If George Zimmerman Was Black Would He Have Been Charged

How did George Zimmerman get acquitted for the charges of Trayvon Martin's death?

I watched the trial.The whole trial.If you watched it, a better question would be “How did George Zimmerman get charged with Trayvon Martin's death?”The local DA reviewed the evidence and wanted nothing to do with the case. He knew trying Zimmermann was a losing proposition. The governor brought in a special prosecutor for that purpose.The entire trial was televised from end to end to ensure that there was no secret negotiations or hidden deals. No network carried it. No network reported the trial in depth during the actual proceedings despite painting Zimmermann as a cold blooded killer and Martin as a young and innocent child.What happened in the trial?Martin's girlfriend came off as a liar who changed her story to fit whoever she was talking to.The fact that Martin was a LOT bigger than Zimmerman became an issue.The prosecutor's star witness, a resident in the neighborhood wound up being the best possible witness the defense could ask for, basically placing Martin on top of Zimmerman.Ballistic evidence backed this up.So did stains on Zimmerman, the medical evidence, and the photographs.The prosecutor had such a weak case that they did something rather unusual; they attempted to tack on a child abuse charge at the end of the trial, knowing that their murder charge wasn't going to stick. The jury found Zimmerman not guilty, all the hype that the media made about stand-your-ground amounted to nothing. The rest is history.

Do you feel bad for George Zimmerman?

If it wasn't for liberals and the main stream media, he never would of gotten charged with a crime.

Do you feel bad that he has to deal with a high stakes murder trial and having to pay for lawyers, even though there's an excellent chance that's he's truly innocent.

If George Zimmerman had died at the hands of Trayvon Martin...?

According to the testimony at the trial of George Zimmerman..

Zimmerman was returning to his vehicle when Martin approached Zimmerman.
Martin threw the first punch, knocking Zimmerman to the ground.
Martin told Zimmereman "You are gonna die tonight."
Martin was stradling Zimmerman and punching his head into a concrete sidewalk.
Martin was crying out for help. (at least one eye witness 15 feet away said so)
Martin continued to beat Zimmerman even after being told by eye witnesses that the police were being called.

If George Zimmerman did not have a gun, he may have suffered a fractured skull and or crainial hemorages from the beating and died.

Martin laid in wait in the shadows for Zimmerman rather than proceeding to the house he was staying at. He did not use the four minutes between the 911 call and the shooting to travel the 65 yards to the house. He struck the first blow. The time allowed him to premeditate his actions. His "You are going to die tonight" comment indicated his intention to kill and his premeditation. His comment to the girlfriend of "creepy *** cracker" indicated a racial bias.

According to Florida law the statute for first degree murder states;

782.04 Murder.—(1)(a) The unlawful killing of a human being:
1. When perpetrated from a premeditated design to effect the death of the person killed or any human being;

If Zimmerman had died at the hands of Trayvon Martin, would Martin have been guilty of first degree murder?

Will there be riots if George Zimmerman is acquitted?

I am on twitter and hear LOTS of users talking about a riot if George Zimmerman is found innocent,do you believe they are just threats or will there actually be one?

Is George Zimmerman's father Jewish?

Well, considering his father was a practicing Catholic who has his son George baptized, sent him to a Catholic school, and had him volunteer at a church as an alter boy, I would say the indications strongly point to no.

The only reason why people say he is Jewish is the false perception that a name like Zimmerman means you must be Jewish. However it is a German name, and not specifically Jewish at all. People just want to claim it is to create some sort of conspiracy theory, such as the answer that claimed "the media just doesn't print it". Or the guy the used this question as an excuse to relay his hastred of Jews, by implying that Jews are racists for pointing out that a Catholic is not Jewish.

but as I said, his father is a practicing Catholic who married a Peruvian Catholic lady and had a son who they baptized and brought up in a strict Catholic household.

of course, NONE of this is relevant to the case of his guilt.

If George Zimmerman were African American, he would have never been charged with the crime of murder and/or manslaughter?

What the over-emotional Trayvon protesters apparently don't realize (or don't want to know) is that the Sanford PD was prevented by law from arresting Zimmerman the night of the shooting. Florida law requires that police must have probable cause to make an arrest, and all the evidence was consistent with Zimmerman's claim of self-defense.The ONLY reason Zimmerman was arrested and charged anyway was because the usual activists whined and complained and pressured the state into it because of the wildly mistaken belief that this was a case of a racist white man gunning down an innocent unarmed black child in cold blood (not helped by the fact that the media actively perpetuated this falsehood). If both had been the same race or the races were reversed there would have been no racial frenzy to whip up, the shooter would never have been arrested, and no one outside of Sanford, FL would ever have heard about it.

All biased put aside.Why wasn't Zimmerman charged with Manslaughter?

"it is not illegal to follow a person"

How many times have you heard this script?? It is a mindless argument, which blatantly ignores reality, or that Martin had any reason to fear for his own safety or life.
also, consider the following...

The prosecution asked the judge to instruct the jury that it could consider who was the first aggressor in the altercation between Zimmerman and Martin. If the judge had agreed to give that instruction, the jury might have concluded that, by following Martin, Zimmerman provoked a physical response from Martin. The defense objected to the instruction, and the judge decided not to give the first aggressor instruction.

The jury was instructed to consider only whether Zimmerman reasonably believed deadly force was necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself - when he later tussled with Martin on the ground. The jury was also told Zimmerman had no duty to retreat, that he could stand his ground, and meet force with force- including deadly force - if he was not engaged in an unlawful activity and was attacked in a place he had a right to be. Finally, the judge instructed the jury that if it had a reasonable doubt about whether Zimmerman was justified in using deadly force, they should find him not guilty.

The instructions prevented the jury from considering whether Zimmerman was the first aggressor when he got out of his truck and began following Martin. When Zimmerman told the 911 operator, "****, he's running," the operator asked, "Are you following him?" Zimmerman said that he was. "OK, we don't need you to do that," the operator told Zimmerman. But Zimmerman followed Martin nevertheless. Rachel Jeantel testified that Martin told her on the cellphone he was being followed by a "creepy *** cracker."

The jury was only given partial instructions on self-defense - those parts that helped Zimmerman. They were prevented from considering whether Zimmerman might have been the first aggressor, which would have negated his claim of self-defense.

and people around here wonder, WHY DON'T PEOPLE JUST ACCEPT THE VERDICT AND MOVE ON??