If I Want To Totally Deny Something That People Keep Reminding Me Of Over And Over What Should I Do

Why is it so annoying when someone tells you to do something you're about to do anyway?

There are lots of answers to this question.However, that fact is that it doesn’t matter what the intention of the other person is.Where it comes from (self-anxiety, benign helpfulness or controlling behaviour) is less important than how you deal with it.You see, what matters is how you feel about it and your ability to nutralise possible feelings of negativity through your own reaction.Let’s talk about a solution instead of just being annoyed. Being defensive is no fun. It helps to have a come back line that establishes that you were one step ahead of them.Here are some examples:“I’m one step ahead of you.”“Great minds think alike.”“We’re on the same page.”“You read my mind.”“Already there.”“Eat my dust.”“Already on it.”“On top of it.”“That’s my next step.”“I’m on it.”If you’re a generous person and the person you’re with is a kind one, you are safe to say:“Good thinking!”“You’re right.”“On my way.”“Yes ma’am/sir!”With my husband, we say to each other:“Good thinking, batman/girl!”*————————-*Yes, I know, ‘girl’ is not ‘woman’ or ‘lady’. However, one syllable sounds better than two to both of us.

What's the most annoying thing people do on the subway?

A few things have tied at the top of my list:

Walking in to the car, and then stopping. Either that, or refusing to move to the middle to let more people get in.

When a guy has his knees so far apart he takes up two seats.

When annoying subway performers get pissed at you when you don't pay them for being subjected to their godawful 'music'.

When it's rush hour and someone stands in the door of a Brooklyn-bound train, asking if it goes to Harlem, or a similar show of incompetence.

When people blast their music so loud, you can hear it halfway down the train.

When people refuse to shift around a little so you can hold on to the bar, and then give you weird looks when you either have to reach in too close, or get mad when you fall on them.

When a lot of high school kids get on the train and insist on prancing around, screaming, making sure that everybody knows what OH MAH GAWD WHAT SHANIQUA JUST DID. (non-minorities do it too, I just end up taking the train through more black/latino neighborhoods around school hours.)

When people refuse to let me off the train and I either have to miss my stop, or shove my way through them.

Why are some women in denial about their husbands cheating?

Well, just depends, first, you dont know what he is promising her. She might be trying to save her marriage, actually make it work, they got kids...everything... People make mistakes, but if he is a constant cheater, well then she's just in denial. There are always two sides to a story, but now that youre pregnant by him, it makes the situation a lil more difficult. Just take care of urself and ur baby for now...dont even worry bout him or her...just take it as a lesson learned, unfortunately its a hugggggeee lesson. One thing though..if he is a constant cheater...if he did it to her..hes gonna do it to you...just remember that.

How do you explain transsexualism to non transsexual people?

I am a transsexual woman who has been slow coming out to close friends and family. I keep getting the same themed questions ask over and over.

"How do you know you are a transsexual?"
"Whats makes you think you are a transsexual?"
"What do you think you can do as a women that you can't do as a man?"
"I just don't understand."

I know I am a woman on the inside, and I try to tell them it is about making my outside match my inside. But that is not clearing it up for then they are still confused. They mean no disrespect, they just want to understand. So they keep asking the same themed questions over and over. I feel I must not be explaining it clear enough. So does anybody have a good simple answer to help me explain transsexualism to non transsexual people?

I still think of my ex all the time, 5 months after the break-up. I still want him to contact me. Does this ever go away?

I don’t usually answer questions on quora but coming across yours reminded me of my own past and I hope I can help.Before you read I want you to know that I understand how hard it could be and no matter what someone says or does to make you feel better it just doesn’t work. Nothing I say will help you get over him; It’s time that will heal you. I’ve been through it, I feel you.Well, the memory of my breakup is all a blur. All I remember is depression and anger for 6 months!In short, I was cheated on :(Backstory:The first month I just stayed in bed, never went to college for a couple of weeks. Lost my appetite, couldn’t eat even if I wanted to.Every now and then my ex would bring something up and create drama, though we had broken up she would accuse me and spread rumours in my college/among my friends almost every week.She harassed me, just because I didn’t have the power to say anything. I was too weak, without any support. My depression was very clear but she would tell people that I was just pretending like being depression to attract attention.In conclusion, it took a few months to get over the whole situation, it still angers me thinking about it. Everything happened just over a year ago. Looking back 5 months post-breakup I was as worried as you are about not forgetting/getting over my ex.I had no support, all my friends (I doubt they were) turned against me after my ex lied to them that I used her and whatnot. This wouldn’t have affected me as much if I had the support of my friends, the best way you could get over him is hang out with your buddies and treasure every moment. Your ex isn’t worth it.I could go on and on about my story, there is ALOT more but I know how annoying long answers can be xD (btw I have completely gotten over her and matured over time). In fact, me not discussing the whole story or letting it all out- is proof that I’m over her.Trust me honey, it’s gonna be a hard-to-recall memory that you can’t really rememeber in the next 30 days and so on :) <3Her name was ‘Ayesha’If you’re reading this, f*ck you Ayesha :)I’m glad I got rid of you.