If Someone Has A Negative Attitude Toward A Particular Individual Or Group For Example What Are

The word "stereotype" generally carries a negative connotation, Is it always negative?

A stereotype is something which one associates with a certain group of people, and consequently with each member of that group. Examples of stereotypes would be that African-Americans are poor, young people are self-centered, and accountants are boring. If you were a young, African-American accountant and a person were to meet you and apply stereotypes, they might assume that you would not know much about money (since supposedly you grew up poor), that you might not care much about the client (because you were supposedly self-centered), and that you would have no personality, regardless of what you were really like.

The problem with stereotypes is that even when they are good, they are bad. For example, it is a common stereotype that Asians are good at math, or that they are really smart. That sets up unreasonable expectations of Asians who, while they may have all kinds of talents and strengths, aren't particularly math-centered or conventionally intelligent. Another example would be that many people assume that if someone is really tall, they would be good at basketball, even if that person is the clutziest individual on the planet. Many tall kids have been forced into basketball, which they have truly hated. No one really wants to be ignored in favor of some general assumption about people. People like to be recognized for themselves, rather than for some generalized assumption about what they might be like.

What is the relationship between attitude and behaviour?

.....Unlike animals, people usually don't react instinctively in a stimulus-response mode. Instead, they perceive their environment, think about what to do, then respond with action...or often just more thought.

An attitude is a set thought pattern, an ingrained belief. For example, a person might grow up thinking "snakes are dangerous." This belief, or attitude about snakes, will cause the individual to behave a certain way when confronted by a snake.

People have attitudes about hundreds of things. These thought patterns heavily influence actions - how a person will behave.

What is Prejudice and examples of past people who were prejudice?

Prejudice is a premature judgment, a positive or negative attitude towards a person or group of people. Based on beliefs and not facts, it can affect a person’s emotions and behavior, often leading to discrimination. Prejudice beliefs are usually based on stereotypes and overall impressions, believing all members of a particular group are the same. It is believed that people are not born prejudice, but are usually formed against groups a person has never had contact with.

Hitler is a good example, he and the Nazis were discriminating against Jews. Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is an organization which discriminated against whoever was not white, they are best known for advocating white supremacy and acting as terrorists while hidden behind conical hats, masks and white robes, and to date is still an organization.

hope that helps!

What is the meaning of attitude?

Attitude is an acquired state which is attained through experiences in a persons life. It is a state which makes someone liable for his actions and reactions. Attitude is a state of thought which is totally dependent on the condition of the event or situation. It can be evaluated by two measures, the one is extremely negative and the other is extremely positive. There are people who can take hold on both the types of attitude positive as well as negative which simply leads to the controversy if a person can hold multiple attitudes towards something.In our common language, we generally say, “he has so much of attitude” but this statement also holds different meanings. The one can be that, the person(having attitude) is very much confident about everything in his life and holds a good (positive) attitude. The other meaning can be that this person has lots of “ego” in himself and shows a negative attitude towards people. The other meaning can be, this person thinks himself great and tends to ignore other people. So, there can be many definitions of attitude depending upon the perspective of people.Attitude can also be referred as a psychological tendency which can be expressed on the basis of evaluation of any situation or entity with some degree of favor or disfavor. There can be may situation in which many people can have different attitude about some thing or any same event. Well, it all starts from one’s thought process.I always suggest people not to be judgmental for anything rather experiencing and learning from those experiences. It will develop a habit of understanding things rather than taking random decisions.It is how we take things in life.Thanks for reading.