If I Drink 2 Gallons Of Water A Day And Eat About 900 Calories How Much Weight Will I Lose

If I drink 2 gallons of water a day and eat about 900 calories how much weight will I lose?

I will be doing this diet for about 2 weeks. If I drink 2 gallons a water a day and eat about 900 calories and burn about 400 calories at the gym how much weight will I lose?

Don't tell me this is unhealthy..... can you just tell me how much weight I will lose?

How much weight can I lose eating 350 calories a day?

I'm 5"3, weigh 180 pounds, at 50% bodyfat and 23 years old. Does anyone have any dramatic weight loss stories?

Breakfast: Coffee with milk, no sugar, 3 cups = 20 calories
Dinner: 1 cheeseburger from mcdonalds = 330 calories

Protein: 15 grams
Fibre: 0
carbohydrates: MANY

How much weight will I lose if I eat 300 - 400 calories a day, no lectures?

Heres the thing. you would lose a lot of weight however i will say that the weight you will lose in this time will come back quicker than you can say "i just lost 20 pounds!" Also, starving yourself for a few days does put your body into starvation mode and it does hold on to the extra fat and it starts eating your muscle. which in turn will slow down your metabolism and give you no energy for your days. and i swear im not trying to lecture you right now I am just telling you the pure facts. If you want to eat 300 to 400 a day go for it. you will lose weight and it will come right back and that is not good on your body AT ALL. Plus from a personal expierence depriving your body of calories and nutrients makes a binging problem. because your body will be screaming "FEED ME" and all it takes is that one slip up of too much stinkin cake and ice cream and you feel awful and the weight your trying to lose will come back quick! sooo i know you prob. dont want to hear this but you could eat 1200 calories a day which is the minimum you should eat and walk or run 30 min. a day and you would lose weight very quickly and in a healthier way. Also if your tryin to lose weight i highly reccommend that you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and take a good multivitamin. you will feel great :) hope i helped you in any way!

How much weight will I lose eating 500 calories a day for 5 days?

If you have an average Basal metabolic rate in the 1500-1800 calories range, you eat 500 calories per day, and you are minimally active, your daily deficit will be 1300 to 1600 range. Over five days, you can expect to lose somewhere between 1.5 and 2.5 pounds.What you see on the scale will look higher though, because you'll have probably lost some fluid and you will have emptied your digestive tract. That could make it seem like you’ve lost somewhere between 5 and 10 pounds, bit ot will not be real weight loss. You'll gain that back within a day or two of going back to normal eating again. You can lose a bit more than that 1.5 - 2.5 pounds, and maybe bring it up to as much as 3 pounds if you exercise on each of those three days, or 3.5 pounds if you exercise strenuously enough to burn an extra 1200 calories per day - but by the end of the second or third day you'll likely not have a whole lot of energy for that.And let me be clear: While a five day near-fast of 500 calories/day is unlikely to do any permanent damage, this is not a healthy way to lose weight, and you should not even attempt it without discussing your intentions with a physician who is familiar with your medical condition, lab results, and history.

Drinking 2 gallons of water a day?

For the past week I've been drinking 2+ gallons of water every day. I haven't noticed any negative effects and it has quickened the healing process on my face.

How much weight would you lose in a week by eating 600 calories per day?

You can live on zero calories a day if you have enough fat to burn, but let’s be a bit more realistic in our goals, hm?You obviously want to lose weight desperately to go to 600 calories a day. I’m guessing that means you’ve tried other, less severe alternatives already and it hasn’t worked.(Before I continue, let me preface this with: if you are not an adult - if you are younger than 18 years of age - though preferably 20 - you should absolutely not do this. Your body is not finished developing!)Think of a time when you really, really had to pee. Would peeing *just a little* make you feel better and keep you going? No. You needed to hold it until you could get rid of it all!Think of your 600 calories as trying to pee ‘just a little’ to keep your bladder from exploding. Sometimes all or nothing really is better.Rather than go 600 calories a day, try intermittent fasting. It’s where you eat full, normal, healthy meals with lots of fibers and healthy fats! Yes, avocado, olive oil, whole milk - fat is a wonder that we have demonized for way too long.Eat until you are full and satisfied. Then don’t eat again for a prescribed amount of time. I have been doing 16 hours between meals for a while now, but recently I’ve started doing longer, multi-day fasts. If you work yourself into it slowly it’s much, much easier!Once your pre-determined time of not-eating is up, eat again, but eat whole, healthy meals and be full and satisfied.Right now I am having coffee with some whole cream in the morning, and tea or water throughout the day. I follow this for about 4 days, then eat regularly on the weekends with my family since that is when we usually get together for things.If you work yourself into it slowly, let your body adjust, and eat well when you do eat, this is a great and sustainable way to lose weight. You won’t be plagued by hunger, you can be as flexible as you need to if a meal comes up you weren’t expecting but don’t want to turn down (friend shows up unexpectedly, say) and it’s easier than trying to eat ‘just a little’.Again, if you are not an adult, this does NOT apply, non-adult bodies are not ready for fasting. Also, if you have medical conditions, talk to your doctor first. Or, really, talk to your doctor first anyway.

Eating less than 1,400 calories a day will make me loose 1-2 pounds a week?

Yes, that does sound crazily low. I doubt you'll lose even that on 1400 calories though. I suggest 500 and you'll lose 3-5 lbs a week.

How much weight would I lose if I run 10 miles every day for 2 months?

Others have hinted at the answer, but I mostly closely echo Nico's response.The real question isn't how much you'll lose in 2 months, it should be about sustainability. Running 10 miles everyday for 2 months is not sustainable and at the end of those 2 months, your adrenals will be so wiped out, you'll gain all the weight you're trying to lose and more.5'8" and 150 is about ideal for male. For ladies, that may explain the weight need. Running that many miles for that long will shed weight - but it will shed muscle as well. You'll become skinny fat and then shake your fist that you ever started running. If you are serious about the weight loss and it's done in a healthy approach, combine your efforts with nutrition AND exercise. Exercise is only 20% of the equation, truth be told.Assuming you allow 8 weeks for your weight loss, you can reasonably lose 1-2 pounds per week in a safe manner without losing too much muscle. But instead of just turning to running, do some weight lifting. Look up videos about high intensity interval training.HIIT is known to increase your fat metabolism even after you stop exercising. As for your weight loss, you can dramatically lose 5-10 lbs. just in shifting what you are eating. Avoid processed foods, fast foods, carbohydrates as much as you can (less than 50 grams a day) and drink water vs. soda. Not even diet soda as sweeteners can cause an insulin response.Long story short - choose a method that is more sustainable for you and your body. Don't look at your life ending in 2 months. Set it up for success with an approach that you can do from now until you're in your 80's.Best of luck!