Is A Man Not Entitled To The Sweat Of His Brow

Origin: Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

I could swear that's like a really famous quote from some revolutionary back in the day, possibly modified to BioShock, but from what I can tell from the almighty google, it was originally from BioShock. Please let me know where that quote originally came from.

If you're wondering, it goes something like (assuming it's not just from Bioshock): Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? No, says the man in ______, it belongs to _____! No, says the man in __________, it belongs to _____________! Etc.

Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

I am Jesus, and I'm here to ask you a question.

Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.'
'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.'
'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.'

I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different.
I chose the impossible. I chose....Rapture.
A city where the artist would not fear the censor.
Where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality.
Where the great would not be constrained by the small!

And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well.

Whats up with this "entitlement" feeling in America, especially when most of you are no better than the other?

Lack of patience and lack of self examination.

Don't worry though people, you will get yours. You just won't like what you deserve.

Do Christians believe we are all descended from Adam and Eve?

Yeah - asking us to find reason in biblical stories is like trying to teach a pig to sing - it wastes your time and it annoys the pig.

There are myriad contradictions in the bible. We all descended from Adam & Eve and then gawd wiped out everyone except Noah and his kids so the whole world is actually decended from them. Adam sinned so we all are 'born in sin' but then Jesus H died for our sins. But we're still born in sin anyway. So what did he get put on the hang-glider for?

Don't waste the brain cells -- it will never make sense 'cause it's made-up nonsense. And badly made up. Far more 'logical' fiction has been written since with far fewer inconsistencies. I recommend the Harry Potter series as a basis for religious belief. At least they can keep the story straight.

Hope it helps!

What exactly defines "conservatism" politically?

Historically speaking, Conservatism began as a response to The French Revolution.The man who started it is Edmund Burke.Now Burke began his career as a Whig…i.e Liberal. He supported the American Revolution, he supported rights and reforms in Ireland, and he famously called out the British Governor General in India for the violence in colonies (an action which made him a bit of a hero among some Indian freedom fighters). When the French Revolution broke out, however, Burke denounced it and shocked many people who saw him as a liberal. He laid out an argument in his book Reflections on the Revolution in France. In that book he said that revolutions like the one in France were basically based on ideas and concepts that had no connection and no precedence in France. France was a Catholic Kingdom with Divine Rights of Kings, and now the Revolutionaries are passing reforms to radically curtail the power of both the King and the Church, rather than strengthening one in favor of the other (as Burke argued happened in England with Henry VIII). The people of France were in effect delegitimizing existing institutions and in its place creating something new. And he basically hated that.So for Burke, conservatism is about institutions, and preserving it and any reform must be considered and approved so long as it fits with what already exists in place. Grand schemes to radically do away with what exists is a recipe for disaster. Now of course Burke was a nasty anti-semite…he said that the French were giving a government to “jew brokers” and he was also plainly misinformed and completely wrong in his analysis of France as modern historians like Alfred Cobban pointed out. But his idea of institutions and preserving them is a sound argument and definition for conservatism.In practice however, what Burke’s ideas amounted to was opposing all changes no matter the circumstances. This is plainly absurd because even Burke was in support of reforms and he supported the American revolution because he felt it was grounded in pre-existing institutions.American Conservatism in the Republican Party is not even conservative in the classic definition. Their attitude is to aggressively deinstitutionalize, roll back ideas and cut back on laws that have been on the books for ages. This isn’t conservative, this is reactionary…dialing the clock back before the changes.

If Socialism is bad, why are the Scandinavian countries rated the best places to live?

Speakeasy: none of the countries you listed were truly Socialist. Read the Communist Manifesto or, better yet, Das Kapital to find out what Socialism/Communism really were.

Obey me: Finally, an informed, intelligent conservative! Thank you for responding clearly and concisely, without resorting to calls for me to leave the country like some your less educated brethren. While I see how your train of thought comes about, wouldn't you say a semi-Socialist economy such as Sweden's is attainable in large countries if, and only if, that country is devoted to the idea of a Socialist economic system? My personal opinion is that, if we were to properly educate the American society, an economic system such as Sweden's is quite feasible.

Whiteflame, Independant, sixtiesradical, and Joey: Egads, other people on yahoo answers with a brain?!? How has this come about?


President Lincoln for or against slavery or for it?

im writing a paper and i have to take one side. and im leaning towards saying that he was against slavary but i need some more points that i can prove and research. help plz...thanz i will take websites too..