Im Being Mentally And Emotionally Abused By My Mother.

Im being mentally and emotionally abused by my mother.?

I'm 16 years old and well ever since I was 9 my mother had the tendency to treat me worse than the rest of my siblings. At a young age I was forced to learn how to clean and do all the house chores. My mom insults me, calls me names, and offends me. I do so much for her and help her, but yet no matter how much I do for her she tells me I'm worthless, that I'm a good for nothing, and that I can't do things right. She doesn't appreciate how much I do for her. Yes I'm the oldest if the four children, and she treat them like kings and queen and treats me like a slave. My dad doesn't like how my mom treats me but he can't do nothing because my mom has him on check. I'm very afraid of my mom and I hate her with a passion. I'm tired of being treated like crap and yelled at for no reason. What should I do? I need help. I feel like I live in hell, I feel like running away. I'm tired of being mentally and emotionally abuse, and I believe that these two are worse than being physically abused. I'm tired of my mom putting me down and making me look stupid and ignorant in front of people. I have really good grades at school and I'm very active in my favorite after school activities. Every time I talk to her about my future dreams and plans, she tells me that its stupid and talks crap about how I won't make it far in life. :c

I am being mentally/emotionally abused by my mom. I need help,?

I decided to go online and see what I could find because I wasn't so sure if this is really mental/emotional abuse. My mom and I don't communicate well. She always dominates the conversation and it leads to a bigger argument. Sometimes when things get really heated, she would say a lot of hurtful things. She would call me a slut, a whore. She says it's impossible for me to get better, and I am incapable to being succesful. She says stop crying because it is a weakness. She tries implying that I need 'sexual' help. (and I don't.) Whenever I make a mistake she says if I do it again or keep doing it she will send me away. She judges my friends and isolates me from the outside wrold. She keeps me in the house. She doesn't like it when I go online and tlak to my friends, she also doesn't give me a phone. I'm turning 17 this august. This may seem like she is just a clingy parent and doesn't want to let go of me, but it is way deeper than that. No one understands her like I do.. I did some research and I found this list, and I put a " * " next to it if it applies to me.

Making the child/teen feel responsible for the mother's feelings. *

Threatening them in general. *

Threatening them specifically with rejection or abandonment. *

Threatening them with vague, unstated consequences. *

Using force upon them.

Invalidating their feelings. *

Laying undeserved guilt on them. *

Placing undeserved blame on them.

Dominating the conversations. *

Refusing to apologize. *

Always needing to have the last word. *

Judging or rejecting their friends. *

Sending them to their rooms for crying or saying crying is a weakness. *

Locking them out of the house.

Using punishments and rewards to manipulate and control them. *

Invading their privacy. *

Under-estimating them. *

Failing to show trust in them. *

Labeling them. *

Criticizing them. *

Giving them the silent treatment. *

Failing to give them real explanations. *

Giving non-explanations such as "because it is wrong" or "because it is inappropriate" or "because it is a sin"

There are many more things that my mom does to me but these are just a few..

I just need to know what I can do. What should I do?

Is my mother emotionally abusive?

she really needs help. she needs to see a psychiatrist. my mom does the same thing. i'm 19 btw. but i've found my voice and i talk back to her. i yell louder than her. i've left and went down to cali with my gf to stay with close cousins she doesn't know about. i'm not saying yelling back is the way to go just cuz it works for me maybe you should right her a note and just leave for somewhere for a few days and say here mom you have me gone be happy. see how she reacts. message me if you ever wanna talk

My mom mentally/emotionally abuses me.?

Basically ill tell you pretty much my life story. All my life (im 15 now) my mom has been forcing me to go to church so eventually i just gave up on going for a couple months now. My mom acts so sweet in front of people but at home its a hell hole. She treats me like crap. She calls me names all day everyday and i cant stop crying. She doesnt even care. She puts out all my buisness out to her family. She tells them how bad i do in school and that im a screw up just like my brothers. I can never get along with her because she likes to fight with me. I clean my dishes so she doest bother me about them. I envy my friends mom because she can sit down and talk to her mom about anything and everything. All i ever do all day is stay in bed watch tv and cry occasionally. Ive tried to sit down with her and tell her how i feel but shr doesnt care. Every sunday is when our fights are worse because she trys to force me to church still. I WILL NOT GO! Maybe when im grown up and have that maturity to go then i will but right now i just cant. I cant live with my mom and definately cant live with my dad because hes a drunky. How can i possibly survive staying in this house. What can i do with my life should i try avoid going home after school? Maybe get a job? I dont know what to do

What should I do if I'm being emotionally abused by my parents?

this is what I’m going through right now. There is no perfect answer. I don’t want to go to foster care or have to get my parent in trouble. See your options maybe move with another family member or do something that keeps you out of the house. But if you can’t leave your parents house and don’t want to go into the system. Then here are somethings to look forward to. Get a job and save up to move out. That will keep you out the house more. Focus on school, that will keep your mind distracted and get you out of the house easier and possibly faster. Sometimes it could be hard to do anything if your constantly getting put down or punshined for no reason. This is hard for me to do but try and just please them and don’t talk back and do as your told. It might not be fair or still hurt but you could give your parents less of a reason to yell at you all the time. If your parents have been like this for a long time they probably won’t change. Not by themselves, not without professional help. And the first thing that would help is having the parent admit they have a problem and that is very hard to do. If your parents drink or do drugs avoid them AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE while they are under the influence this will cause them to start an argument easier.So try to stay away. The best solution if you don’t want to go to foster care or anything like that is keep your distance.

Am I being emotionally abused by my parents?

You already know the answer. Yes you are being emotionally abused by your parents. They will have a different view perhaps simply wanting you to do your best. Parents can fuck up too. Their strategy for parenting seems sub optimal at best for you. Failing to adapt to circumstances is not uncommon. Philip Larkin poetically notedThey fuck you up, your mum and dad.They may not mean to, but they do.They fill you with the faults they hadAnd add some extra, just for you.But they were fucked up in their turnBy fools in old-style hats and coats,Who half the time were soppy-sternAnd half at one another’s throats.Man hands on misery to man.It deepens like a coastal shelf.Get out as early as you can,And don’t have any kids yourselfWhat you need is to be able to either exit or accept this for what it is. What is it? This reflects your parents inability to deal with you on an individual level whilst trying to do their best.You might say their best is not good enough but it's their best.What it isn't is ….. any reflection on your value or worth as a human being. You are still a wonderful person struggling with your own shit as best as you are able. See you have lots in common with your parents ;)If you can't get away (age/resources etc) then I'd suggest you need to talk to them. Let them know how they are making the situation. Make sure you express your appreciation for their good intents. Ask them how they feel, what worries them?Also look at your own behaviour honestly and critically. Are there times when you are being selfish? We all get wrapped up in our own shit sometimes.

What can I do when I am being emotionally abused by my family?

Hey, I'm a teen, and lemme tell you this: Stop listening to these people saying you're not 'free' because you are 17. Age doesn't matter in this situation, it only matters in the eyes of the law. Don't believe these people that "you can't do anything because you're 17." Emotional abuse happens to people of all ages.  People who don't go through emotional abuse think the abuse will magically disappear when you turn 18 and that everything magically turns okay. Your solution: Get a job. Get a job. I wrote that twice on purpose. Find a place you can work at and you will be able to avoid them while you work. You will be able to do all that you want to do if you have that cash.If the job isn't an option, then PLAN YOUR FUTURE!Write down what you want to do, and research it. Go to your school and ask your counselor about what you write down. GO TO COLLEGE IF POSSIBLE, THE RIGHT ONE!You will be able to come out of school in the next 4 years and become a PROFESSIONAL. You're 17 now, well by the time you are 21 or 22, you can flip your whole life around..Yes! A PRO! You can be a  pro at whatever field you choose to study in the next few years! Just stay healthy and away from bad habits, bad food, and the bad people who only know how to talk trash.Have hope, have brains, and find energy to get through the turmoil to solve your problems.If there is more that is going in inside of your household, go ahead and ask quora. You'll be surprised how many people might feel the same as you.If you have to, go and cry. Let it all out. and then be like "whatever" and move on and think about what is out there waiting for you.

I am emotionally abused and physically abused by my parents. What do I do?

You know, I was in the same place as you ever since I was a small child. I have no brothers or sisters, though.When I was small I contemplated doing what you are so afraid to do. I really wanted to but I just couldn't. I felt like that by doing so, I would be doing “bad”. I knew that life in foster care would be very uncomfortable. I knew I would never have been able to call it home. I never did make the call.Today, I know that if I had made the call my life would be completely different. I would be in a better place right now. Regardless of the discomfort foster care would have given me, I would have been much better off. If only I had made the call, everything today would be ok. It's a decision that forever changed my life.Your circumstances are only a little different. I think it's time you made the right choice, with the circumstances in mind. Maybe you don't have it quite as bad as I had it.

How do I know if I'm being emotionally abused by my mom? If I am, what can I do about it?

I figure because you are asking this question, you have a pretty good reason or reasons to suspect that she is being abusive to you.Here are some of the signs that she may be abusive:She constantly puts you down. Makes fun or demeans you.Yells at you. Calls you name. Curses you.Tells you how dumb, stupid you are and you will never amount to anything in life.Makes you cry or upset over and over, until you feel like you will have a nervous breakdown.Puts you down in front of others. Terrorizes you and uses you as scapegoat for things she does wrong.Never really commends you on doing anything, except only to make fun of! Enjoys nothing more than putting you down. Leaving you pitful and with no confidence. Does not have voice to stand up to!You never say how old you're are. If you are a minor living at home, you may have to suck it, try to stay out of her way as much as possible until you turn 18.If you cant deal with it, tell your school nurse or guidance couselor. I am sure there is someway they can help you with with them, giving you another adult to stand up for you.If you are old enough to move out, but financially not stable, there are other options you can seek, such as as moving to a shelter, another family members place, somewhere where you know no you can have peace of mind and encouragement for a change.This is the hardest part, and even harder to believe, she is the one with the problem, not you. She does this more than likely cause she dealt with the same things she inflicts on you. She was more than likely abused.Try not to listen. Or take things personaly. Agree with her, sounds crazy but it can also help to diffuse the situation. But do your best to try at least, to deal with it as infrequently as you can get by with. And imagine the beautiful life you may one day have, without toxic people in your life. Period. Good luck