Im Jealous Of My Bestfriend

I'm jealous of my best friend :(?

I had friends like that. Whenevwr i was sad they coulldnt be there for me. Rich n pretty people have feelings to and their life isnt always happy or perfect. Jealousy is normal but you sound like you hate her. At that point i would say stop being friends cuz ur only gonna hurt her in the end like my friends did me. You can also DO something abiut it. Ask your friend to give you a makeover, or tutor you to get your grades uo and get a college scholarship. Find your own talents and interests and be proud of them. You sound like you have low self esteem which requires a counselor, not being jealous if your friend. That is no fault of hera only you can help yourself. The blame is not hers so seek help. My firends were the same needkess to say we no longer talk. Unless u want to lose a friend, change

How can I stop being jealous of my best friend?

How? I also had a question like yours for such a long time and now what i realize is that if i am jealous of my friends, maybe he/she is not my best friend. I had a 4-year friend who i haven’t talked anymore just because we were always jealous of each other. I even thought that she was my best friend cuz we spent most of our time together, going out, walking to school and all that. But we never shared our feelings as well as expressing our jealousy. We both showed like we were happy when the other had happy events. All of these things is the indication for our seperation when we went to high school. I still check her SNS to see what she posts everyday and i know she also does that. But we are not best friends anymore or we never were. But in another case, at this moment i have a friend who i just have met for over 1 year. She is really good, always cares for me and helps me in life. I can see her sincerity through her action. And I never feel envious of her. I don’t know exactly why but when you want to become friends, you should try to care about the other’s feeling. Let help them when they have hardships and always hope the good thing will happen in their life cause we are friends. Sometimes we want to lower our friend’s level just to transfigure ourselves or we don’t want to become inferior to our friend so we are jealous of them when good things happen in their life. This is the reason it is very hard to get rid of our jealousy and become close

How to stop being jealous of my best friend?

So we been friends for a pretty long time were pretty close. I'm very quiet, I'm not very social at all. I mean I'm working on it. But sometimes it worse cause i have social anxiety. I don't like being this way. If i did i accept the way i am. But it always seems that when i hang out with her and our group of friends she is always the one who gets all the attention. Friends always complementing her, always more attention on her. She admitted to me she likes attention. At first it didn't affect me. It wasn't until perhaps college that it just started to annoyed me. Cause my friend always kept talking about her how pretty she is and everything over and over and I always feel the shadow, third wheel. Now if my friends are going to hang out i get invited but they make sure she going and i just get push to the side, not like it matter if i come. I don't know i don't like being jealous but it's inevitable because I am insecure and I'm not confident at all. I have talked to her about it and she has apologize, it's not her fault at all though. She notice too, if i go hang out she tells me she sorry that i didn't have fun. I have a hard time stopping myself comparing myself to her. I really really know i have to focus on myself, trying to fix things to becoming happier with myself. But it's so hard. When I'm the second choice when she is always perhaps going to be the first choice to everyone.I always over analyze everything and overthink. But she has such low confidence, she calls herself ugly, once i got annoyed with her and said "I'm tired of you saying that" and she told me "well I'm sorry that I'm saying that i really feel" when in reality ppl ALWAYS telling her she's pretty it's annoying. I feel like she seeking attention from that too. I told her and she just got irritated. In a way were sorta similar, but in many ways very different. I don't hate her though. But we always tell each other how were feeling and so I do want this friendship to work. I really need advice. Were 18 btw. How do i become more social and confident?

My Best Friend is Pregnant - and Im Jealous?

You situation stinks. I understand a bit because I'm on the other side of it. My best friend discovered a week before her wedding that she was pregnant. It was a destination wedding and while our group was in the air on the way to Hawaii, she started bleeding. I felt awful. They had been so excited for this baby. The week after we got back she went to the doctor and had the miscarrage confirmed. Three days later I found out that my husband and I were expecting our third child, a wonderful surprise from our trip for her wedding! I felt so guilty. She was with me when I took the other two pregnancy tests and I could not for the life of me get the courage to tell her for weeks with this one. She was more angry with me for not telling her about the pregnancy right away than anything else. She has been wonderful and supportive. She and her husband are now trying very hard for another baby (maybe too hard, I think she's pretty stressed). I know its hard for her to see me getting bigger but we love each other so much we'll get through it!

You can't really control jealousy, it just happens. All you can do is try to be there for her and the days where you think you're going to go crazy just give yourself some distance to remember how much you value the friendship and remember she is your best friend she did not conceive to hurt you. I'll bet, if you're as close as my friend and I are, if you voice your jealousy she won't be surprised or resent it at all, she actually might just become more sensitive towards your feelings and try to help you out. That is what good friends are for. Good luck!

I'm jealous of my cousin's best friend. Can you help?

My cousin's best friend is really pretty and I feel like sometimes my cousin wants to spend all her time with her best friend. I feel like my cousin's best friend is trying to make me jealous sometimes like say oh me and Nicole went here and it was so much fun!! Then we did this and we had the best time of our lives!! Its so crazyy!! Plus my ex boyfriend has a crush on my cousin's best friend. Should I be a bit jealous? What Can I do about all of this?? HELP!

I'm jealous of my beautiful best friend?

I'm a sophomore in high school and I've been friends with this girl for a year now, and I can't help but being more and more jealous of her every day.

First, she's absolutely beautiful. She's only 15 but she's 5'10 and she's a size 2. She has perfect hair and flawless skin, and she's half English and half Lebanese so she looks really exotic. I'm only 5'2 and I'm quite overweight, and I have frizzy hair and some acne. I'm nowhere near as gorgeous as her...

She always has the most gorgeous clothes because her family is rich, but since my parents aren't I have really simple things.

She's really smart and she's one of the top students in our grade, and she plans on becoming a doctor one day. She's probably going to end up going to an Ivy League college. I have average intelligence and I'll probably end up in a local college, and I want to be a nurse, which is good but nothing compared to her.

She also has a killer personality and everyone loves her, whereas I'm socially awkward and introverted.

I can't help but compare myself to her everyday. I don't want to hate her because she's a really nice person and a good friend, but I can't help but feeling so jealous whenever I'm around her! How can I stop this?

Im jealous of my best friend..but shes a slut..?

Well she may be a slut but all the guys i like they always go for her and im a shy type, for instance i liked this boy for ages he gets a hair cut and suddenly she likes him too *hes a player tbh* so him and her nearly slept together (up to oral) and the day before he leaves a kisses me gently and says im cute... WTF!

I got upset and she kept saying whats wrong.. i couldn't hold it in and said : " Well i really liked him and your the one getting all of the attention *name*, I never act this way around a guy, you always act like this..." She said "sorry you can have him" but me being me said "no i cant claim him, its his choice..besides its too late"

I just don't get it were the exact same body apart from shes a little taller and had slightly bigger breasts... tbh i think i have a prettier face but shes a slut i shouldn't want to be like her? but why do i?

Am I jealous of my best friend's girlfriend?

My best friend (male) has a gf and lately I don't exactly know how to describe how I feel. It's a combination of upset, hurt, and weirded out. My best friend and I are really close and we tell each other that we love each other and are like brother and sister. My bestfriend and I have known each other for a really long time, and I'm scarede his gf is gonna mess everything up. HELP!!

Is it wrong that I feel jealous of my best friend because she has a boyfriend?

Is it wrong that I feel jealous of my best friend because she has a boyfriend?Stating that “a feeling is wrong” seems to intone that you have done something you are not proud of because you feel is totally in your control and voluntary. Although you can decide how to behave while jealous feelings crop up, you may not be able to manage that you feel that way right now.Though preoccupation with jealousy is not healthy, some jealousy is normal to feel when a close friend gets affection of someone new as we are usually getting their time and attention. Not only have you lost some of the “one on one” time with your best friend, her time and attention, but you are not getting it replaced. In a short amount of time it seems that this beau has not only replaced you but has the added ability to give what you cannot, romantic love.It possible that you need to find other things/people/activities to replace the support and attention as well as the time usually spent with your friend and get some of your needs restored while her relationship settles or ends. The jealous feelings will dissipate as you have other friends and possibly your own boyfriend to spend time with. However, be advised that this will only happen when you truly feel that she has a right to be happy when you are not present as much as you have the right to be happy without her being present.I would work to support friends in their romantic relationships, as yours may take up the same amount of time and personal attention in the future and then your relationship may become the object of jealousy. Friendships always need to be tended to in order to remain strong as there is only the bond of two people wanting the best for themselves and the other to keep it. I would be careful not to let any of these feelings sour your friendship in the long run.