Im Trying To Find Some Old Picture Of Summarized Disney Fairytales Can Some 1 Help

Summary of aladdin, grimm version?

What? Aladdin is not a Brothers Grimm tale. It is from 'The Book of One Thousand and One Nights' aka 'The Arabian Nights'. And it wasn't even in the original text, it was later added by Antoine Galland, a french translator who was told the story by an arab. Aladdin is actually a poor Chinese boy. He lived with his mother who was all too thrilled when a mysterious stranger (the sorcerer) told them of Aladdin's supposed "relation" to himself, and of his plans to make Aladdin a wealthy merchant in exchange for a favor. Now you can assume what that favor was- Aladdin was sent into the Cave of Wonders in search of the mystical lamp. The sorcerer gave Aladdin a magical ring to protect him in the cavern. When Aladdin emerged so did the sorcerer's true colors. He trapped Aladdin, but forgot to take the ring. Aladdin grew cold and when he rubbed his hands together for warmth, a gin/genie appeared and saved him; returning him home to his mother where he discovered he still possessed the lamp. His mother decided to clean it one day and a second more powerful gin emerged. The story plays like you would expect it to, Disney adapted a few key elements of the original story line to their animated film. Only the sorcerer has a more powerful brother. And of course good triumphs in the end.

What childhood fairytale do you find most disturbing?

Hm what do I pick: blatant anti semitism, or a story of gruesome slaughter? How about both!A Jew Among ThornsPeople like to think that German anti semitism is confined to World War 2. That’s a lie. Read this story, and you’ll believe me.I’m going to quickly summarize it. It’s about a man who encounters a Jew, and forces him to dance in a bush among thorns until his skin begins to peel off. He says he did it because the Jew has “fleeced people enough”, and that the thorn bushes will do the same to him.The Jew gives the man his money so that the man will stop trying to kill him. The man spares him. Infuriated, the Jew runs off and tells a judge that the man stole his money. The man forces the Jew to confess the truth (that he gave the money of his “free will”) and then the Jew hangs.Another Anti Semitic story is “the Good Bargain”, but this one is particular gruesome in my opinion.How Some Children Played at SlaughteringThis story is a warning to parents, often omitted from Grimm’s anthologies.It tells a tale of a father who slaughters an animal in front of his two young children. When he leaves, they copy him. One child slaughters another. The mother finds out, kills the living child, accidentally drowns her baby, and kills herself. The father is, obviously, devastated. He dies of sadness.Some honorable mentions:The Juniper Tree, for cannibalism and child abuse.All Kinds of Fur and The Girl Without Hands, for incest.The Robber Bridegroom, for a very gruesome torture and murderCinderella, specifically Giambattista Basile‘s version, because Cinderella kills some people(Let’s just include most of the Giambattista Basile tales, especially Sun, Moon, and Talia- his sleeping beauty- for cannibalism and rape)Most of the original fairy tales were deeply disturbing. We are a deeply disturbed species.

Which fairy tales will be suitable for a six year old girl: the classic ones or the disney versions?

Read the various versions and decide for yourself. Perhaps there are versions that will make her feel stronger and more powerful as a girl than some classic European fairy tales wheter your read Grimm, Perrault, or Lang. I personally dislike the typical Cinderella, for example, because she had little feet. Mine are big. I could not relate. In many fairy tales, the main character does not do much of anything but get rescued, and many of the characters are without personality or much of anything else but blonde hair and a submissive attitude. I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy as soon as I could manage the work--age 8 or so. I'm the kind of girl who would rather ride a dragon than have a prince slay one for me.  So, think about your child, what makes her happy. My daughter told a story when she was about that age, drawing pictures to illustrate it, of a princess who rescued a dragon, married it and had a litter of babies, half dragons and half people. What will most effectively spark her imagination?

Are pirates considered fairytale characters?

Pirates are very real. They have always been around even during the ancient times and there are still pirates in this modern era. Their popularity has reached a global scale that they were also commonly used as characters in fairy tales. Peter Pan is the best example of a fairy tale which uses pirates as part of its cast of characters.

So there you have it. Pirates are real but yes, you can use them in fairy tales.

Walt Disney vs. Shakespeare?

So, I am in a wiorld history class that is having debates on who the most Influential person was in the world. I myself, choose walt disney and the person who i am debating against has chosen shakespeare. Im not sure what points i can bring up to stump the shakespeare person.
If anyone has any ideas on how i can win this debate please help!
any ideas are welcome(:

Most absurd, out of the world, thing you've heard about circumcision?

A few days ago someone on this site posted a link to a website about circumcision. I checked the site out to see what they had to say, totally far fetched and biased. This is what the website had to say about the after effects of being circumcised.

1. Boys who are circumcised will have long term emotional scarring. OK my son who is 8 and every other male I know do not have any emotional scarring. In fact not a single one of them has said they wished they had that extra bit of skin left.

2. Circumcised males are twice as likely to become addicted to illegal drugs. I wonder how far up their a$$es they had to reach to pull that one out.

3. They will grow up to have unrealistic sexual fantasies. Umm, they're men about 95% of ALL men have unrealistic sexual fantasies.

What is the theme of Cinderella?

I am going for Disney’s dark side humor here:If your father remarry the wrong person. Your life is doomed from rich to rags and your step mother and stepsisters could literally STEP on you. Just like the Step Sargent who can make you brush the toilet with a tooth brush.Friends you made when you are down, be it mouses, rats, or birds are friends indeed and friends in need. You never know what they can turn out to be. They could be the power of your pumpkin carriage.Lost a shoe or stiletto after a party is not a bad thing. It could leave traces for people to track you down. It’s true love if it’s Prince Charming and bad omen if it turn out to be a stalker.Always keep the midnight curfew in mind so you don’t have to be in such hurry to worry about the other shoe. The other shoe will drop if you miss the deadline to be home. Tongue lashes are your least worries. Don’t let the shoe you misplaced to be a Jimmy Choo.If you want the attention of Prince Charming, you must dress like a princess. Otherwise, even though you can sing like a canary. No luck until your fairy God mother appears. So when you are down. Start looking for a sugar mama. If you look like Cinderella, sugar daddies would come out of the wood works. I guess a fairy godfather may not be too bad either. Streisand certainly had a lot of fairy godsons who worship her.If you are a king or someone rich who has good looking kids, don’t marry a winch with ugly daughters. Your life could be short lived and your kids could become the servants. Always get a prenupt or a living trust regardless it’s the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd marriage. Put a specific clause that the marriage would be annulled if family members were abused or mistreated during the holy matrimony (if there was ever one).Don’t just glamorize love when you read fairy tales to kids. Let them see the dark side too. Ever wonder why Walt Disney has several biggest hits with evil step mothers? For instance, Snow White and Cinderella? Rapunzel was about a girl imprisoned by a woman stole other people’s child. I guess nothing good can be felt without the evil.