Im Poor I Can Only Afford To Eat Once A Week

Is it okay to eat bad once a week?

The healthiest doctor I know does. He has to adhere to a strict diet because of his own health issues, but he says cheating once a week, or even one day a week is perfectly fine & actually he recommends it, because it keeps us from craving bad foods the rest of the time. He doesn't feast on bad food every Saturday or anything, but he says he'll eat a hot dog or pizza or chocolate bar once a week.

I also USED to be pretty good during the week, eat right, lots of water, but then on the weekends I'd eat whatever I wanted, not go crazy, but eat things I wanted too & craved, I didn't lose weight, (I didn't have to) but I felt SO MUCH better health wise.

Pregnant and Poor... Advice please.?

vvvvvv IGNORE that answer!!!!

Go to your local food my town you can get a nice amount of food once a month...some churches have hygine products too....
Sign up for WIC (Women Infants and Children) at your local health department....they give you milk,cereal,eggs,cheese, peanut butter, fresh fruit and vegies, juice, bread....alot of healthy stuff for yourself and the food when baby is born and baby has helped me tremendiously.... if i were you id buy my meat at a discount store..on my foodstamps and just stock up.

you may have to move. Apply for HUD. (Housing Urban Development) i think is what it stands for.
you dont have to pay much at all. which would allow you to be more flexable with your money.

Have a baby doesnt have to be real big....make a registry of the things that you need for the baby. That will save you alot of money too.

You can buy a pack and play my daughter slept in hers up till she was 1 1/2 then we got her a toddler bed.....that'll save you a couple hundred right there....a new crib is going to be expinsive.

Buy clothes at yard sales, or craigslist (think about the season your baby is going to be born in) most yard sale prices are dirt cheap...

If you go to ur local ambulance shed you can get put on a list for a free car seat...that has passed inspection and they will install it for free....the hospital WILL not let you leave with your baby unless you have a carseat and the inspection paper.....if you buy one somewhere else MAKE SURE it has not been recalled!

i hope i helped...and good luck to you guys!

9 Weeks pregnant and no insurance?

basically my dads insurance does not cover maternity.I am almost 19 and im 9 weeks along.We just found this out about our insurance.To me medicaid is for poor people who cant afford anything else.And so far thats the only one my mom wants for me.I called a few maternity insurance places and they said in total it will cost 1288 for a year.I have no idea what to do.Im going nuts.I need insurance by feb 16th.Thats my next appointment.If you have medicaid or anything like it let me know how it is so far.I just dont know what to do.

How to lose weight when I'm poor ?

So my family, we are kinda low on money like poor. We can't even afford a lot of food so most of the time we only have bread in the house because it's cheap and my dad works all day so it's just me and my brother and my sister until like 5 or 6 then my dad comes home and makes dinner which is usually pasta so I'm 14 and a girl and I'm over weight and want to lose weight but how can I when all I have to eat is bread and we have jam so I just eat bread and jam whenever I feel hungry an I know bread is really bad when trying to lose weight but it's all we have and pasta isn't too health either but what can I do ?? Please help me and I am working out like just on the floor in my living room but I'm thinking about stopping because my stomach just looks bigger and I need to get rid of the fat first and I can't go running because I don't have any sneakers :/ help please