Im A Girl How To Straighted Up Curly Leg Hair

Can you straighten leg hair?

you can smooth it down
they have gel baby oil
and smooth your hair down

Straightening leg hair?

Aw :) That is quite endeering in a funny twisted kind of way.
Firstly, unless you used thin hair straightners;
it would be too hard to control and you would burn yourself. Also to do both legs would take a looooong time, and you wouldn't want random curly patches. Also as soon as the follicles become damp they will return to their usual state.
Personally a guys leg hair doesn't matter to me, but if you are overheating in your trousers I would suggest bleaching the hairs a lighter blonde colour so they are less noticeable and maybe clippering them so they are a tad shorter.

Just thank the holy lordy morly that you don't have a leg like this

:) don't worry about it man.

Should I curl or straighten my hair for the first day of school? (Tomorrow)?

Just be your normal self, let everyone see the real you.

How do I straighten my hair for men?

Try purchasing a hair straightener from any drug strore or online retail site. But do ensure you use protection cream before using the straightener on your hair else the heat would damage it. Exposing your hair to such heat constantly would damage it as irreversible. The cream or lotion are also available. This is a temporary solution or for a quick and simple way when you have to be ready for an event or a date.For a more longer duration try applying oil on your hair before bed. Back brush it with a slick look. And when you wake up wash it down. This may appear a bit messy cos you are using oil and going to bed. So be careful of the pillow and other bedroom stuffs but this does work for a longer timeframe. Do this practice 3 times a week and Eventually after few months or weeks you would notice the hair texture is soft & the overall health of the hair would be better. Straight - yes definitely.

My girlfriend wants me to straighten my hair?

Yeah. I'm in highschool. I've got a "hathead" (for those that don't know, wings at the side & front, google it) and I like it (LOTS of other people.. almost everybody has a hathead) but my girlfriend told me she thinks it makes me look retarded. She wants me to straighten my hair to look like one of those emo dudes. Lolwtfno!

Seriously, what should I tell her? I said no but she's not giving it up

What is the fastest way to straighten hair?

Most women in Asian countries wear the straight hair which they are famous by the advantages of them like the smooth of them, the shinny of them, the natural and the charming look, and the convenience of them that is you don’t spend too much time and money on the maintenance of straight hair. There is a way of calling the Asian straight women--the beauty of east. Nowadays more and more women in Africa like the straight hair and to be look like with the beauty of east. So they figure out all different way to straighten their original hair so following we will discuss how to straighten you hair at home.Step1: Wash and condition your hair. Use a gentle shampoo and a smoothing conditioner to get you hair prepared for the following process. Straightening process will cause damage of you hair so you need to take care of them like the babysitter.Step2: Dry you hair. Towel dry your hair until it is not wet any more which means you don’t need to blow your hair into totally dry hair and here is a good suggestion that is Try a microfiber towel, which is better than the regular towel.Step3: Smooth a defined amount of a straightening cream which depends on the density of your hair throughout your hair to get it ready for blow drying and flat ironing. Make sure you will not use too muck which can make your hair soft instead of straight.Step4: Using a brush to carefully pull your hair straight when you blow it dry. make sure you're not overheating your hair. Keep doing this until your hair is completely dry.Step5: Using a comb, pull out a section of hair as taut as possible with one hand, while smoothing a flatiron along that section with the other. Start at the roots of the hair and move to the end in one fluid motion, then repeat the action until you think your hair straight from the root to the top.

How do I make the hair on my legs less curly?

sorry to tell you but no. and even if you did apply some sort of hair straightening product to them, it would not reduce the appearance of the hair on your legs. the only thing i would suggest is shaving them or trimming them. i find that guys who shave their legs/arms to be very sexy. women love smooth skin on guys. despite what anyone might say about it being "gay"...its not at all. most basketball players and swimmers shave their legs. :) i even used to shave my boyfriends legs for him, and he was a 6'8" basketball player. all man..not gay at all! LOL! it shows off the calf muscles in a verrrry sexy way.