If Someone Got 12 Hours Of Sleep And Another One Only 2 How Many Times More Is That

I sleep only 2 hours a night? will this kill me!?

eventually it will all catch up to you and you will end up crashing and sleeping for a whole day. you won't die from lack of sleep, BUT lack of sleep will run your imuns system down, when your imune system is down, you will catch something, AND if you catch something while your immune system is down, you may not get over it quickly. one way or another you will get the rest you need.

Is it ok for a 12 year old to sleep 5 hours one night while getting about 12 hours normally on other nights?

My kids are difficult to wake up if they’ve only slept for 8 hours, and much worse if something unusual caused them to only get 7. I can’t imagine how that would go if they’d only slept 5 hours. They’re 4 and 9, so a bit younger, but children in general need more than the 8 hours of sleep adults require, as others have stated. It’s definitely not ok for them to only get 5 hours per night.That average requirement concern ignores the second important issue of maintaining a set sleep cycle, which applies to both children and adults. It doesn’t work for people to make major changes in their daily sleep patterns. Shifting amount or timing slightly is probably ok but trying to sleep two thirds as much one night and add the time back in another later isn’t how that works.It doesn’t work related to throwing off a sleep cycle, the natural timing, and also not related to “catching up,” as if eating a light dinner on night and then a big breakfast to counter that the next morning. People can suffer from problems from insomnia just from pushing back their sleep cycle timing an hour or two on the weekends, versus earlier on the week-days, but varying total sleep time would be more disruptive.

Why do I feel tired after approx' 12+ hours of sleep?

I am going to gove you a different, unexpected answer. You see, the reason that you manage to sleep for 12 hours tells me you very likely are sleep deprived i.e. don’t get the sleep you need. When you are sleep deprived from many nights of short / poor sleep, you are going to need more sleep then just one night of good sleep. You may still have sleep debt to “pay off” which may be why you feel sleepy.If you sleep this long often, you may have very poor sleep quality (i.e. your sleep is not restorative). This can happen when you take sleep medication or when you have an underlying disease such as sleep apnoea. In such cases you may feel like you slept for 12 hours, but you didn’t get enough REM sleep and slow wave sleep to restore body and mind.Aso, depending on what time you go to bed, another reason for you being tired may be simply the time-of-day you wake up. Your alertness levels rise and fall over the course of a 24-hour day. Depending on whether you are a early bird or night owl, you will feel more alert in the morning hours, start feeling sleepy a bit around 2 p.m., get your “second breath” at around 5 p.m. and start to feel sleepy again in the evening. If you go to bed at 2 a.m. and you wake up 12 hours later, you may be right in that 2 p.m. alertness dip. This may also explain why you can feel sleepy after a very long sleep.

Can someone help me with understanding military time and the time difference while traveling abroad? Trying to make reservations?

I get all confused with the military time as well and the time difference.
I have a flight leaving May 16 at 20:00 and it says it is a 10 hour and 30 minute flight, in which I will arrive to my destination at 15:30+1. I’m lost lol. If I need to book a hotel, would I book it for May 17? When do I actually arrive to my destination? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Is 11-12 hours too much sleep during pregnancy?

honey ... there are not enough hours in the day.

You sleep as much as your body demands - if you have the time, then dont limit it.

It could be hormones, or just the baby sucking your life away, it could also be to do with the baby having a growth spurt, or your own sleepiness from nausea - be assured its completely and utterly normal!

One lesson learned in pregnancy is that you are no longer the boss! Bubs is in charge, and if bubs needs you to sleep then ... do it!!

Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy, but i think in the middle of the second trimester you suddenly will feel alot better - from about 20-30 weeks i was good!!!


If I sleep 4 - 5 hours per workday but I sleep as long as I want in the weekend, will I still have long term side effects?

Absolutely. It almost killed me. Seriously.(By the way, I’ve never answered questions in a health section, as I usually talk about investing here. But, this topic effected me so much that I had to chime in.)Let me elaborate…I used to work as a firefighter for a very busy city. I worked 24 hour shifts that were often scheduled in consecutive days.Many times I worked up to 7 days straight - no time off. Always working.Now, there are beds in fire stations, but in busy stations they are rarely used.A lot of guys will just sleep in big “TV chairs” with their clothes on because emergency calls go all night long.So… anyway… after you’ve worked 7 days straight, with maybe a couple of hours rest each day, your body starts to deteriorate.On the outside this is very visible. I went from looking like a regular guy in his mid-twenties to some dude that most people thought was in his mid-forties. I had dark bags under my eyes, bad skin, dull senses, and a very stoic attitude.My hunger for sugary foods was insatiable, as I was constantly looking for a new ‘high’ to keep myself awake.My back hurt from stress, my head hurt from lack of sleep, and my joints were stiff from lack of rest.Even though I can’t see my insides, I can only assume that it’s worse. Heart disease, blood pressure, blood sugar, and numerous other health indicators are negatively affected by lack of sleep.But the worst part is your mental status. You start to think irrationally. Your body literally goes into survival mode and your surroundings begin to get sacrificed. Your relationships, daily routines, and excitement for life are completely smashed.And here is probably the most important fact: you cannot ‘catch-up’ on sleep. Trust me. I’ve tried it.On my days off I would try to sleep or nap, but I could never get a rhythm going. I’d either sit in bed tossing and turning or be thinking about all the things that other people were doing because it was day time.I can tell you that if you do not sleep enough, you will never be able to compensate later on. Furthermore, aspects of your life will begin to deteriorate in ways that you never thought imaginable.

My body keeps waking up after only few hours of sleep and then I can't sleep?

I have kind of a long story...but it's all the details of what have been happening lately incase it could help someone give me an answer and I really appreciate it if you can.

I was on a really bad sleep schedule (completely opposite of most people) going to bed at 9-10am and waking up at 4-5pm. I wanted to fix it one day so I forced myself to wake up (even though extremely tired) after only a few hours of sleep. I had gone to bed at around 10:30 am and woke up at about 2:30 pm. I took a walk in the sun and got exercise that day thinking that would help me sleep through the night and I thought I'd be so tired that night that I'd sleep like a baby. Well I went to bed that night and to my surprise I woke up after about 3 hours of sleep and could not fall back asleep until noon and I slept until 4pm at that time (4 hrs). So total that day I got 7 hours of sleep. So that night I went to sleep around the same time as the night before (1:30am) and woke up at 4am after only 2 1/2 hours of sleep this time. When I woke up, I absolutely could not fall asleep this time I tried getting up, listening to music, reading, showering, etc. Nothing worked. I finally got maybe a few minutes of shut eye around 2:30pm that day and then I forced myself to stay awake to go to bed around the same time as the previous two nights. So I stayed up until around midnight or 12:30 and woke up at 4:30am. It's now 5:19 am and I'm on here trying to hopefully make myself tired enough to fall back asleep. Even though my body feels tired, it's almost impossible for me to make myself sleep again unless I go the whole day without sleeping.

My concern is that my body will never want to sleep more than 3-4 hours at a time again. I don't think that's very healthy at all...I'm a person who usually sleeps 8-9 hours a day and I want that back. Is what I'm experiencing normal when trying to change a sleep cycle? Will my body eventually sleep at least 6 hours without fully waking up?

Thanks if you can help me..I've done drastic changes to my sleep schedule before but never had this problem where I'd wake up after a few hours and then couldn't sleep so I'm worried.