In The New Movie Carrie Does It Actually Show Her Destroying The Town

Movies about infidelity / unfaithfulness / betrayal?

Looking for some movies that is about a woman betraying or being unfaithful to a / the man (star). Think of something like: They were perfect together but she destroyed the relationship by cheating so he doesn’t want her back although she is begging and crying to be back...y'all get the picture.

Just trying to find out more on the show Trinity Blood?

Actually, Trinity Blood is based on a series of Japanese novels written by Yoshida Sunao, which were originally published in The Sneaker, a periodical that features Japanese fiction. The character design and original illustrations are done by THORES Shibamoto. Sunao Yoshida was unable to finish the story. He died on 15th of July 2004, shortly after the announcement of the anime, due to a lung blockage. He was 34 at the time. After he died, Kentaro Yasui (a friend of Sunao Yoshida and author of the Ragnarok novels) was asked to continue the novelization of Trinity Blood.
Here's a few sites with Trinity Blood info.

Hope this helps you in your quest !

Why doesn't Leia seem upset after Alderaan is destroyed?

I would guess that it gutted her. In addition to knowing that billions of innocent lives were snuffed out in an instant, she knew her adopted father, Bail Organa, was among the dead. (Although it's unknown whether she was aware that she was adopted or not.)For 40 years, Bail’s ultimate fate had never really been addressed. It was assumed he perished in Alderaan, since Leia never mentioned him again, but there was always a glimmer of hope that he hadn't been on the planet when it was destroyed.Rogue One put the matter to rest. It was confirmed that immediately after Bail arranged for Leia to receive the Death Star plans, he headed back to Alderaan.Princess Leia knew that the Rebel Alliance had just gotten its last hope of not being annihilated, thanks to [Rogue One spoilers REDACTED]. The fate of the galaxy was about to be decided. Furthermore, she was trying to resist the Empire’s weird floating interrogation ball o’ misery.Princess Leia didn't allow herself to become upset because she couldn't allow herself to become upset. Too much was at stake.And let's not forget — within 90 seconds of being freed from her cell, she was spitting nails like the badass non-trained-Jedi babe she was. So much so that Han made the now-famous (and sarcasm-laden) comment, “Wonderful girl — either I'm gonna kill her or I'm beginning to like her!”I'm sure that a moment came, in between Episode IV and Episode V, where Princess Leia finally let the weight of her planet’s destruction and collapsed under the heartache. It just happened off-camera.

Why is New York often shown under attack in Hollywood movies?

Its plain common sense. Hollywood is situated in America. Most of thee movies target the American population as that is their largest market. New York is a famous American city representing American ideals. And therefore you have all the aliens and other dangers lining up for a New York visit.I mean honestly they can attack Antarctica too but then one wouldn't have enough culture to represent and hence not enough emotions to exploit.

What does, "I am a front-to-back; she is a back-to-front" mean?

In the movie "Carrie"--TV version--one of the characters made the above statement.

Or, perhaps it was the other way around.

The character making the statement was a woman high school student talking to a police officer, after the high school and town had been destroyed.

What does it mean?

Thanks, Jim