If I Have Money Why Should I Be Interested In Politics

Why should I be interested in politics?

The leader of your country should concern you. You get to help elect the leader of your country. YOUR COUNTRY. There are many countries who have no say in their leaders.

People have died and fought for the right to vote throughout history, and is still going on today. Do your ancestors a favor and be thankful for what they fought for. It's a right, you are lucky you have a say in your government and politics.

Because it will effect you later in life. Maybe your future child is gay, maybe your friend is gay. I'm sure you want them to be able to marry and be happy right?

Human rights. You should be interested in human rights. How can you not care what happens to your people?

It's History. You will read about political decisions in the history books. Your children will read what your generation did and decided and voted for.

Also, whether you realize it or not, everything effects the first answer said. Something is bound to effect you. Something is effecting you right now. You just don't know it.

No no noThe vast majority of people have no interest in politics. Most only care around election times or during a crisisA lot still don't care. Why should they? Just for example, my family has been in the same financial position the last 12 years. We were shit under Blair, shit under Brown and shit under Cameron. Most of us couldn't give a shit who gets elected as it probably won't help us.Most of my friends (despite what Bremainers say) couldn't care less about the referendum on the EU, it just made more sense to vote to preserve the status quo than risk the Unknown.Most people as I said don't care. Even during election times its people being given two choices and then having to justify their choices to the other side.Anyone who calls you stupid for not being interested in politics is probably a real political obsessed guy who's self righteous in how politics changes everything therefore we should all care. Economic is just as important yet we don't see economic students rolling their eyes when people say something like “when will the debt be paid off?”. Politics attracts two very distinct types of peopleThe narcissistic power hungry elitesThe principled idealistic revolutionaries who want to change things for the betterEven the latter tends to have a “why don't you care about this incredibly important topic?!”. And then they belittle people about not sharing their beliefs. It's unfortunate given the nobility public office should bring with itThe short answer? You have nothing to feel unintelligent about. Politics isn't for everyone and it's that simple. You're no more stupid than I am for not caring about economics or than my brother for not caring about history. Everyone can justify how their favourite subject is the most important in the world and that tends to hurt the feelings of people who don't care about it. If an economics student were to laugh at me for not understanding how a nation devalues its currency I might feel hurt. Might feel stupid. But I'm not. It just so happens I couldn't give two fucks about a process I have no control over which is how I'd say every human being feels with politics

Participation in politics and having a deep knowledge or interest is a matter of choice, much like having interest in music or sports. However, unlike some of the other activities, politics has an impact on all spheres of life, like our job regulations, the infrastructure development of our nation, public services rendered, law and order, education environment, and even whether we can marry our loved man or woman. Hence, one must atleast be aware of what is happening in the political world, and which leader or party stands for what policies. With growing polarisation in many countries, knowledge of politics may help us avoid many pitfalls. This helps us in making wise choices for the betterment of our own lives, and the nation we live in.

Not really. Politicians aside, politics are a pretty smart subject to talk about and study. I can’t do the smart.Even though I have my own political views and I sometimes daydream about being president and changing everything for the better, I am not into it.I don’t really know what to say here, because I feel like I have more to say but nothing to say at the same time.I try to get myself into talks about politics with the adults but I’m just shut down. Plus, I don’t know the laws or the current politicians and how everything works and I mostly have different views from those around me. People are homophobic, I am for legalized same sex marriage. People think sex is shameful, I am for legalized prostitution and sex ed in schools. People think men cannot be abused, I am for changing the definition of domestic abuse and rape. I am for harsher and stricter sentences when it comes to crimes, but also for protecting the criminal until it’s been proven he’s the one. I am for changing the school curriculum for it to be more useful on day to day life.Politics can start very interesting discussions if you talk with smart, rational people who don’t argue violently. If you get idiots, bigots or both, then you’re fucking screwed.Anyway, politician or not, I have this mindset when it comes to politics:In politics, there is no religion and no emotions, only logic, rationality and the view of a better future.

Why Youngsters not interested in POLITICS?

I am a youngster and I AM interested in Politics. I wanna change the way this country is run. I wanna kick the corruption outta the country. I want India to be a super-power, even more powerful than China.

But at the end of the day, there are limitations. Its a crime to do anything good in India. Do u know what the repercussions of being a true politician are? At best, you will be a regular visitor to jails. At worst, the fcukin politicians will get you killed.

We are not at war against our corrupt politicians. We are at war with our own COUNTRYMEN.

We are youngsters. We have a long way to go. We have to support our families. And in all that, we have a bloody ridiculous political system that we havta live it. Its not that we dont try. We do. But just not enuf.

We wait for a saviour who'll get us outta this ruckus.

What caused you to have an interest in Politics?

I made an assessment of the political scene, which was:

It's full of lunatics, plus there's a bipartisan thing going on that just keeps public opinion divided whilst the real ruling class just exploits it to their benefit, and they are stupid enough that they can't keep an economy growing, since they're too obsessed with making six and seven figure salaries to realize that even if they make plenty of money, if nobody else does, they've got nobody to sell merchandise to, thus stagnating the economy, which they blame on everyone but themselves, then there's a a wave of religious fundamentalism that keeps hampering proper political process.

In short, it's a mess, and I think people ought to know.

If they don't, their children will really regret it.

No. Not in liberal democracies. In liberal democracies, “politics” under its more benevolent-sounding name “Democracy” is the state religion. (Everyone loves “Democracy” and hates “politics”, but the two cannot of course be separated, as they are two sides of the exact same coin.) So not being interested in the state religion (“Democracy”) is, at least to some extent, a betrayal of your people. It’s like being an atheist in 1765. People might not persecute you, but they’ll think you strange. You won’t quite fit in. People won’t trust you as much.I too am not interested in politics, so I can completely sympathize. One strategy is to feign interest in politics while in public—”go with the flow”—but privately and with close friends, avoid all thought of it. It’s likely that many people feel this way, for it is not natural for people to be much concerned with arcane affairs of state in which they have little expertise.Perhaps you can even start a secret, underground group, to which principled disinterest in, and avowed eschewal of, politics is among the criteria for membership. It would be a great way to meet like-minded people… and you might just be surprised at who shows up.

Democracy is incomplete without the participation of the people. For the progress of the democracy and thus progress of the country, active participation by the people in the affairs of polity is a must. Everybody may have his/her own reasons to take interest in political and democratic affairs of the country. But, I think one should do so due to the following reasons:Merely voting once in five years does not make you dutiful and responsible citizen of the countryOnly if you understand the polity of the country, you can make a significant contribution towards itEconomic and political affairs of a country are integrated and inter-dependent. So, if you care for income and money in your hands, you should care for democracy tooWe all are integral part of the democracy and one day some of us will be leading the country, so better learn about democracy and polity now and develop a comprehensive thinking of these affairs, even if just for the sake of the futurePolitics is always interesting. Taking interest in the democratic and political affairs at the beginning might be a little boring but very soon it becomes very interesting

The survey at the link is poorly worded. It reads, "Should corporations and unions (Super PACs) be allowed to donate to political candidates?".A Corporations is a legal entity that can participate in contracts, within which ownership, by shares, assumes limited liability; an entity that can continue existence beyond change of ownership of distributed shares.  A Union is an organized collaboration of qualifying job categories of employee-workers formed for collective bargaining with employers / management.SuperPACs are political action committees that are organized for independent expenditures, only, with no coordination with specific campaigns, and which are thus able to take contributions in any, unlimited amount, from donors.A corporation and a union may or may not contribute to a SuperPAC.   SuperPACs are usually incorporated, but can be distinct and separate from typical corporations and are definitely separately organized from unions, even if a union is the main financial support.  So the question confuses what is being asked.  Are contributions to SuperPACs at issue? Are contributions by unions and corporations to SuperPACs the issue? Or is it something else?Corporations, unions, individuals and groups all have a stake in the discussion of the issues of the day.  To have one's message heard above and beyond the din requires expenditures, sometimes large expenditures.  It should be possible for people to assemble, and through their collective contributions, have their common viewpoint heard.The balance to this right to be heard, is the right to know who is paying for the discussion (which is fair input to judgment of what it said).  And it is necessary to be assured that this speech is distinct and separate from the campaigns of any individuals, without coordination.

No you should not join politics only on grounds of interest in politics. Interest in politics will die out soon once you will face increasing complexities and you will give in to the negative instincts of human character like greed and jealousy.Apart from interest, you should have desire to serve the interests of people. You must be a patient person also. You should have good social intelligence. Your mental acumen should be better than ordinary folks. Only then will you survive,otherwise you’ll end up being a laughing stock among your colleagues.The individual interest of any politician should not be superseded by that of common people,otherwise you will risk increasing the number of self-serving politicians.