Im Ugly What Can I Do

I'm ugly. =( What should I do?

I know how everyone says it's the personality that counts... But let's all be honest here. Appearance definitely matters. Humans are shallow creatures. And if I want to even get the attention of a guy I have to look attractive.. but I'm not.. and I just feel so lonely and ugly and unloved...

I have a decent body, but have an ugly face...

I'm a 17 year old girl with butterscotch blond hair, and I have a long, thin face, and a poor complexion. I have acne, and veins under my eyes. I have ugly ears attached at the bottom. I have chicken pox scars on my forehead from when I was like.. four. I have a big mole on my neck... and have a long neck. My nose is big.My eyebrowns are wierd shaped My eyes are creepy and look tired all the time. The irises are two different colors, but they're not even pretty. They're ugly shades of hazel. Nothing looks good on me because of my ugly face.. no hair style or clothing makes it look good... I compared myself to the hot or not scale and I'm only between 1 to 4.4...

My friends try to tell me I'm pretty of cute or beautiful, but I know it's not true. They know how I feel and just want to improve my self esteem..

No guys have ever liked me in person except the desperate creeper guys who thought I would be easy. If it weren't for my fugly face guys would like me because I normally have such a kind, lovable personality(I'm just feeling depresses right now).. lots of guys have fallen for me online... But guys in person won't give me a chance...

People tell me I have to have confidence in myself, but that's not good advice. It's not magic. How am I supposed to feel confident in myself if I'm stupid, slow, ugly, and not very talented? How does that advice do me any good?

There's nothing I can really do to change it.. but I can't help feeling down.. Every time I go shopping, and every time I look in the mirror, there is my ugly face staring back at me. Ruining my hair, making nothing look good, making it so I can't wear anything I like or be the person I want to be.. I just can't help feeling how unfair it is that I'm so ugly and no one wants to give me a chance because of it...

I'm depressed and I just don't know what to do.. I want to be loved and accepted.. I want to be myself.. but my appearance holds me back..

What can I do to change my outlook on things and feel better about myself? What should I do?

No girls like me because I'm ugly?

I was in the same boat man, hang in there.

You are not ugly you just think about things to much.

Live you like, be WHO YOU ARE and do the things you like and boom!!! A girl with the same interests will all into you lap.

It happened to me at a comic convention when I was 24, now we are married!

Do no bow down to how society says you should be or look, be yourself, take things day by day and know there are about 20 million people out there just like you!!!

Good luck mate, I am pulling for you

I'm ugly. How do I get over this? How can I fix this?

Yes I crave for being accepted. I crave for being adored. It doesn't always go the way i want it to go. Not all eyes stare with admiration. Not all the faces smile as I approach. I feel lost inside. I wonder. I scream "what's wrong with me?!". "Nobody loves me!".I rush to the toilet so no one sees me. I avoid the mirror. It is scary there.I cry. Cry. Cry. God! Why!? Why am I born like this? Why am I "me"? I hate this thing that stares back at me in the mirror, in all the selfies that I take!I let all the negative thoughts creep into my head. Nothing but negativity. I cast any good thought away. I am such a pity. I am victim. I cry.But wait? Where am I going? What am i doing with myself? I only have this oneself... are all these thoughts even true?It is not that scary standing in front of the mirror. Right? Look at me, I'm fine. I'm okay. They don't like me? That's okay. It's not my problem. It is their problem. It is Not my problem it never was my problem never will be!I am in peace with myself. I smile at people. I laugh at jokes. I sit on my bed and read good books. I check Quora. I study for my exams. I live my life. I love my family. They love me back. love my mother. She is amazing. And for most of the time I love myself. I take good care of myself, of my body, of my health, of my skin.I have some ups and downs and that's normal. Sometimes I don't feel so pretty but that's okay. After all my looks are just important for the first 10 seconds or so but after that they will start seeing me. Me as I talk, me as I express my thoughts and feeling. For those who can't see me it is there problem Not mine.Not everyone will like me. And that's also okay.What matters is that I will enjoy the gift that God gave me. The gift of life! And no one not even myself can dare stop me from living my life to the fullest. I follow my dreams. I continue living.

Does this mean I’m ugly?

Im a guy and i work voluntary in a charity shop and I had yesterday off as I was ill and haven’t been in since the week before when I was fine and this morning on rig the girls said about me being off yesterday I’ll and she asked me something about it and the other guy in the distance by the till said ‘feeling better?’ And I said ‘little bit’ where only she could hear me and she was said ‘you don’t look it at all’ but she didn’t see me when I was ill and I felt and looked fine I was groomed and tidy etc was this an insult? I thought it meant I don’t look ill at all but that wasn’t my first instinct

What should I do in life if I’m super ugly?

I’m not posting a picture, but I’m 17 and my hairline is receding. Also my jaw is receded. My jaw is crooked a bit to the left to the point that my lips are crooked, I have super small lips, and bad skin even tho I follow all the skin care rules. My hair can’t be fixed any way because the receding hairline. I have a smaller head than my body so it looks weird. Also my left eye is a bit smaller than the right eye. So what do I do, everything in life is about looks I know it, I don’t want to hear no you are beautiful in your way cuz I’m not. What am I supposed to do? I have a low self esteem and I rarely go out in the daylight because I’m white af. Idk what to do, dropped out of high school cuz I was feeling uncomfortable in the classroom etc..