Is He A Player Or He Is A Player

How to tell if a guy is a player?

Ugh! The last guy that I’ve recently dated was a player, here are some signs:

-Most of the guys that are EXTREMELY social tend to be players; since they know too many people, specially too many girls who probably they are constantly calling him to increase his ego with pussy compliments.

-If he invites you on a date, but then, he’s actually looking at other girls in front of you…

-If you’re the one who’s making more calls than him; because he only calls you for once every two weeks…

-if he doesn’t answer all your phone calls, even you left him a voice message…and he don’t respond to it…

-if he has more physical contact with you, rather than having a good long-term conversation…

-if he doesn’t trust you anything about his personal life and/or he doesn’t want you to even meet his brother/sister…and/or friends

-if he’s with you on a date, and suddenly receives a phone call from someone who’s actually asking him where he is…and he doesn’t admit that he's on a date with you…

…then, there are high probabilities that he’s just a player

How to tell if he's a player?

I've been talking to a guy for 2 months. He's great but I don't know what his intentions are. How can you tell if a guys a player?

We're from the same hometown (dated years ago.) he randomly called asking me out. He lives 4 hrs away but drove here twice. We've gone out to a nice dinner and a football game, paid for everything, drove me home...didnt try to come in my place or anything. He texts cute messages daily, calls on his way home from work. He seems perfect-- which is making me skeptical.

Lately, he sends texts like, "Imagine us laying together, me behind you, gently kissing your neck...." and the last time we were making out he said "i want to kiss every inch of your body..."

I'm 24 and not a prude, but I really DONT want to be just a "hook up". I like him, I don't know why someone 4 hrs away would be trying to date me...How can I tell if he's into me or trying to get into my pants?

He told me he's a player but ...?

if he found a girl he really cared about he'd be loyal and respectful to her. He also told me he only talks to girls for a few days then he loses interest. We've been talking for almost a month. Could it be possible that he's changing? Should I trust him since he admitted to being a player?

What are some signs that a guy is a player?

How can you tell if a guy is a player if you don't really know but he's interested in you?

What's the difference in behaviour if he's just really attracted to you compared to if he's playing?

Chi Chi x.

He played me like a fool now what should i do? :)?

The best way to get back at him, is to walk away and not look back. People who play other people like this are only out for themselves and only out for attention. The attention they aren't getting from there current partners. So the best way to deal with someone who uses other people purely for attention is not to give them any. If he doesn't know he's still with his girlfriend then just walk, don't look back, don't contact him again just walk. Eventually his girlfriend will stop giving him attention and he'll wonder where you've gone. He'll come back with some lame excuse, my phone broke or I lost your number. Just don't bother replying. He'll try again and again and eventually will realise he's lost you.

By trying to get back at him you're still giving him the attention he wants. every heard of the saying any attention is better then none at all? This is the same in this case. Even bad attention for example you slapping him or you sending him abusive texts just makes him think "ah she must have really loved me, shame on her". Just leave him to him own selfishness, eventually his current girlfriend will walk and he'll be alone. You will have moved on and found someone who truly does care about you, and you'll really understand the meaning of Love.

Do you think a player would admit it if he's a player?

I discussed this with my friends... I often ask guys I am interested in, whether they're players. And I'd believe them. The thing here is that, my friends, in different occasions, laughed it off, saying a player would NEVER admit that he's a player. My friends were like, "Of course they'd never say they're, even if they're.."

So, I wanna know what all of you think of this. Thanks! =)

I'm dating a guy but he's a player. I like him but I don't want to because I know I'm gonna end up getting hurt. What do I do?

It’s your expectations that’s going to hurt you, not the guy.What’s with the labels “player.”He’s a man, who likes sex, and he’s been honest about it in his behaviour, so he isn’t playing. Player, is when a woman says that because she cannot get him to conform, fixed, changed and then they call him a player.You knew who he is. A guy confident in what he wants and he doesn’t want to be labelled, put in a box and just do what he wants.He’s being who he is and world around him is playing trying to box him into a label because they have expectations of their own.So it’s not that he is going to hurt you.You’re going to hurt yourself because you’re following a psychological script, in which you desire such a guy but you now want him fixed.He cannot be fixed or changed.He’s a lover not a boxed up, ready, supplicating, fix it boyfriend.Nothing wrong with what he is doing.He’s being who he wants to be and he doesn’t care about what people say about him. He’s glad people call him a player. He’d rather be called that than nice guy, pretty boy, handsome, gentleman who are all over this place asking questions on why they cannot get a girlfriend and get laid.You know, “got to fix the man,” into a “good boy,” doesn’t work and now that you have realised it so, it’s best to move on.Better you find some guy who is compatible with you, in your expectations, in what you want and is similar in values.It’s a lot easier but the moment a woman calls a guy a player, we know what’s up..“I can’t fix him. I can’t get him to be what I want to be.”Far easier to be with someone who is already the type of guy you want than trying to fix someone into this image in your mind.