In The Play A Death Of A Salesman Why Is It So Bad That Willy Keeps A Rubber Tubing Behind The

In the play A Death of a Salesman why is it so bad that Willy keeps a rubber tubing behind the heater?

Presumably he plans to use it to breathe the natural gas that fuels the heater. It's a visible reminder of his suicidal tendencies; it's always there whether or not he's thinking of suicide at the moment.

What is the significance of the rubber hose in the play 'Death of a Salesman'?

Okay, I just read this play. The rubber hose was to be used by Willy to commit suicide, therefore it represents his despair with his current situation. The car represents his profession as a traveling salesman. Remember, that he says that one of his colleagues died "the death of a salesman" and in a sense so does Willy because he dies in his car. The seeds are a symbol for Willy's desire to "cultivate his garden," to have a healthy and prosperous household. Finally, the tape recorder is a symbol of Willy's old age and his inability to keep up with new technologies and to be a successful salesman. Also, remember that Howard says he spends $150 on it, a sum of money that far exceeds what Willy was asking for per week or what he needs to pay the insurance on his house.

Death of a Salesman Questions?

Act Two

1: Why is Willy's mood upbeat at the start of Act Two? What does he expect to happen?

2: Why does Willy tell Howard about Dave Singleman? Describe the dramatic effect when Howard listens to the voices of his family while Willy tries to talk business. Why does Howard tell willy to drop off his samples and forbid him to go to Boston? Why is this such a blow to Willy?

3: What is Willy's philosophy? How does Biff as a football hero embody his father's dreams? Why does Charley say Willy hasn't grown up?

4: What is Willy's impression of Bernard when he sees him in his father's offic? Why does Willy exaggerate Biff's importance? Why does Bernard ask what happened after the game at Ebbets Field?

5: Why won't Willy work for Charley? Why is Willy able to ask Charley for money? How is Charley's view of what a salesman needs different from Willy's view?

6: In the restaurant, how does Happy reflect Willy's values? Why does Milly have the girls come in?

7: How does Biff's realization that his life is a lie underline the theme of the play? Why does Biff take Bill Oliver's fountain pen? Why can't he tell his father what happened with Bill Oliver? Why do Biff and Happy leave Willy at the Restaurant?

8: Why did Biff go to Boston? What does he discover when he sees the Woman? Why is it that Biff never went to summer school? Why can't he believe in his father?

9: Why does Linda tell the boys, "Get out of here, both of you, and don't come back!"?

10.Why does Willy keep planting seeds when they've never grown before? Why does Willy think Biff will be impressed with his funeral? Why does ben say that Biff will call Willy a fool?

11. Why doesn't Willy want to see Linda? Why does he think Biff is spiting him? Why does Biff show him the rubber hose? Why does Biff contront Willy and Happy?

12. What does Biff do that elates Willy? How does Happy try to attract Willy's attention? How does Ben influence Willy at this point?


1. What is a requiem? What is the purpose of this final act? To what extent is it successful?

2. Charley says: "No man only needs a little salary." To what is he referring? What else does a man need?

3.Explain the irony of Linda's last speech

What is the most amazing or shocking thing you know that most people don't?

These are a few things which very few know1.Why should one end of the toothpick is designed to be like this?We can actually use it like this2.This is car …see the black colour flaps in middle of the pictureThey ensure that you are able to shut the cardoors without much effort. How, you ask? Located behind the rear bumper, these devices allow the air to escape from the car when the doors are being closed, preventing overpressure inside the car. Without them, you’d have trouble closing the last door and it will hurt the ear drums3.ANOTHER ONEJames Chadwick who discovered NeutronsWas a student of Ernest Rutherford who discovered Protonswas a student of J. J. Thomson who discovered Electrons.All of them got Nobel Prizes4.This one tooMost of the people use this symbol incorrectly.In general cases, they use this emoticon as a sort of person holding his hands for prayer or to request someone or in Indian terms, doing “NAMASTE”.But, the truth is this symbol stands for 2 people doing a high-five.5.Do you know,A person can develop Green Blood. Something like this-Yup it happens.Sulfhemoglobinemia is a rare condition when a person starts developing green Blood5.Japan police do nothingYes…you heard that right…due to an extremely low crime rate in Japan, Japanese police literally do nothing. On an average, there is less than 1% chance of crime for every 100,000 people in Japan.There was only one incident of murder last year in Japan. Yes just one!6.This one for very useful and impIf you are running out of time,and you have just 15 mins to left for officials or college and u have a 0 percent battery…no problem..put your phone on airplane mode , it will charge at double the speed…most probablyof you will have good amount of battery7.The most important oneIf you want to downlaod anything from any site witout any external downloader here is a trick.Go to that page.Press ctrl+shift+i or right click and select Inspect Element.Select the Network tab and refresh the page & play the video to get content status.You can sort the content by TYPE (tab), to easily get the video link at the bottom under the NAME(tab).Double click the video link. Voila, your download will start.Works fine …Kindly do follow below link for amazing facts about food add "ss" before 'y' in do upvote

Did you have any frickin' idea that.....?

this sounds alot like the question 6 months ago

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Hours for you to type copy and paste

What are some slang terms used among police officers?

The most derogatory terms for the bad guys and citizens who are just pains in the rectum:A.H. = Adam Henry (A-dam H-enry) If you don’t get it…..sometimes you will hear it as “Jack Hole”… what starts with an “A” that ends with HOLE ?RICHARD CRANIUM= What starts with a “D” and is a nickname for Richard ? What is the non-medical layman’s term for the Cranium ? Do these clues HEAD you in the right direction ?