In Austria How Many Shrimps Do They Put On The Bbq

What was jim carrey meaning when he said "lets put another shrimp on the barbie"?

You're talking about the scene at the beginning:

As with the previous answers, "Barbie" is for barbecue, and the phrase is a reference to the Paul Hogan commercial. The phrase is considered a "dumb" American phrase since Australians never use the word "shrimp" to call prawns. The ad was targeted to American tourists and used "shrimp" as a way to blend American and Australian culture.

In the scene Jim Carrey's character asks what accent the woman has, and she answers "Austria". He thinks "Australia" so he tries to impress and flirts with "G'Day Mate, Let's put another shrimp on the Barbie". She answers "Let's not." another way of letting him know how dumb he is.

How does the world see Austrian People?

You seem to love fun in the sun, koalas, and grilled shrimp.Just kidding, you guys are cool. I like your psychoanalysis and your desserts and your schnitzel. You have to be good people to invent those things.Edit: Looks? In my head i think of: Attractive, healthy, generic white European, blonde, tall, clean cut.

Is chicken better than shrimp?

You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. There's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich.

Are Vienna Sausages bad for you?

Mike L made a good point, but come on, McDonald's isn't "high quality" food, even though it might not harm you at all in moderation, and might not make certain people feel sick at all or have to use the bathroom numerous times after eating their food. haha. The same goes for stuff like Vienna sausage. I wouldn't call it high quality meat, especially when you can get a 5 ounce or so can for like 50-60 cents.

But I think if you don't eat Vienna sausage more than a couple times a week, it isn't so bad, especially if you're not even overweight. I do think it's good to limit red meat though in general, and there is a suspected link from what I know, between red meat and certain cancers such as colon cancer. And possibly other diseases. But that does NOT mean everyone will get cancer, etc. if they have eaten a lot or a good amount of red meat in their life. Also, even though it's not as easy to find in my area, at least not the Libby's brand, there is chicken Vienna sausage too. A couple stores in my area have the Goya brand though.

What are some good ways to use prepared horseradish (not the sauce kind, just grated horseradish in a jar)?

Adding it, plus hot sauce, to tomato juice for a morning bracer.

Or to bloody marys, if you are inclined.

Mixing it with mustard to increase the strength of the condiment.

Adding it to scrambled eggs, omelettes, and hash browned potatoes.

Grating a small amount into potato salad, coleslaw, or dips.

Adding it to soups just before serving.

Mixing it with prepared barbecue sauces.

Mixing it with sour cream to add to mashed or baked potatoes.

Sometimes beet juice is added to grated horseradish to brighten the color.

Adding it to tartar sauce, seafood cocktail sauces, hollandaise sauce, mayonnaise, and salad dressings.

Making a horseradish butter with mustard and a little yogurt.

Combine grated horseradish root with white wine vinegar, some sugar and spices, and whipped cream to make horseradish sauce, the traditional accompaniment to roast beef. (Don't use cider vinegar as it will discolor the horseradish.) Keep the horseradish sauce in the refrigerator.

Horseradish sauce is also delicious with ham and tongue, and vegetables such as broccoli.

Add grated horseradish to tomato-based sauces to accompany fish, especially oily fish such as mackerel, and use it in shrimp dishes.

Squeeze a few drops of juice from grated horseradish root to spice up coleslaw, applesauce, prepared mustards, cottage cheese, dips, appetizers, and relishes.

Cook sliced horseradish roots and serve as a substitute for parsnips.

Enliven salads by adding young spring leaves or blanched leaves produced by forcing.

Horseradish preparations are usually served cold because so much pungency and flavor is lost when they are cooked. Often horseradish is made into a sauce or paste and served with roast beef or cold meats like ham or corned beef. It is commonly served with fish in Europe; for example, in Norway the grated root is mixed with whipped sweet and sour creams, vinegar and sugar to make a sauce called pepperotsaus that is served with cold, boiled fish such as salmon. The French mix it into cream sauces with lemon juice. Vinegar is commonly combined with it. It is mixed with green food coloring, or powdered spinach as served as “wasabi.” In Austria, freshly grated horseradish is mixed with grated sour apples and lemon juice to make a relish for fried or roasted meat.

In what countries are pork burgers sold at McDonalds?

In Thailand, there's a Samurai Pork burger. There's also a version sold in Japan too.A more complete listing can be seen here: International availability of McDonald's products