Im Really Excited To See Someone

How can I go to sleep if I am really excited?

i always get excited, so i can sympathize.

what i usually do is busy myself with something else, such as listening to music or phoning someone to chat (NOT about the vacation) or reading around bedtime. then i lie in bed and listen to music and (this will sound like total philosophical bullsh*t but trust me) try and analyze the song i'm listening to. it really helps get my mind off the trip, and on to somehting else. of course, i'm sure music isn't the only thing you can do this with, so do what suits you.

also, get all your MAJOR packing done with early. then the day before your trip, just make sure you have everything you want (there will always be last-minute stuff). then...FORGET ABOUT the suitcases!!! relax! the vacation will be no fun if you're sleep-deprived. good luck, and hope you have a blast! =D

Songs about being excited to see someone again?

Queen - Don't Stop Me Now, It’s A Beautiful Day
Chris de Burgh - High On Emotion
The Cars - Magic
Fefe Dobson - Joy
Katrina & the Waves - Walking On Sunshine
Pointer Sisters - I'm So Excited

How to say im excited to see you?

I'm thrilled, at the thought of seeing you.

I'm so excited about joining the Marines Corp,?

Keep working at school and doing your best.

Start getting physically fit; or keep working at it if you are.

Keep your mind active and healthy.

It's nice to see someone so excited about something they want to do.

Is it correct to say 'We are really excited and eagerly looking forward to attending the sessions'?

The sentence is not ungrammatical, but it can use improvement in economy, that is, using more verbiage than necessary to convey your meaning. In this case, there is one too many adverbs for a sentence of this short length, so the sentence sounds gushy. I usually tend to discourage using adverbs at all, instead picking the verb or adjective that says exactly what you mean without embellishment. It appears to me that “eagerly looking forward” is part of being “really excited,” not an altogether separate descriptor. Thus, I would say simply, “We are eagerly looking forward to the sessions.” Notice that I’ve also omitted “attending,” which is surplus verbiage because it’s really the sessions, not attending, that you are looking forward to. Attendance is implied by the existence of the sessions.When you write, omit any unnecessary verbiage and make every word count.

How do you say 'I am excited to meet you' in japanese?

I am hosting a japanese student and am writing a self intro. At the end of it I want to say something along the lines of 'I am excited to meet you' or 'I am looking forward to meeting you'. I can't read kanji yet, so please answer in hiragana or romaji. Thanks!

P.S... I found one translation that says it should be 'Watashi wa anata ni aete kofun shite imasu' , however I'm not sure if that is correct...

How can I respond if someone says happy to see you after long time?

Very simply: “Happy to see you, too. I hope everything's going very well with you.”Then try to make conversation by asking some questions about their life, fortunes, work, etc. to discover what has happened to them during the long absence. If you have forgotten their name, or you really don’t remember them, don’t pretend about it. You could say something like: “Sorry about this, but as it is such a long time since I last saw you, and I don't want to confuse you with someone else, could you remind me of your name? Thanks.”That should stop you looking vacant, and ensure that you are honest with them, instead of bluffing your way through.Friendships will always come and go, often with long breaks. The best way to recall them is to be yourself, keep it simple, show an interest in the other person, and continue on your way.