Is Islam Supposed To Be A Funny Joke

Is there any funny Muslim jokes?

From the first link below.

Q: What do female Muslims use for birth control?
A: Their faces.

Go to the link to see a lot more.

From the second link below.

Q. What do you call a Muslim who owns a camel and a goat?
A. Bisexual.

From the third link below.

Q. What do you call a Muslim minding his own business?
A. Your Enemy.

From the fourth link below.

Q. Why did the prophet Mohammed [peace be upon him] cross the road?
A. He was picking his wife up from the kindergarten.

There are literally thousands of sites with stuff like these.


Does supernatural make fun of Islam?

It's a show and they make jokes about everything even God being permanently MIA in heaven and saying that he gave up on Earth and man a long time ago. They make fun of things and you can't take anything THAT literally!! OMG it's just a show for gosh sakes. Lighten up. I believe in God and I am a good Christian and that means accepting the World that we live in. Just because a joke was told you still have to be tolerant even though it isn't funny from your point of view, or really untrue to what you believe in. If you don't approve then don't watch it. It really is that simple. Your welcome.

Is this joke funny? The Amish Farmer?

An Amish farmer, walking through his field, notices a man
kneeling down and drinking from his farm pond.

The Amish farmer shouts: 'Trink das wasser nicht. Die
kuhen haben dahin gesheissen.' (Which means: 'Don't
drink the water, the pigs have crapped in it.')

The kneeling man shouts back: 'I'm a Muslim, I don't
understand you. I speak Arabic and English. If you can't
speak in the sacred tongue of Islam, speak in English.'

The Amish farmer says: 'Use two hands, you'll get more.'

Are these 7 memes supposed to be funny or in bad taste? (See description for the memes)

World population 7 billion!Now you can not expect everyone (whosoever meet you) to respect your religion or choices. Undoubtedly there will come time when someone will disagree with your choices not because he/she hates you or he/she is evil. Because the way they look at their life and what they have been through in Life are completely different than your Life.So don't get offended by any joke or sarcastic comments on your religion. There are even comments on Hindus about how they believe in saints and how Hindu women keep fast on Karwachoth.You can't stop people from posting sarcastic comments and making jokes. ​​​​

Is it haram to make gay jokes?

i mean joking about being gay :P
cuz my bro was makin jokes bout bieng gay
then my mum told him off and said its haram to joke about it

is it haram to joke about it? cuz u dont mean it ..

What do you think of this islamic joke I found on a website?

A man is taking a walk in Central park in New York. Suddenly he sees a little girl being attacked by a pit bull dog . He runs over and starts fighting with the dog. He succeeds in killing the dog and saving the girl's life. A policeman who was watching the scene walks over and says: "You are a hero, tomorrow you can read it in all the newspapers: "Brave New Yorker saves the life of little girl" The man says: - "But I am not a New Yorker!" "Oh ,then it will say in newspapers in the morning: 'Brave American saves life of little girl'" – the policeman answers. "But I am not an American!" – says the man. "Oh, what are you then? " The man says: - "I am a Saudi !" The next day the newspapers says: "Islamic extremist kills innocent American dog.