Is Diversity For Sake Of Diversity Good

What is diversity?

People who have different backgrounds, and different views about life. Diversity is black vs. white, democrat vs. republican, christian vs. atheist, etc. However, while not necessarily part of the definition, the word diversity brings to mind those cheesy posters about getting along with each other even though we're all different. It's a good idea to get along with people, but I don't think we'll ever eliminate the prejudice that accompanies diversity. Though, frankly, I think the benefits of diversity outweigh the problems. The benefits are mainly that with different people all working on the same problem, we'll get more than one answer, which will make it easier to solve the problem. A few crude jokes is an acceptable price to pay, if you ask me.

Why is diversity good for America?

My self I appreciate the input of several views; however there is a big difference between Diversity and Political Correctness.

Diversity gives us the ability to see, have and share other prospectives,

Political Correctness is the process by which we lower standards, to make the non-qualifying - qualify. Add members of a race to a group, simply because they are member of a race and then tell the people un qualified peoples votes must count in this group (Notice the P.C. people never do insist on a P.C. group when it comes to "them" having brain or heart surgery - Think!

P.C. does not want to offend anyone therefore we lower the standard or better yet do away with it and then that way no one can be offended. Ever notice the advocates of P.C. posses one of these 2 positions, lacking in the ability to participate; therefore you must change the rules so I the un able am able or the second position they often have is that they are in power, have much money and will not be personally affected by the choices they are fostering on the rest of us.

Diversity = wealth of input.

P.C. = Control of the people, smothering of ability to progress, loss of self respect, and on and on

Is diversity good or bad. Why or why not?

I have to write a paper for a social studies class and this was the topic. I need other peoples opinions because I haven't really experienced anything positive or negative about it. I do think putting a ton of emphasis on our differences only divides us after awhile.

What do you think?

Is genetic diversity good or bad?

It seems like when there's no genetic diversity, things get boring, but when there's too much genetic diversity, things get tense. It even causes wars.

Why is this? Is genetic diversity good or bad? When populations start looking too different... are they turning into different species? Why does Nature make species compete against each other?

What gives? Is genetic diversity good or bad?

Is cultural diversity good or bad?

-It's GOOD ! Because it helps to keep Life "Interesting" & moving Forward. :)

Why is cultural diversity good for America?

A representative from every country, from every language, from every culture, from every religion, and from every race.

America was often called the "Melting Pot" where people all over the world come and create a powerful and successful country.

Today though, political correctness has it labeled as the "Tossed Salad." Not everything is one but many little things make it one. This of course is taken too far when it comes down to taxes, illegal immigration, and other silly issues.

But in essence to your question ... America is a country that virtually has at least one thing from every country whether it be people or culture.