Importance Of Nutrition In Preparing For A Newborn

When can I give my newborn baby boy Vitamin D drops?!?

As soon as everyone agrees.

Right now the recommendations are to give vitamin D drops for all babies, whether on formula or breastmilk, because the current recommendation is 400 IUD. Most formulas provide that... but for something like 33-36oz in a day (Enfamil Newborn I think is 27oz in a day, the only difference between their newborn and infant formula being increased vitamin D.) So, if being breastfed as soon as everyone agrees and it's marked when baby had it. If being formula fed, same thing, at least until baby is eating enough in a day to reach 400 IUD. The maximum dose for infants is 1000 IUD though, so even if someone accidentally gives a double dose it's not going to cause damage, but it's best not to double dose. If you overdose, baby is likely to show it by being grouchy, the side effects are things like feeling weak, sick, having a headache, constipation, and throwing up, so you really don't want to overdose.

But you can give it anytime everyone is in agreement and everyone knows "Okay, he had it today." I'd recommend getting a white-board and marking on there when baby feeds, how much, vitamin drops, and if he gets sick you can put on there temperatures, medicines, how much given, and even when baby last vomited/diarrhea, it REALLY helps when they're sick to keep things in perspective and recognize when to get more help and when it's working itself out.

Why is baby formula so important, and are there any natural alternatives?

Some mothers do not produce enough milk for the baby. Some mothers have addictions (drug, alcohol) which could make their breast milk harmful to the baby. Baby formula is convenient and human-milk-like. Most of the time, breastfeeding is surely more beneficial as breast milk contains antigens and many unique factors which help strengthen the baby's immune system, but baby formula is still a good alternative.No. Milk from other animals like cows or goats are not suitable for babies. Their newborns likr calves are better develped at the time of birth when compared with human. Their milk contains much higher protein content which is harmful to the human babies' kidney. Other nutritional contents also do not fit our need.It's either breastfeeding or baby formula.

I'll be a dad soon and found a schedule for newborns. How important is having a routine for my upcoming baby?

If you try to follow a fixed schedule like the link you posted, you'll likely drive yourself insane with stress and anxiety when the baby doesn't follow that schedule or when you miss that schedule.I say to stay fast and loose on your feet, let your baby lead with what she needs. You'll know. Babies cry for only 3 reasons:1. They are sick/uncomfortable. Check temperature to make sure.2. They are hungry. Feed milk, then spend a few minutes to burp the baby. I'm serious, burp the baby or the baby will make you regret it with unstoppable crying.3. They want to sleep, and/or have trouble getting to sleep.It's a trial and error situation that is fast enough to deal with and figure out.Just looking at that schedule stresses me out. It's like being back in school with a 3 minute period to get to the next class but you have to take a dump.Your baby is going to dump a lot. They'll also vomit, pee, and soil themselves no matter how well prepared you are for it. They'll also vomit, pee and poop on you. I thought this was just a movie gag until my baby did this to me; multiple times and sometimes all at one time. This will throw off any sense of schedule you might have.Maybe the schedule works for you; it just didn't work for us. We saved a ton of headache by being as flexible as possible. The only strict thing we did was the feed schedule (every 3 hours).

My baby is 3mths old. should i start with ceralac(rice) or wait till he is 4mths old?

Wait until 6 months or more.

Rice cereal is just carbohydrates. It makes the belly full but does not provide much nutrition. To be honest, I don't know why moms want to get their kids to take this stuff in prematurely. Babies are not made of carbs, they are made of protein and fat. Their brains are made of fat, and they grow really really fast! Don't you want a baby with a growing brain?

I understand in some cases the mom just needs sleep etc., and since rice expands in the stomach it makes the baby stop crying for food, but it is replacing nutrition with junk.

Anatomy and Physiology concept help?

a. A jogger has stepped in a pothle and sprained his ankle. What systems have suffered damage?

b. A newborn baby is unable to hold down any milk. Examination reveals a developmental disorder in which the esophagus fails to connect to the stomach. What survival needs are most immediately threatened?

c. The Chan Family was traveling in their van and had a minor accident. The children in the back seat were wearing lap belts but they still sustained bruises around the abdomen and had some internal organ injuries. Why is this area more vulnerable to damage than others?

Has anyone used kmr 2nd step on bottle baby kittens?

Hi animal lover.
Yes it works the same as 1st step KMR.
The kittens should be cutting their teeth, so you should start them on canned food. I mix 2 lg scoops(the scoop that comes with the KMR) with 1 can of kitten food and add maybe 1 or 2 tbls hot water. I usually warm it in the microwave. Offer it to the kittens with your finger tip just dab it on, Or you can feed it to them with a syringeAs they start to enjoy it put some in a shallow dish, I use lids etc
Offer them both at feeding time, bottle and canned.
Their sucking drive can last along time. I have 2- 9 week old foster kittens that still like their Ba Ba's
and a 4 week old kitten that wants nothing to do with her bottle.
For bottle feeding, it is a 3 to 1 ratio. If you use 2 scoops of powder, add 6 scoops of water. Before bed I use a 2 to 1 ratio so they are fuller and sleep a little longer.
( I only leave the food out for a short time. unless they are old enough to go all night without bottle feeding)then I leave the food with them all night.
I have fostered about 20 kittens this past summer, If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

What are the advantages of breast feeding infants versus bottle feeding?

They are both excellent. This question bothers me because I feel like new mothers already have enough concerns to add this one to the list. My advice is to try breastfeeding and if its a constant struggle, switch to the bottle. Breastfeeding is cheaper and definitely more convenient. Bottle feeding can be great because it allows other people in the baby's life to feed him or her.  It's also a bit more convenient when out and about. There are definitely many different debates about which formulas are the most nutrient so that should be researched ideally prior to giving birth -but often times it's up to the baby.  Babies may have a preference and that will quickly be discovered.  Breastfeeding came easily for me (one of the very few things that did as a new Mom). But I have since watched friends and new moms struggle incessantly to breastfeed and or feel guilty if they bottle feed, etc.  Some Moms even feel so inclinded to preach breastfeeding while secretly supplementing formula. Bottle feeders also have been known to scoff at the breastfeeders. It's another way of judging each other (natural birth vs. C-section, etc). Such a shame because we should support each other instead.  It doesn't really matter whether you breastfeed or bottle feed as long as the child is regularly fed, healthy and loved/cared for.