In Need Of Help Do I Have Depression

Needs help what kind of depression do i have?

ok so im 20 single mom lives with my family... the babies dad is not responsible enough be a dad... but still sees her *were not together*...

my daughter is almost 10months old, i have been extremely irritable lately, have no emotion towards alot of stuff, i am to tired to do anything, i feel like i have to much to do and it stresses me out...

when i have the chance to go out and have fun... i dont enjoy it its not fun to me anymore because i think about how missorable i really am in life...

is this depression?.... if so how do i help it?...

Do i have depression? Help please? ?

Depression is the shits, i know how you feel and life is hard, i too am always unsure how to deal with eratic changes in my mood, i have been working with a psycologist for a while now and i can tell you she's a god sent... i highly recomend going down that route to find out what the underlying problem is...i am also recomending being hypnotized...that was amazing exsperience that put me right on track and able to deal with what i was feeling. i think you need to do somethings for yourself, like a massage, pedicure and any other treatment that tickles your fancy. I hope my post helps and good luck to you!

I need help with helping someone with depression.?

My girlfriend has serious depression and has anxiety attacks fairly often. It has been getting worse and has gotten to the point to where she has even considered suicide. She has tried to turn to online counseling and therapy services but has been shot down by 3 saying that she needs to speak to an actual person face to face. The problem is she cannot go to a face to face therapy session. I can only do so much to cheer her up but it only lasts for a little bit. She needs help but doesn't know where to get help. Where can she go to get help that's either online or over the phone?

Should I tell my parents about my depression?

Depression is anger you believe you do not have a right to have. Thus, you turn it inward. Hopelessness and helplessness ensues. Anger is the root cause of depression. What are you angry about? Whose behavior/actions are you angry with? When you know the answer to those two question, the information needs to be processed and released. Then, you need to forgive, not for the other person, but for your well-being. Generally speaking, the majority of people need assistance to discover the root cause of any symptom (depression), and then processing it.If you are under 18 or still dependent on your parents it is in your best interest to tell your parents. People will notice that you aren’t like you usually were before the anger was more than you could bear and you turned it inward, thus creating a depressed mood. Telling a close friend or a close family member if you are afraid how your parents will react is a good idea. However, you are not obligated to tell anyone, yet, the lack of communication usually drives the pain deeper into the psyche, thus, resolving nothing and prolonging the road to healing.Anger turned inward (labeled depression) can be healed. Be aware I am not recommending antideperessants . Antidepressants - The TruthAs the research by Hull University reveals, Antidepressants cause more harm than good. Whereas, hypnosis is empowering and solves the root cause of the anger.A Deep Healing process is a clear, concise and direct method of transforming the mental, emotional and physical symptoms that transcends traditional protocols while retaining a professional focus. Deep Healing avoids prescription and OTC drugs, body parts removed, artificial hypnotic inductions and psychic interventions. The process ties in directly with the experiences and needs of the person. The process is down-to-earth, to-the-point, practical, fearless and with 30+ years experience Dr. Dorothy has proven Deep Healing is 100% effective.I am here only to be truly helpful. If you would like more information on the Deep Healing process contact me.

HELP!! Do I have depression? Is it bad enough to get help?

Hi, i'm a 17 year old girl and i need some advice. I think i might have depression, but i'm not sure if my symptoms are bad enough to get help, or even count as depression, as i tend to get ideas in my head then convince myself that i must be depressed.
Anyway heres a little about my situation. Over the last year i have been feeling steadily worse, at first i found that i would exadurate the littlest problems in my mind, until they were all i could think about. It first occurred to me that i might have depression at the start of this year, as i would go through periods, of about a week or so, where i just couldn't handle doing daily things, such as on holiday i found it hard to get up in the mornings, and during school, i couldn't concentrate and was unable to do homework etc. And these periods have become more frequent. I think i have become more distant from my friends, and definitely more distant from my family. I have trouble sleeping, and am tired pretty much all of the time. I generally don't feel happy, and navigate between feelings of emptiness, and feelings of frustration/sadness/feeling sorry for my self. There are some things that can't handle, such as i find it hard to socialize in group situations, and parties(i cant drink, as it makes me feel depressed/anxious/oversensitive, even when i don't then i just feel unsociable/down anyway), and even the simplest things such as calling someone on the phone sometimes seem hard for me to cope with.
The reason i think my symptoms may not be bad enough is that i am not suicidal, and have only cut myself a few times (not badly, and not with a suicidal mindset), and i have no reason to be depressed....(like no event/bad childhood etc), i am very fortunate, so there is no cause for me to feel like this..
I cant talk to my parents about it because i am not very close with them, and they wouldn't understand. My friend is also depressed and i feel she is the only person who would really understand but i cant talk to her because o don't want to burden her anymore and she is much worse than i am. All my other friends, simply don't understand what it's like, even if they do try, they would rather just pretend its not there.
As for going to the doctor, i just don't know if it's bad enough, and how to go about getting help without my parents knowing.
If anyone has any advice/has experienced this please share, it would help me a lot. Thankyou

How can I help someone with depression who doesn't realize or admit she is depressed?

I'm in that place now. I'm depressed, but I refuse to admit it. I especially don't want my wife to know because then she'll start watching me in that horrible way she has. Like I'm going to do something bad. I just want her off my back. Leave me alone. I'll work it out on my own, or not. And if it's time to die, then it's time to die. But don't worry. I'll stick around for a while longer. I'm hanging in there for the kids. Or so I tell myself.  Maybe it's just that I don't have the guts to kill myself. How could you help me? Well, please don't hang around worrying all the time. What I could use right now is someone to go bike riding with me. I really need exercise and I'm not getting it and I need a friend to do that for me. I would also like to be told to do a hobby. I would like help in finding a place to do that hobby. In my case, glass blowing or cabinet making would be one hobby and I also need a place to play my horn that isn't the usual places I play.But the real truth is I need a different wife. And what wife will do that? I need a new lover. This marriage is dead. My involvement in it is dead. But I can't face that. And if she were trying to help me, that is not help she could get. So the truth is that you probably can't help, because the things she really wants are not things you are prepared to do. But you'll never get her to tell the truth about what she wants. Even I should not have told the truth, even anonymously. It breaks the code. The code of the depressed. We really have no choice but to be miserable and die, because what would make us happy is socially unacceptable.

I am servery depressed. I NEED HELP PLEASE?

OK, it's all going to turn out okay. You can make it through this.

The first thing to do is to figure out how much you need to pay off your car and to pay your living expenses. You don't have to work 66 hours a week, probably. You can talk to your employer about cutting back so you have some money coming in to live on, but that you're not exhausted by work. (Also, are they paying overtime? They should if you're hourly.)

Next, you can go to your local community college and talk to someone right now. They can tell you how to sign up. You don't have to take a full load of classes, you can take one at a time until you see how you're doing and whether you like it. Even though you have an Associates Degree, you can continue to take classes there. It will get you caught up on where you need to be. You can try out classes in different majors to see what you like. It also is a good middle step between where you are now and finishing college, so you don't have to go full time.

A lot of people don't know what they want to be in college. You can take a class or two at a time to see what you like. And then, you can even get a degree without knowing what you want to do with it.

The best part of community college is that they can talk to you and test you to see what you like and might be good at. AND... you can get therapy through the college, which will help you a lot.

A therapist will help a lot. If you can't afford therapy, try calling a crisis hotline.