’s all fake baloney. If the people had it their way we’d all be dead slaughtered like Hitler did to the Jews. I think we have some serious praying to do as Christians.
Those of you who are atheists, not all of you are doing this just the majority. If you want too cuss me out fine I don't care I'll pray for you. If you have stories of persecution share them, maybe we can show them who really is shoving their beliefs down others' throats.

Why do atheists get angry when they hear the word God?

I think you mean, "Why do creationist get angry when they hear the word evolution?"

EDIT:HOLY CRAP! 80 answers in the R&S category and not deleted yet. Anneza A, you have a great question. even though I don't agree with it becuz I'm agnostic, I have to say well done.

Does anyone actually buy that S.E. Cupp is an atheist?

Since she spends almost all her time on TV (FOX and CBN usually) defending Christianity, and has her own show on Glenn Beck's network?

"I really aspire to be a person of faith one day"
"I have a great respect for the religious right"
"He [GW Bush] had a conviction, personal principles, that required him to answer to someone else... That gives me comfort as a citizen knowing that my President is going to bed answering to a higher power."
"As an atheist, I could never imagine voting for an atheist President"
"I don't judge the way people use their faith to inform their decisions"
- S.E. Cupp, CSPAN, 11-18-2009

"As an atheist myself, I like to think I adhere to the same Judeo-Christian values that most of religious America does. It's an understanding of and a respect for these values that keeps me moral."
New York Daily News, 12/23/2009

She sounds like a funny sort of atheist. Or is it all because of the book and TV deals?

I'm surprised at the number of questions targeting atheists. Help me understand this feud.?

The attacks on each other are not caused by beliefs but by pride. In a religious sense, pride is defined as enmity or hatred against God and man. It is competitive in nature. The prideful person does not just want more wealth, power, prestige, position, respect, success, etc. He wants more than others. Pride is the force behind road rage, political contention, religious contention on both sides, broken families, war, the destruction of nations, etc.

Prideful people take pleasure when others are put down. They are unforgiving and mean. The proud rich are unwilling to give. The proud poor cannot keep their eyes off of other peoples stuff. The proud educated think that they are above others.

The proud reject God, thinking that they do not need Him. Prideful Christians are unwilling to place the counsel of God first. They are unrepentant, ungrateful, judgemental and often mean spirited.

Of all the character traits that could be used, Christ characterized Himself as meek and lowly in heart. A meek person is focused outwards. It is not about him. He does not have to have the last say, is happy when others are lifted up, does not brag, is not judgemental or hypocritical and does not seek for position and power. When Christ was on the cross, after all the beating, spitting, mocking, etc., His concern was for His mother, those who were crucifying Him and the others on the cross.

If you started out religious and ultimately chose atheism, did you choose atheism because the evidence supports atheism, or because the evidence did NOT support your religion?

Evidence had nothing to do with it. I misunderstood religion as a child and confused it with play acting like what is seen on TV. I thought that adults went to church for the same reason they went to the movies, as entertainment. We sang songs, ate treats, read poetry, made arts and crafts, planned fun events for the holidays.I was shocked to discover that everyone thought it was all real. I was probably in 1st grade when I had to sit my mom down and explain to her that I didn’t believe in Jesus anymore. It made sense to my 1st grader’s brain that Jesus was just like the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Big Bird and Santa Claus: Just a story people tell children for fun.My misunderstanding was fairly entrenched at that point and it was too late to properly indoctrinate me to believe in deity.My family was so upset that I thought Jesus was a myth that I kept pretending to believe until I was old enough to stop going to church.I’m fairly sure that everyone is born atheist, but it is up to parents to properly brain wash their children if they are going to believe in something as ridiculous as a magical sky daddy who is just sitting around waiting for your text messages.At least in the bible stories, God of the bible would provide evidence of his existence to the people of the bible. These days, god won’t so much as re-grow a severed finger on a person no matter how hard they pray.Sheesh, a little evidence that god exists would be nice if god is actually still there (if he ever were). Perhaps god has been dead a long time.