If I Do This Will I Lose Weight Preferably Belly Fat

How to lose belly and thigh fat?

im attending college this fall and have some belly fat and thigh fat. i wanna get in good shape for the first day. does anyone have any good exercise routines? and a good diet plan??

What all remedies will be helpful to lose belly fat? Preferably which I can make myself like a cardamom water for example?

I love this question!We all go through that point in our lives when we want to appreciate ourselves after seeing in the mirror, but something holds us back.It's time to love the person in the mirror!What can we do about that? For weight loss we can only do one thing, which everybody else is already doing ! That is being in CALORIC DEFICIT!Voilà, c'est tout !Until we are in calorie deficit , we won't lose even one gram.Prepare a goal oriented diet plan and workout program. That's the only sustainable way to keep those pounds where you want them :)Stay motivated \m/

Will I lose weight (belly fat) if I start skipping breakfast? Will it work like Intermittent Fasting?

Yeah probably, as by skipping breakfast you are taking in fewer overall calories: This is what you want to lose weight.Intermittent Fasting is basically like skipping breakfast, anyways.Intermittent Fasting, or IF, is a fairly new diet trend that has been gaining a lot of popularity as of late. It is a simple technique that allows you to take a break from eating for a certain amount of time.Personally I got a little fed up of the absolute mess of information the internest throws at you when it comes to fasting. It gets pretty hard to know what to follow, how long to follow it for and half the time it doesn’t work. I mean we wouldn’t all keep hearing about fad diets if one actually met half the promises, right?You can download the Eat-Stop-Eat Audiobook completely free from Fasting TV. It goes back to basics to actually get results: [Free Audiobook] Eat - Stop - Eat: Make Fasting Simple Again (And Get Actual Results)If you haven’t really looked fasting before it can be a murky topic. There’s a lot of inforation to go on, especially online where everyone and their dog have an opinion whether they’re qualified to share it or not.At the most base fasting is an intentional withholding of food. Whether for spiritual or health reasons there absolutely are benefits to it when used correctly.To everyone spouting that it’s all a craze with no backing - I think you’re thinking of detoxing and juice cleanses. Fasting is different and has clear and proven advantages.There is no set duration or way to do it. I’m not going to pretend like I have all the answers because at the end of the day I only know what works for me and a sample size of one is not a reliable study. However I will tell you that the biggest thing you can do for yourself is get at least a basic understanding of what you’re doing. You don’t need to study nutrition for years but don’t just follow along with fad diets or fasts in the hopes of stumbling into something which works.The sad truth is if it was as easy as all that selling us on fake diet crap wouldn’t be such a big market.

Im 14 and want to lose belly fat?

Try calculating your weight and online. I was going to do that for you and let you know myself but I can't tell if you are a boy or a girl from the name Riley lol. Sorry. In hate to break it to you but running is best thing possible to lose belly fat. I'm a professional cross country runner and running is my passion, there is never a day where I don't go outside for an intense workout. I'm 15 going on 16 and I understand that you don't like running. I didn't like it when I first stated either but once you keep doing it everyday, trust me, it gets easier to the point that you feel like your only walking. Please try it. It will help you endurance soooo much!! Alternatives would be: intense swimming, bicycling, and walking. Walking I don't really approve since it burns little amount of calories and seems a little lazy and boriiiing. Good luck!

Should a teen be worried about weight if they have a bit of belly fat?

Unfortunately yes, but I want you to know that you shouldn’t worry about your weight because of how that might make you look. I am answering your question purely from a health perspective. I don’t want you to stop eating or go on a ridiculous diet or undergo severe caloric restrictions. You’ll know what to do once you read the rest of my answer.Teenagers are supposed to have a high metabolic rate (compared to adults anyway). This means that teenagers and young people can more easily burn their calories compared to older people. Most people start putting on weight and develop belly fat in their late 20s and 30s and even more dramatically from their 40s.If you have some belly fat now, chances are you will have even more of it when you’re out of your teens. UNLESS you make some small but powerful lifestyle changes.Here’s what you should do.Be more active. You're young, don’t sit around playing video games or watching Netflix. Go outside, play sports, hike, anything.Reduce (if possible completely avoid) fast food, processed food, junk food and sweetened beverages. Cut out anything with added sugar in it.Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Do NOT stop eating. Do not go on a severe calorie restricted diet, because that won’t help you in the long run. You may lose weight with calorie restriction, but you will quickly put on that weight again unless you change your lifestyle.Sleep more. Sleep helps people lose weight by supressing stress hormones. Stress is a major reason people have belly fat. While stress normally starts affecting people when they are in their late twenties, it is possible for young people as well to be stressed. If you think you’re stressed, please practice stress management, meditate, do yoga, or simply hang out with friends and enjoy yourself while you still can!Belly fat is a concern not because of aesthetic reasons. It has major health implications, since belly fat increases the risk for several diseases including high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus, heart disease and cancer.If you are a teen and have belly fat, it simply means you’re following an unhealthy lifestyle and you should get more active and start eating better, so that you can cut your risk for these diseases. If you don’t make these changes right now, you will be paving the way for more weight gain and belly fat in the future.

Will my belly fat be reduced if I drink hot water?

If you're on a diet, chances are you've heard drinking a glass of warm water first thing in the morning can help with weight loss. Warm water increases body temperature, which therefore increases the metabolic rate. An increase in metabolic rate allows the body to burn more calories throughout the rate.Therefore, a healthy diet alone is not enough. If you do not drink enough water, the food's nutrients will not go to other body parts. ... Other than this, water helps in the digestion of food and consequently, help burn more calories. This will lead to losing belly fatThere are many different opinions on how much water you should be drinking every day. Health authorities commonly recommend eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon. This is called the 8×8 rule and is very easy to remember. Healthier digestion. Hot water is said to be an easy way to improve health. ...Drinking hot water helps to break down food faster than drinking cold or warm water. It reduces the risk of constipation by supporting regular bowel movements.Our bodies can burn calories in several ways: basal metabolic rate (BMR), physical activity and digestion. Drinking cold water rather than warm is not one of them. ... It is true that your body will work to raise its temperature to 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, but it will only expend about eight calories to do this.Improves blood circulation. Drinking warm or hot water flushes the toxins, including fat deposits, circulating in your body, which improves blood circulation. Muscles relax as well, also aiding in better blood flow.

How did you lose disgusting belly fat?

Speaking from experience on losing weight,
you HAVE to do Cardio, which ever ab workout you chose, you have to squeeze is
some Cardio, running is what I prefer, though
if you go for biking, that's fine too but you have to bike a longer distance.
Depending on how fast you want to lose the belly fat and if its urgent, or if you could handle it, you could workout everyday to get quicker results, but breaks will still lead to good results.
The ab workout should be at least 30 min.
The belly fat will start to get lose n jello like so at that point you have to step up your game with the ab workouts, but still do Cardio.