If The Serbs Want Kosovo Back Why Don

Why is Kosovo Serbia?

"Kosovo is Serbia", "Ask any historian" read the unlikely placards, waved by angry Serb demonstrators in Brussels on Sunday. This is rather flattering for historians: we don't often get asked to adjudicate. It does not, however, follow that any historian would agree, not least because historians do not use this sort of eternal present tense.

History, for the Serbs, started in the early 7th century, when they settled in the Balkans. Their power base was outside Kosovo, which they fully conquered in the early 13th, so the claim that Kosovo was the "cradle" of the Serbs is untrue.

What is true is that they ruled Kosovo for about 250 years, until the final Ottoman takeover in the mid-15th century. Churches and monasteries remain from that period, but there is no more continuity between the medieval Serbian state and today's Serbia than there is between the Byzantine Empire and Greece.

Kosovo remained Ottoman territory until it was conquered by Serbian forces in 1912. Serbs would say "liberated"; but even their own estimates put the Orthodox Serb population at less than 25%. The majority population was Albanian, and did not welcome Serb rule, so "conquered" seems the right word.

But legally, Kosovo was not incorporated into the Serbian kingdom in 1912; it remained occupied territory until some time after 1918. Then, finally, it was incorporated, not into a Serbian state, but into a Yugoslav one. And with one big interruption (the second world war) it remained part of some sort of Yugoslav state until June 2006.

Until the destruction of the old federal Yugoslavia by Milosevic, Kosovo had a dual status. It was called a part of Serbia; but it was also called a unit of the federation. In all practical ways, the latter sense prevailed: Kosovo had its own parliament and government, and was directly represented at the federal level, alongside Serbia. It was, in fact, one of the eight units of the federal system.

Almost all the other units have now become independent states. Historically, the independence of Kosovo just completes that process. Therefore, Kosovo has become an ex-Yugoslav state, as any historian could tell you.

ยท Noel Malcolm is a senior research fellow at All Souls College, Oxford. He is the author of Kosovo: A Short History


you named your question as a triangle between SERBIA/KOSOVO AND ALBANIA,but it got much more dimensions .its the question of ethic and moral.every state should treat all his inhabitans same(the rule of law),and its fact that serbians and albanians lived in same state,but they wasn't equal before the law.there was segregations in every aspect of life:from schools,work ,taxes ...
from 1990,when serbia closed all kosovar institutions for albanians,it was state teror and the victims where albanians.more than 80% of them where suspended from work,schools were closed for albanian children,every third albanian was one way or another abused by serbian police and it was sooo hard to get even the birth certificate?!myself,i had big dificulties for registration of my son born in 1997.they didn't ''liked'' his name Bardhyl,we can't spell it-they said,change the name!i didn't changed it,'cause its the oldest albanian name ,from written documents more than 2400years,and in english it means white star.but,i couldn't register his birth!
i don't wanna go on explaining all stupitidies of serbians(in fact i try hard to forget them).
serbia did everything to discourage albanians for living in kosovo,but we have very strong ties with kosovo,and we managed to survive.they tryed to displace albanians during the war,and they deported more than 800000 albanians in neighboring states,but they failled,'cause albanians came back.
and now,they're offering us autonomy?!!after all that we've been through?they just can't be seriouse.our full independence is only inches fact ,we are independent now,its only the matter of time to became independent de jure. son is now registered ,and he got the name i have choosed for him:Bardhyl.
@to bojo:you are really good in telling stories,but this is not time for sleep.serbia himself was under turks for 500 years,and i dont understand the part when was kosovo for centuries serbian?and from whom to ask citizenship,from the state that doesnt exist?be more seriouse,and admit historic facts that albanians are native inhabitans of kosovo and that serbians came from russian stepes in 9_th century.

3 Questions about Kosovo - Serbia?

Well first of all is Kosovo still part of Serbia or not, when I search Serbia sometimes it has Kosovo included sometimes not so what is it really?

2nd of all why do they call Kosovo "heart of Serbia" when yougoslavia existed the Serbs and kosovars weren't really like close to each others and they are so different..

3rd why does Serbia wants Kosovo to be part of Serbia this badly??

Kosovo and Serbia!! Im confused!?

Ok sooo... The UN recognizes Kosovo as it's own independent country correct? But Serbian's don't. Now im confused on why Serbia can't except it as it's own country... my research and my Serbian friend seem to tell that Kosovo is Serbia's holy land- is there any other reason? And why in the first place would Kosovo want to separate from Serbia? And was it the Albanians that helped Kosovo become independent?- why?- whats the issue between Albania and Serbia?

Question to Serbians about Albanians and Kosovo?

I'm interested in this topic. I know that Serbians have been living in the Balkans since the 6th Century, but the Illyrians lived there before that period, so the Slavs settled in occupied land. I know that there has been tension with Slavs and Illyrians since then (now Serbians and Albanians). I know that Kosovo is historically important to Serbia because between the 12th Century to the 17th Century, it was the the center for the Slavs (until they relocated to the land that is now modern-day Serbia). However, Illyrians did live in Kosovo (Dardania) before Slavs moved to the Balkans.

So I have a few questions. (Anyone can give opinions even though these questions are directed towards Serbians.)

1. Do you agree that Albanians have every right to live in Kosovo since it was Illyrian land before Slavs moved there? If a Serbian says "Kosovo is Serbia", will it offend you if an Albanian says "Dardania is Arberia"? Why or why not? (Arberia is Albanians ancient name)

2. During the war, do you agree that it was wrong for Serbians solider to torture, kill, and rape innocent people, including women and children? (Please do not use the excuse that Albanians used to kill Serbians. I know that Albanians and Serbians have been killing each other for a long time now. )

3. If things were reversed and Albanians went into Serbia and did an ethnic cleansing (tried to rape, torture, and kill all Serbians) would you understand why Albanians are so angry and sought out independence for Kosovo?

4. Do you think that it is possible for Albanians and Serbians to make peace with each other and the past? What do you think would need to be done for this to happen?

5. If you meet an Albanian person, what would you assume about them? Would you immediately think that they are a bad person because of their ethnic background?

6. Would you get offended if an Albanian badly judged you only because you are Serbian? Would you seek to show him/her that you are indeed a good person and that the past has nothing to do with Serbians today?

7. Is there anything that you would like to add to this? Any additional opinions?

Thank you.