If Everyones Gums Naturally Receede Does It Mean That Everyone Ahould Have Gum Surgery At Some

For hundreds of thousands of years, humans did not brush their teeth. What happens if I stop altogether?

I’m obsessed with my teeth. I got braces when I was 7, along with all kinds of apparatuses and headgear, and I saw the orthodontist every month for eight years. As a grown ass adult, I still wear retainers. Because of all the pain and effort and money that went into my teeth, I take care of them compulsively.Several dentists have told me that if everyone had teeth like mine, then they’d be out of business. That’s right. My teeth are so awesome I put dentists out of business. I only get them cleaned once a year, and even still the hygienists are always all “wow, there’s nothing for me to do here…” Dentists literally exclaim at how “beautiful” my teeth are.I don’t mind bragging about my teeth. My parents paid a lot of money to make them awesome, and I have put in an ungodly amount of effort into keeping them awesome.My whole point here is that I know about teeth and how much keeping them clean can pay off. So, when I first met my now-husband, I was horrified at the state of his mouth.I wish I had a picture. His gums weren’t pink — they were kind of purple and grey, and they bled. Seeing as I put my mouth near those gums, I had to confront him about it. I discovered that he hadn’t brushed or flossed or gone to the dentist in five years.I was horrified. By this time I was deeply in love, but I must admit that this made me second guess things, haha.So I packed him off to a dentist. First he had to have a really expensive root canal done by a specialist (apparently his teeth have three roots instead of just two, so he can’t get anything done by a regular dentist). And then they told us that he had periodontitis, which means that he had big pockets in his gums that were filled with calcified “bacteria fortresses” (those are the the dentists actual words).The good news was they thought he was young enough that he could be saved. He had to undergo several “deep cleaning” sessions. These were painful, since the doc had to get right up under the gums to attack the bacteria fortresses. They gave him valium and the gas just to get through the cleanings.Turned out that it was all worth it! Three years later, his gums are pink and healthy, and he doesn’t have any more pockets. Thanks to me, he got fixed up just in time to make a full recovery. If his anti-toothbrush lifestyle had gone on much longer, he would have ended up with irreversible gum damage and possibly even bone loss.So, brush your teeth. Don’t be like my (wonderful) husband.

What are some natural remedies to cure toothache and inflammation? My wisdom tooth just started to grow.

Keep it clean with saline solution (salt mix with H20) Keep the tooth away from hot or cold as in liquids. Don’t eat on the tooth. Ice pack the outside of your face. Put clove oil on the tooth with a cotton ball. Go to the dentist. If the tooth is impacted or with pus go to an emergency Dentist, you need antibiotic therapy before the pull, or where you go they might just pull it or fix it through a root canal, filling or whatever. The salt and clove in just a tiny band aide before you get a Dentist to look at the tooth.A decent way to sort things from home: What Your Dentist Doesn't Want You To Know!Obviously, and I think you already know this, the best thing would be to go and see a dentist, or ask a pharmacist/doctor what to use. That said, since you said in your details you can’t buy anything right now, something very benign you could try is swishing very warm salt water in your mouth. Put a teaspoon of salt (preferably sea salt) in a cup, and fill the cup with very warm water. The water doesn’t have to be uncomfortably hot, just running it very warm from your tap is fine. Then stir until all the salt is dissolved.

Can gums recede at age 29?

If you will continue to have your teeth cleaned 2x a year, and practicegood homecare (brushing and flossing), then there's no reason whyyour teeth should fall out. The primary cause of recession is grindingand clinching usually at night. Your teeth are held in by ligaments, when you clinch or grind, theseligaments get over extended or damaged and the gums reced.Recession can also be from ortho treatment or genetics. Your retainermay be applying pressure to a certain tooth which can causerecession- make a visit to your orthodontist to have this checked. Ifyou are worried about brushing too hard, buy a Sonicare... It is thebest brush for delicate gingiva. You may need grafts down the road ifthe recession becomes severe but, that still does not mean you willloose your teeth... Find a good periodontist to monitor your recessionso they can treat it early rather than later and get a night guard forgrinding/clinching.

How quickly does smoking start to affect your teeth?

There are other issues besides discoloration of your teeth. It can increases the risk for oral cancer, a disease that progresses rapidly and can be deadly if not diagnosed and treated early. It also increases the risk of gum disease, which is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults. Smoking can slow down healing after oral surgery procedures, such as having a tooth pulled. It can damage gum tissue and cause receding gums, leaving the roots of the teeth exposed. This could increase the risk of tooth decay and cause hot/cold sensitivity. It can cause bad breath, which may be able to be covered up. Smoking can cause a build up of tartar, which could require you to get more frequent dental cleanings. I don't smoke, however a user did state that they use Crest strips. Which might help, however, there are a few things that crest whitening strips won't help, which I have listed above. I am NOT telling you that you shouldn't smoke. If you ask me, once a person is old enough to drive, it is up to them to make up their minds. But, I just thought I'd let you know a few other issues that smoking might effect.