Im Scared Of Scary For Kids See Im 12 I Thougth It Was For Kids But Now Im Terrified

Thought of giving birth actually terrifies me?

I just had my first baby 12 days ago. I'm 20, and have been married for 18 months.

As far as the prenatal appointments, you get used to the exams, and really only your first appointment is invasive. I refused a pap smear during pregnancy-- I got lectured by several nurses, but I wasn't going to risk a miscarriage, not to mention the fact that if they did find anything abnormal, it couldn't be addressed until after I gave birth anyway, so there was no reason to risk it. And yes, pap smears can cause miscarriages, they will argue with you and say it won't, or that "studies are inconclusive", etc.

Anyway, after that initial appointment, they just measure your belly, check for sugar in your urine, blood tests, and blood pressure checks, until 37 weeks when they do the GBS- Group B swab, which is necessary because if it comes back positive you will need antibiotics at birth. (Mine was negative).

When I actually had her, it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. My water broke first, so they induced me with pitocen, and I had her 21 hours after they induced me (29 hours after my water broke). I lasted until about 15 hours in, then I got an epidural. After the epidural it was just pressure, and when I went to push it was actually kind of exciting, because I wasn't in pain and I could look forward to meeting my baby in just a few minutes.

The most painful part of the whole experience (to me) was AFTER I gave birth and having to deal with second degree tears/stitches. I could walk around immediately, but getting up and down was quite painful until about 2 days ago. Now I'm mostly back to normal, but still sore. Definitely use the peri bottle, and I used it WHILE I peed, so it didn't sting, also make sure you take the medication they give you--especially colace!

Basically... 2 days later, I told my husband I wasn't going to ever do this again, and now I'm at twelve days later, and wouldn't hesitate to do it again, so you get over it pretty quickly. :)

--Also, to "Juan". She says she's not getting an epidural right now, but she's just pregnant, when it comes to labor, it is VERY likely she will change her mind. I originally did not want any drugs, because I didn't want anything that would make my baby drowsy and difficult to nurse after, but epidural doesn't affect the baby, so I went for it, and it was totally worth it.

How old should a kid be before watching Don't Hug Me I'm Scared?

Around 17 to 20.I have watched DHMIS before, and it includes blood, gore, etc. and all the other gruesome things that aren’t appropriate for kids to watch. There is a high chance that kids may not be able to separate fantasy from reality in this show because everything real and fake is all mixed in together very well. I suppose DHMIS is adult humor and that kids will not get the humor at all and instead, get nightmares. My biggest fear is that kids who watch DHMIS may accidentally associate gore, blood, etc. in the show with real life and think it is normal and okay, when it is not.Kids absorb things very easily, even if they only watch an episode of one TV show or video. And as kids grow into their teenage years, brutal and violent things like GTA (Grand Theft Auto) may encourage kids to become more violent in real life because the video game takes on a similar form like it does in real life.I would suggest you to not let your stepbrother watch DHMIS for now for the fear of negative influence and the message taken the wrong way. Potentially, DHMIS may cause your stepbrothers to become more violent as they age into their teen years, thinking that violence is the key to solving problems. But when your stepbrothers near their adulthood, you can let them watch it, for they are able to distinguish fantasy from reality than that of a 10 or 11 year old.If you have heard of “Happy Tree Friends”, it is the same thing. It starts from cute, kid-version friendly characters which then transform into a bloody mess. If you don’t want your stepbrothers to be negatively influenced by DHMIS, I suggest you to not let them watch it now.

Why would parents let their kids see....?


im so incredibly happy those parents arnt mine.

I saw bout 20 min of the first and couldnt stop freaking out ._.