Introductory Paragraph About Myself And Career Choice. Thoughts Grammar Changes You Would

Why does america have to change (ruin) everything?

It all has to do with being different, unique, and bossy, a sign of rebellion.
Don't exactly blame the U. S. I have been in England, and found, besides driving on the left side of the road, the driver seat on the right, the hot water faucet on the right and the cold one on the left, the faucet itself opening clockwise rather than counter-clockwise, just to name a few. The Meridian of Greenwich which determines zero hours or midnight had to be positioned to run over the U.K., by english choice. These were done different then other major countries, and the U. S. had nothing to do with it. Just like languages, it seems like a human conspiracy intended to undermine world peace and global understanding.

How to write Introduction to research paper?

I'm writing research paper about working conditions and job satisfaction of professors in universities my country. there haven't been made any other researches about this topic in my country so i use sources of foreign universities. Its the first time for me writing research paper. I have a difficulty in writing introduction,how should i start? And also could you suggesr few ideas about thesis? thanks beforehand

Please help with basic grammar question (It is multiple choice.)?

1) Identify the correct sentence.
A. His laid-back manner reflects his upbringing on the West Coast.
B. Are you travelling to the Southwest?
C. The Titanic sank in the north atlantic.
D. All of the Lakers were in the Northern Hemisphere.

2) Identify the correct sentence.
A. I wanted to start painting and I got ladder from the garage.
B. I wanted to start painting, I got the ladder from the garage.
C. I wanted to start painting, so I got the ladder from the garage.
D. I wanted to start painting so I got the ladder from the garage.

3) Identify the correct sentence.
A. She could hard reach the pedals.
B. She couldn't hard reach the pedals.
C. She could hardly reach the pedals.
D. She couldn't hardly reach the pedals.

4) Identify the correct sentence.
A. The best advice for all of us is to live your own life.
B. Students should attend their classes.
C. In the handbook, they say that plagiarism is a very serious charge.
D. An employee who misses work can have money deducted from their paycheck.

5) Which option was used to revise this sentence?
"She is a great team player and very well-liked." to "Because she's great team player, she's very well-liked."
A. moved parts of the sentence around.
B. change to a question, exclamation, or command.
C. add introductory words or phrases.
D. reversed the order of subject and verb.

6) Your friend and you are consider _____ very fortunate to be at this school.
A. you
B. yourself
C. yourselves
D. yourselfs

If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?

It's very difficult for me to regret my own mistakes because I have learned from them but there is one in particular regret that no matter what anybody tries to tell me to make things better, I simply can't come to terms with.When I was 5 years old I was sexually abused my cousin. It went on for a while until he moved to another state. Years went by and I never said a word to anybody about it until I was 17 years old.Fast forward I graduated high school and joined the military right away. I rarely visited home but one of the days I did, my sister told me to not mention anything to anybody but that when I was on deployment my younger brother had came forward with some terrible news.My sister said that my brother told my mom that my cousin had sexually abused him. Yes, the same cousin who abused me.I asked her when it had happened and he said it was right before my cousin left to live at another state. At that moment, my heart broke. If only I had said something to someone about the sexual abuse that was being done to me my brother wouldn't have suffered.My brother suffered a lot but we didn't know what was wrong. He never said a word to anybody about anything. Now we know why and if I would have said something, he wouldn't have been abused.I've learned to accept that it wasn't my fault but it's still something that when I think about it, it breaks me down.

Can you correct the grammatical mistakes pls :)?

The raindrops fell against my window.I was startled awake by a loud thunder which lighted up my room...I couldn't sleep..I grabbed my pillow and held it tight than I stopped for a second and thought of him...The one who made me smile,the one who could change me from a coward to a hero,the one who could see the real me and not the one I wanted people to see...I had been told I was too young to know the true meaning of love,to be able to fall in love...yet all through my life I knew they were wrong...I always knew they felt the same way back in their days...I promised myself that night,I'd tell him how I felt when the time was right...after that I went to sleep in hope of dreaming my knight.I woke up the very next day and approached the mirror....My hair seemed fine,my skin was clear,every outfit seemed the suit me and the weather was perfect...I got ready and slowly head off to school.When I saw him my heart stopped beating,suddenly her turned to look my way...still no sign of a heart beat.. "hey" he said rather coolly.... somehow i managed to cough out a greeting..He smiled,he seemed to enjoy my company.Right that second I knew it was time to tell him,but before I opened my mouth he said "I have to tell you something,meet be in the ally after school ok?"I nodded still incapable to talk,than the bell rang...We ran in the classroom and sat in our seats side by side. Our teacher started talking but I couldn't concentrate..I was too busy looking at the side of his face...All I heard was the bell...School had finished...I had passed 5 hours staring at him....He headed towards his friends and started first I thought he had forgotten about our 'date' I stood there and stared sadly...than he turned to face me and said I'll me you at the ally" and smiled ..I ran at the speed of lightning towards the ally and after a few minutes he joined me. Suddenly it started raining...we ran and tried to find coverage...but by the time we found shelter,my hair was messy,I was sweating,my make up was ruined and I was breathless...It wasn't perfect anymore I couldn't tell him how I felt under these circumstances so I walked away but he ran after me,grabbed me and pulled me close.Than his face approached mine and we kissed...Our lips didn't part until a we heard thunder. "I love you...I have loved you since the day we met...I love you"I raised my finger against his lips and begged him to stop and we dived into another long,beautiful kiss